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DVDs du film Terminator Renaissance


Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Terminator RenaissanceDVD

Bonus :

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Terminator RenaissanceBlu-Ray

Bonus :
• “Re-Forging the Future” – Go behind the scenes of Terminator Salvation with an exclusive set tour.
• “The Moto-Terminator” - See how the Terminator Salvation visual effects crew and Ducati partnered to create the slick and deadly Moto-Terminator!
• Maximum Movie Mode featuring director McG deconstructing the film's key moments.
• Picture (PiP) commentary with cast and crew interviews, storyboards, still galleries, timeline and more!
• Plus, 11 mini featurette focus points spotlighting how the ground-breaking special effects were created!

BD LIVE Content Includes:
• “Resist Or Be Terminated” Tech Com videos (nine viral videos from the theatrical campaign and four new videos from the Home Entertainment campaign)
• “The Final Resistance” video – access the secret plans of Skynet
• CINECHAT – BD-Live technology that lets viewers around the world chat live about this, or any other CINECHAT enabled BD disc, from Sony Pictures International Home Entertainment!

- VOS COMMENTAIRES (ancienne version pour ceux qui n'ont pas de compte Facebook) -

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necrophienecrophie - 13/02/2008 à 00:09
# 1

et Schwarzy alors il y sera !?
terminator sons pas de Schwarzy ça vaut rien et je sais de quoi je parle

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