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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark


Une petite fille doit vivre avec son père et sa nouvelle petite amie. Celle-ci va découvrir que de sinistres créatures vivent sous les escaliers de sa nouvelle demeure...

Titre original : DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Fantasy,Horror,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 39 minAnnée : 2010Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 2012-06-06Sortie US : 2011-08-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Argentina - No temas a la oscuridad
Australia - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Brazil - Não Tenha Medo do Escuro
Bulgaria - Не се плаши от тъмното(Bulgarian)
Canada - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

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Canada - N'aie pas peur du noir
Chile - No le temas a la oscuridad
Czech Republic - Nebojte se tmy
Estonia - Ära karda pimedust
Finland - Älä pelkää pimeää
France - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Germany - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Greece - Mi fovasai to skotadi
Greece - Μη φοβάσαι το σκοτάδι
Hong Kong - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Hungary - Ne félj a sötéttől!
India - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
India - Apradhi Kaun
Italy - Non avere paura del buio
Japan - Dark Fairy
Japan - ダーク・フェアリー
Lithuania - Nebijok tamsos
Mexico - No temas a la oscuridad
Netherlands - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Peru - No tengas miedo a la oscuridad
Poland - Nie bój się ciemności
Portugal - Não Tenhas Medo do Escuro
Romania - Nu-ti fie frica de întuneric
Russia - Не бойся темноты
Serbia - Ne plaši se mraka
Slovenia - Ne boj se teme
Spain - No tengas miedo a la oscuridad
Sweden - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Taiwan - 別怕黑
Turkey - Karanlıktan Korkma
Ukraine - Не бійся темряви
United Kingdom - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
United States - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Vietnam - Đừng Sợ Bóng Tối
Acteurs :
Buggy Driver
Housekeeper (as Edwina Ritchard)
Airport Cart Driver
Mrs Underhill
Caterer (as Emelia Burns)
Charles Jacoby
Evelyn Jacoby
Creature (voice)
Creature (voice)
Creature (voice)
Creature (voice)
Creature (voice)
Joanne (voice)
Tourist (uncredited)
Cocktail Party Guest (uncredited)
Extra (uncredited)
Dont Be Afraid of the Dark

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jojo43 - 19/05/2009 à 00:47
# 1

jaimerais beaucoup savoir si il a un endroit ou l'ont peut le telecharger en francais jai aimer se film d'horreur merci jatend de vos nouvelle

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