ABATTOIR 5 (1972)
Etats-Unis, années 60. Billy Pilgrim est l’un des vétérans de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, mais il est différent de tous les autres : il a la capacité de voyager dans le temps. Marié, père de famille respectable, il peut à tout moment être renvoyé dans le passé ou dans le futur. Le passé, c’est Dresde, où Billy fut prisonnier de guerre pendant les terribles bombardements qui ont détruit la ville. Le futur, c’est une étrange planète, sur laquelle, prisonnier d’un dôme de verre, il est le sujet d’expériences pratiquées par des êtres qu’il ne peut pas voir. Comment expliquer ces allers-retours incessants ? Qu’est-il arrivé à Billy Pilgrim ?
Réalisateur(s) : George Roy Hill
Scénariste(s) : Kurt Vonnegut Jr (novel), , Stephen Geller (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Comedy,Drama,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 44 minAnnée : 1972Pays : United StatesRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 1972-05-24Sortie US : 1972-03-15Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Slaughterhouse-Five
Argentina - Matadero cinco
Australia - Slaughterhouse-Five
Belgium - Slachthuis 5(Flemish)
Brazil - Matadouro 5(Alternative Title)
Brazil - Matadouro Cinco
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapBy what name was Abattoir 5 (1972) officially released in India in English?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Кланица 5
Canada - Slaughterhouse-Five
Canada - Abattoir 5
Colombia - Matadero cinco
Czech Republic - Jatka č. 5
Denmark - Slagtehus 5
Ecuador - Slaughterhouse-Five
Finland - Teurastamo 5
France - Abattoir 5
Germany - Schlachthof 5
Greece - Sfageio yp' arithmon 5
Greece - Σφαγείο νούμερο 5
Greece - Σφαγείο υπ' αριθμόν 5
Hungary - Az ötös számú vágóhíd
Israel - Beit mitbahayim hamesh
Italy - Mattatoio 5
Japan - スローターハウス5
Lithuania - Skerdykla Nr. 5
Norway - Slakthus 5
Norway - Slaktehus 5
Poland - Rzeźnia nr 5
Portugal - Matadouro 5
Romania - Abatorul - cinci
Serbia - Klanica pet
Soviet Union - Бойня номер пять
Spain - Matadero cinco
Sweden - Slakthus 5
Turkey - Mezbaha No.5
Ukraine - Бійня номер п'ять
United Kingdom - Slaughterhouse-Five
United States - Slaughterhouse-Five
Vietnam - Lò Sát Sinh Số 5
West Germany - Schlachthof 5
(original title) - Slaughterhouse-Five
Argentina - Matadero cinco
Australia - Slaughterhouse-Five
Belgium - Slachthuis 5(Flemish)
Brazil - Matadouro 5(Alternative Title)
Brazil - Matadouro Cinco
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapBy what name was Abattoir 5 (1972) officially released in India in English?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Кланица 5
Canada - Slaughterhouse-Five
Canada - Abattoir 5
Colombia - Matadero cinco
Czech Republic - Jatka č. 5
Denmark - Slagtehus 5
Ecuador - Slaughterhouse-Five
Finland - Teurastamo 5
France - Abattoir 5
Germany - Schlachthof 5
Greece - Sfageio yp' arithmon 5
Greece - Σφαγείο νούμερο 5
Greece - Σφαγείο υπ' αριθμόν 5
Hungary - Az ötös számú vágóhíd
Israel - Beit mitbahayim hamesh
Italy - Mattatoio 5
Japan - スローターハウス5
Lithuania - Skerdykla Nr. 5
Norway - Slakthus 5
Norway - Slaktehus 5
Poland - Rzeźnia nr 5
Portugal - Matadouro 5
Romania - Abatorul - cinci
Serbia - Klanica pet
Soviet Union - Бойня номер пять
Spain - Matadero cinco
Sweden - Slakthus 5
Turkey - Mezbaha No.5
Ukraine - Бійня номер п'ять
United Kingdom - Slaughterhouse-Five
United States - Slaughterhouse-Five
Vietnam - Lò Sát Sinh Số 5
West Germany - Schlachthof 5
Acteurs :
Michael Sacks Billy Pilgrim
Ron Leibman Paul Lazzaro
Eugene Roche Edgar Derby
Sharon Gans Valencia Merble Pilgrim
Valerie Perrine Montana Wildhack
Holly Near Barbara Pilgrim
Perry King Robert Pilgrim
Kevin Conway Roland Weary
Friedrich von Ledebur German Leader (as Friedrich Ledebur)
Ekkehardt Belle Young German Guard (as Nick Belle)
Sorrell Booke Lionel Merble
Roberts Blossom Wild Bob Cody
John Dehner Prof Rumfoord
Gary Waynesmith Stanley
Richard Schaal Howard W Campbell Jr
Gilmer McCormick Lily Rumfoord
Stan Gottlieb Hobo
Karl-Otto Alberty German Guard - Group Two
Henry Bumstead Eliot Rosewater
Lucille Benson Billy's Mother
John Wood English Officer (as Tom Wood)
Ladislav Jakim
Oto Sevcík (as Sevcík Otto)
Alexander Allerson German Propaganda Man (uncredited)
Robert Anthony American Corporal (uncredited)
David Carlile Billy's Father (uncredited)
Bill Cole Singer (uncredited)
Harald Dietl German Guard - Group Two (uncredited)
Ronnie Elliott Machine Operator (uncredited)
Walter Feuchtenberg German Guard - Group Two (uncredited)
Barbara Frey Nurse (uncredited)
Warren Frost Driver (uncredited)
John Goddard Anesthesiologist (uncredited)
Paul Hansard German Photographer (uncredited)
Bob Harks Father at Swimming Pool (uncredited)
Bob 'Tiger' Hemond Billy Pilgrim - Age 8 (uncredited)
Emil Iserle Old Man in Street (uncredited)
Frank Jamus Assistant Doctor (uncredited)
William Kanady Singer (uncredited)
Otto Konrad German Guard - Group Two (uncredited)
Bill Lee Singer (uncredited)
Joshua Hill Lewis Billy Pilgrim - Age 8 Underwater (uncredited)
Bryan Montgomery Slave Boy (uncredited)
Kent O'Dell Father at Swimming Pool (uncredited)
Hank Robinson Father at Swimming Pool (uncredited)
George Skaff Emergency Doctor (uncredited)
Richard Stahl Army Doctor (uncredited)
Charles Stapley English Officer (uncredited)
Joan Swift OR Nurse (uncredited)
Werner Umberg SS Officer (uncredited)
James Wheeler Singer (uncredited)
Michael Sacks Billy Pilgrim
Ron Leibman Paul Lazzaro
Eugene Roche Edgar Derby
Sharon Gans Valencia Merble Pilgrim
Valerie Perrine Montana Wildhack
Holly Near Barbara Pilgrim
Perry King Robert Pilgrim
Kevin Conway Roland Weary
Friedrich von Ledebur German Leader (as Friedrich Ledebur)
Ekkehardt Belle Young German Guard (as Nick Belle)
Sorrell Booke Lionel Merble
Roberts Blossom Wild Bob Cody
John Dehner Prof Rumfoord
Gary Waynesmith Stanley
Richard Schaal Howard W Campbell Jr
Gilmer McCormick Lily Rumfoord
Stan Gottlieb Hobo
Karl-Otto Alberty German Guard - Group Two
Henry Bumstead Eliot Rosewater
Lucille Benson Billy's Mother
John Wood English Officer (as Tom Wood)
Ladislav Jakim
Oto Sevcík (as Sevcík Otto)
Alexander Allerson German Propaganda Man (uncredited)
Robert Anthony American Corporal (uncredited)
David Carlile Billy's Father (uncredited)
Bill Cole Singer (uncredited)
Harald Dietl German Guard - Group Two (uncredited)
Ronnie Elliott Machine Operator (uncredited)
Walter Feuchtenberg German Guard - Group Two (uncredited)
Barbara Frey Nurse (uncredited)
Warren Frost Driver (uncredited)
John Goddard Anesthesiologist (uncredited)
Paul Hansard German Photographer (uncredited)
Bob Harks Father at Swimming Pool (uncredited)
Bob 'Tiger' Hemond Billy Pilgrim - Age 8 (uncredited)
Emil Iserle Old Man in Street (uncredited)
Frank Jamus Assistant Doctor (uncredited)
William Kanady Singer (uncredited)
Otto Konrad German Guard - Group Two (uncredited)
Bill Lee Singer (uncredited)
Joshua Hill Lewis Billy Pilgrim - Age 8 Underwater (uncredited)
Bryan Montgomery Slave Boy (uncredited)
Kent O'Dell Father at Swimming Pool (uncredited)
Hank Robinson Father at Swimming Pool (uncredited)
George Skaff Emergency Doctor (uncredited)
Richard Stahl Army Doctor (uncredited)
Charles Stapley English Officer (uncredited)
Joan Swift OR Nurse (uncredited)
Werner Umberg SS Officer (uncredited)
James Wheeler Singer (uncredited)
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