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X-men - L'Affrontement Final


Dans le chapitre final de la trilogie X-Men, les mutants affrontent un choix historique et leur plus grand combat... Un "traitement" leur permet désormais d'échapper à ce qu'ils sont. Pour la première fois, ils ont le choix : conserver ce qui fait leur caractère unique mais leur vaut la défiance et la méfiance de l'humanité, ou bien abandonner leurs pouvoirs et devenir des humains à part entière.
Les points de vue opposés des leaders des mutants, Charles Xavier, qui prêche la tolérance, et Magneto, qui croit à la survie des plus adaptés, sont plus que jamais incompatibles et vont déclencher la plus acharnée des batailles.

Titre original : X-MEN: THE LAST STAND
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 44 minAnnée : 2006Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2006-05-24Sortie US : 2006-05-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - X-Men: The Last Stand
Argentina - X-Men: La batalla final
Australia - X-Men: The Last Stand
Azerbaijan - İks-adamlar: Son müqavimət
Brazil - X-Men: O Confronto Final
Bulgaria - Х-Мен: Последният сблъсък(Bulgarian)
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Canada - X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Canada - X-men: L'engagement ultime
China - X战警3:背水一战
Colombia - X-Men: La batalla final
Croatia - X-Men: Posljednja fronta
Czech Republic - X-Men: Poslední vzdor
Ecuador - X-Men: The Last Stand
Egypt - X-Men: The Last Stand
Estonia - X-mehed: viimane vastuhakk
Finland - X III: Viimeinen kohtaaminen
Finland - X-Men 3 - Viimeinen kohtaaminen
Finland - X-Men: Viimeinen kohtaaminen
France - X-Men : L'Affrontement final
Germany - X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand
Greece - X-men - I teliki anametrisi
Greece - X-Men: Η τελική αναμέτρηση
Hong Kong - X-Men: The Last Stand
Hungary - X-Men: Az ellenállás vége
India - X-Men: The Last Stand
India - X-में: द लास्ट स्टैंड
Israel - X-Men 3: Hamiflat Ha'acharon
Italy - X-Men: Conflitto finale
Japan - X-Men: Final Decision
Japan - X-MEN:ファイナル・ディシジョン
Kazakhstan - Икс адамдар: Соңғы шайқас
Kazakhstan - Люди Икс: Последняя битва
Latvia - X-Cilvēki: Pēdējā sadursme
Lithuania - Iksmenai: žūtbūtinis mūšis
Mexico - X-Men III: La batalla final
Mexico - X3: La batalla final
Netherlands - X-Men: The Last Stand
Norway - X-Men III: The Last Stand
Philippines - X-Men: The Last Stand
Poland - X-Men: Ostatni bastion
Portugal - X-Men: O confronto final
Romania - X-Men: Ultima înfruntare
Russia - Люди Икс: Последняя битва
Serbia - Икс-мен: Последње упориште
Singapore - X-Men 3
Slovakia - X-Men: Posledný vzdor
Slovenia - Mozje X: Zadnji spopad
South Africa - X-Men: The Last Stand
South America - X-Men 3: La batalla final
South Korea - X-Men: The Last Stand
Spain - X-Men: La decisión final
Spain - X-men: La decisió final
Sweden - X-Men: The Last Stand
Taiwan - X戰警:最後戰役
Thailand - X-Men: The Last Stand
Turkey - X-Men: Son Direniş
Acteurs :
Logan /Wolverine
Ororo Munroe /Storm
Erik Lehnsherr /Magneto
Charles Xavier /Professor X
Jean Grey /Phoenix
Marie /Rogue
Dr Henry 'Hank' McCoy /Beast
Scott Summers /Cyclops
Raven Darkholme /Mystique
Bobby Drake /Iceman
John Allerdyce /Pyro
Cain Marko /Juggernaut
Kitty Pryde /Shadowcat (as Ellen Page)
Peter Rasputin /Colossus
Warren Worthington III /Angel
Warren Worthington II
Dr Kavita Rao
The President
Multiple Man
Mrs Grey
Mr Grey
Young Jean Grey
Lawnmower Man
Waterhose Man
Young Angel
Dr McCoy's Assistant
FBI Mystique Interrogator
Jimmy /Leech
Jubilation Lee /Jubilee
Theresa Rourke Cassidy /Siryn
Mutant Theatre Organizer
Lizard Man
Little Phat
Glob Herman (as Clayton Watmough)
Kid Omega
Prison Truck Guard #1 (as Julian D Christopher)
Prison Truck Guard #2
Prison Truck Little Girl
Newscaster (as Mi Jung Lee)
Worthington Technician
Prison Truck Driver
Sergeant (voice)
Team Leader
Minivan Mother
Minivan Father
Minivan Daughter
Minivan Son #1
Minivan Son #2
Commander (as Ronald Blecker)
Alcatraz Lieutenant
Omega Mutie (as David Colin Smith)
Mutant (uncredited)
Soldier (uncredited)
Mutant Cure (uncredited)
School Gardener (uncredited)
US Military Soldier (uncredited)
Husband at BBQ (uncredited)
Mother (uncredited)
Soldier (uncredited)
Captain (uncredited)
Ash Man (uncredited)
Artie (uncredited)
X-Student (uncredited)
Bystander (uncredited)
X-Student at Funeral (uncredited)
Protesting Mutant (uncredited)
Halfmoon Girl (uncredited)
Mutant (uncredited)
Soldier (uncredited)
Brotherhood Mutant (uncredited)
Protesting Mutant (uncredited)
Dr Moira MacTaggart (uncredited)
X-men - LAffrontement Final

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