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Titre original : WINCHESTER
Réalisateur(s) : (as The Spierig Brothers), (as The Spierig Brothers)
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Biography,Fantasy,Horror
Durée : 1 h 39 minAnnée : 2018Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2018-05-10Sortie US : 2018-02-02
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Winchester
Winchester Mystery House
Argentina - La maldición de la casa Winchester
Australia - Winchester
Austria - Winchester - Das Haus der Verdammten
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Kuca duhova(Bosnian)

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Brazil - A Maldição da Casa Winchester
Bulgaria - Уинчестър: Домът, който призраците построиха
Canada - Winchester
Canada - Winchester: Le Manoir hanté
Chile - La maldición de la casa Winchester
China - 温彻斯特
Colombia - La maldición de la casa Winchester
Croatia - Kuća duhova
Czech Republic - Winchester: Sídlo démonů
Denmark - Winchester: House of Ghosts
Finland - Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built
France - La Malédiction Winchester
Germany - Winchester - Das Haus der Verdammten
Greece - Winchester: Το σπίτι των φαντασμάτων
Hungary - Szellemek háza
India - Winchester
India - Winchester
Ireland - Winchester
Italy - La vedova Winchester
Japan - ウィンチェスターハウス アメリカで最も呪われた屋敷
Latvia - Vinčestera
Lithuania - Vincesterio kosmaras
Mexico - La maldición de la casa de Winchester
Netherlands - Winchester
New Zealand - Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built
Norway - Winchester: House of Ghosts
Peru - La maldición de la casa Winchester
Philippines - Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built
Poland - Winchester. Dom duchów
Portugal - A Maldição da Casa Winchester
Romania - Winchester: Casa spiritelor
Russia - Винчестер. Дом, который построили призраки
South Africa - Winchester
Spain - Winchester: La casa que construyeron los espíritus
Sweden - Winchester - House of Ghosts
Taiwan - 溫徹斯特鬼屋
Thailand - Winchester
Turkey - Winchester Gizemli Ev
Ukraine - Вінчестер. Будинок, збудований привидами
United Kingdom - Winchester
United States - Winchester
United States - Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built
United States - The 13th Hour
Uruguay - La maldición de la casa Winchester
Vietnam - Dinh Thự Winchester
Acteurs :
Sarah Winchester
Marion Marriott
Henry Marriott
Dr Eric Price
Partially Dressed Lady #1
Partially Dressed Lady #2
Arthur Gates
John Hansen
Ben Block
Ruby Price
Farmer Amputee
Native American Child
Carpenter #1 (as Jayden Irving)
Carpenter #2
Carpenter #3
Wiry Carpenter
Harry Block
James Block
Innocent Man #1
Innocent Man #2
Innocent Man #3
Innocent Woman
Police Officer #1
Police Officer #2
Police Officer #3
Police Officer #4 (as Luke David Maizey)
Police Officer #5
Police Officer #6
Slave Ghost
Chief Little Fawn
Ghost #1
Ghost #2 - Farmer
Ghost #3 - Union Soldier
Ghost #4 - Sheriff
Ghost #5 - Police Officer (as Xavier Gerard Ludovic Gouault)
Ghost #6 - Confederate Soldier
Ghost #7 - Rail Worker
Ghost #8 - Cowboy
Ghost #9 - Sheriff
Ghost #10 - Mexican Woman
Ghost #11 - Cotton Picker
Ghost #12 - 1895 Wealthy Lady
Ghost #13 - Prostitute
Ghost #14 - Farmer's Wife
Ghost #15 - Maid
Stage Coach Bandit (uncredited)
Tormented Cowboy (uncredited)
Towns Person (uncredited)
Footman (uncredited)
Butler /Carpenter (uncredited)
Carpenter (uncredited)
Carpenter (uncredited)
Carpenter (uncredited)
Carpenter (uncredited)
Jack (uncredited)

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