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V/H/S 2

V/H/S 2 (2013)

Deux officiers de police enquêtent sur la disparition d’un élève. Pendant leur enquête, ils tombent sur une étrange collection de cassettes VHS...

Titre original : V/H/S/2
Réalisateur(s) : (segment 'Tape 49'), (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction'), (segment 'Safe Haven') (as Gareth Huw Evans), (segment 'A Ride in the Park'), (segment 'A Ride in the Park') (as Edúardo Sanchez), (segment 'Safe Haven'), (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 36 minAnnée : 2013Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 1.78 : 1Sortie France : 2013-09-06Sortie US : 2013-07-12
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - V/H/S/2
Argentina - Las crónicas del miedo 2
Australia - V/H/S/2
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Video/Kaseta/2(Croatian)
Canada - V/H/S/2
Canada - V/H/S 2

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Chile - Las crónicas del miedo 2
China - 恐怖录像带2
China - 致命录像带2
Croatia - Video/Kaseta/2
France - V/H/S 2
Germany - S-VHS aka V/H/S 2
Greece - V/H/S/2
India - V/H/S 2
Indonesia - V/H/S/2
Japan - V/H/S: Next Level
Japan - V/H/S ネクストレベル
Lithuania - Vaizdajuostė 2
Mexico - VHS: Las crónicas del miedo 2
Peru - Escalofrío satánico
Russia - З/Л/О 2
Serbia - Video/Kaseta/2
Spain - V/H/S/2
Taiwan - 索命影帶2
Turkey - Dehşet Kaseti 2
Ukraine - З/Л/О 2
United Kingdom - V/H/S/2
United States - V/H/S/2
United States - S-VHS
United States - VHS: Las crónicas del miedo 2
Vietnam - Đoạn Băng Kinh Hoàng 2
Acteurs :
Larry (segment 'Tape 49')
Ayesha (segment 'Tape 49')
Kyle (segment 'Tape 49')
Steve (segment 'Tape 49')
Tabitha (segment 'Tape 49')
Hotel Maid (segment 'Tape 49')
Herman (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Clarissa (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Dr Fleischer (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Young Girl (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Bloody Man (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Uncle (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Justin (segment 'Phase I Clinical Trials')
Biker (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Screaming Girl (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Good Samaritan Guy (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Good Samaritan Girl (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Biker's Girlfriend (segment 'A Ride in the Park') (as Devon Brookshire)
Zombie (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Zombie (segment 'A Ride in the Park') (as Thea Curley)
Zombie (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Zombie (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Zombie (segment 'A Ride in the Park') (as D C Cathro)
Birthday Girl (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Girl Filming Birthday Party (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Soccer Dad (segment 'A Ride in the Park') (as Ryan Thomas)
Eye Bite Victim (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Baseball Bat Dad (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Shotgun Dude (segment 'A Ride in the Park') (as Mark Sanders)
iPhone Filming Kid (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Female Party Victim (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Lone Girl (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Dead Boyfriend (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Party Guest (segment 'A Ride in the Park')
Adam (segment 'Safe Haven')
Lena (segment 'Safe Haven')
Malik (segment 'Safe Haven')
Joni (segment 'Safe Haven') (as Andrew Lincoln Suleiman)
Father (segment 'Safe Haven')
Ibu Sri (segment 'Safe Haven')
Girl 1 (segment 'Safe Haven')
A Man (segment 'Safe Haven')
New Guard (segment 'Safe Haven')
Guard 1 (segment 'Safe Haven')
Guard 2 (segment 'Safe Haven')
Guard 3 (segment 'Safe Haven')
Guard 4 (segment 'Safe Haven')
Guard 5 (segment 'Safe Haven')
Teacher (segment 'Safe Haven')
Teacher Husband (segment 'Safe Haven')
Wife (segment 'Safe Haven')
Husband (segment 'Safe Haven')
Demon (segment 'Safe Haven')
Demon (segment 'Safe Haven')
Spiderwoman /Dead Lady (segment 'Safe Haven')
Tank (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Gary (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Jen (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Randy (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Shawn (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Danny (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Zack (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Zack's Friend (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Melissa (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Dad (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Mom (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction') (as Rebecca Babcock)
Alien No 1 (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Alien No 2 (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Alien No 3 (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Alien No 4 (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Model (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')
Model (segment 'Slumber Party Alien Abduction')

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