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Under the Skin


Une extraterrestre arrive sur Terre pour séduire des hommes avant de les faire disparaître.

Titre original : UNDER THE SKIN
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Horror,Mystery
Durée : 1 h 48 minAnnée : 2013Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 2014-06-25Sortie US : 2014-04-18
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Under the Skin
Australia - Under the Skin
Brazil - Sob a Pele
Bulgaria - Под кожата(Bulgarian)
Canada - Under the Skin
Canada - Sous la peau

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Croatia - Pod kožom
Czech Republic - Pod kůží
Ecuador - Under the Skin
Egypt - Under the Skin
Estonia - Naha all
France - Under the Skin
Germany - Under the Skin - Tödliche Verführung
Greece - Kato apo to derma
Greece - Κάτω από το δέρμα
Hong Kong - Under the Skin
Hungary - A felszín alatt
India - Under the Skin
India - Under the Skin
Indonesia - Under the Skin
Ireland - Under The Skin
Israel - Under the Skin
Italy - Under the Skin
Japan - アンダー・ザ・スキン 種の捕食
Latvia - Manā ādā
Lithuania - Po tavo oda
Mexico - Bajo la piel
Netherlands - Under the Skin
Philippines - Under the Skin
Poland - Pod skórą
Portugal - Debaixo da Pele
Romania - Pe sub piele
Russia - Побудь в моей шкуре
Serbia - Pod kožom
Singapore - Under the Skin
Slovenia - Pod kožo
South Africa - Under the Skin
South Korea - Under the Skin
Spain - Under the skin
Sweden - Under the Skin
Taiwan - 肌膚之侵
Thailand - Under the Skin
Turkey - Derinin Altında
Ukraine - Під шкірою
United Arab Emirates - Under the Skin
United Kingdom - Under the Skin
United States - Under the Skin
United States - Bajo la piel
Acteurs :
The Female
The Bad Man
The Dead Woman
Pick-Up Man
First Victim
Leering Man
Second Victim
Man at Club
The Swimmer (as Krystof Hadek)
Father at Beach
Mother at Beach
The Baby
The Baby
Motorcyclist #1

The Nervous Man
Gang Member #1
The Deformed Man
Tearoom Waitress
The Quiet Man
The Bus Driver
The Logger
The Alien
The Walker (uncredited)
Shadow Alien (uncredited)
Nightclub Dancer (uncredited)
Tearoom Customer (uncredited)
Motorcyclist #2 (uncredited)
Under the Skin

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