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The Weekend Murders


A large English family meet at the family estate for the reading of their father's will. Each expects to be the recipient of a tidy sum. But apart from the local constable (Gaston Moschin, GODFATHER 2 ) and a few other small awards to the help, the entire estate goes to the favorite daughter (Anna Moffo). No sooner than the will is read, murder is done. First the butler, then several members of the family! The local constable is joined by a Scotland Yard inspector (Lance Percival), who sees it as an open and shut case.

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Comedy,Crime,Mystery
Durée : 1 h 38 minAnnée : 1970Pays : ItalyLangue(s) : ItalianRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie US : 1972-06-07
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Concerto per pistola solista
Story of a Crime
Argentina - El juego de la muerte(video box title)
Brazil - O Testamento Fatal
Denmark - Det var ikke butleren
East Germany - Konzert für eine Solopistole(TV Title)

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Finland - Kuka kuolee seuraavaksi?
France - Le week-end des assassins
Greece - To savvatokyriako ton dolofonon
Hungary - Koncert szólópisztolyra
Italy - Concerto per pistola solista
Mexico - En domingo no matarás
Netherlands - The Weekend Murders
Portugal - Concerto para Uma Pistola Solista
Soviet Union - Концерт для одного пистолета
Spain - Concierto para pistola solista
Sweden - Ett litet mord om dan
United Kingdom - The Weekend Murders
United Kingdom - Weekend Murders
United States - The Weekend Murders
West Germany - Konzert für eine Pistole
World-wide - The Weekend Murders
Yugoslavia - Ubojstva na vikendu
Acteurs :
Barbara Ward
Inspector Grey
Isabelle Carter (as Eveline Stewart)
Anthony Carter
Ted Collins
Georgie Kemple
Aunt Gladys Kemple
Pauline Collins
Lawrence Carter
Evelyn - The Maid
Arthur - The Valet
Tom - The Stranger
Peter - The Butler
Sergeant Aloysius Thorpe
Mr Thornton - The Lawyer
Harry - The Gardener
The Weekend Murders

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