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The Phantom Empire


Titre original : THE PHANTOM EMPIRE
Réalisateur(s) : , (as Breezy Easton)
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Family,Romance
Durée : 4 hs 5 minAnnée : 1935Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : Black and WhiteRatio : 1.37 : 1Sortie US : 1935-02-23
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Phantom Empire
Gene Autry and the Phantom Empire
Australia - The Phantom Empire
Belgium - De koningin van 't spookenrijk - in 2 delen(Flemish)
Belgium - La reine de l'empire fantôme -en 2 parties
Brazil - O Império dos Fantasmas

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Canada - The Phantom Empire
Finland - Gene Autry and the Phantom Empire
France - L'empire des fantômes
Greece - Ta robot tou Satana
India - The Phantom Empire
Mexico - El imperio fantasma
Netherlands - Het mysterie van de onderwereld
Portugal - O Império Fantasma
Spain - El imperio fantasma
Spain - El 3ª jornada, rayo de la muerte
Spain - La 1ª jornada, ciudad subterránea
Spain - La 2ª jornada, cámara diabólica
United Kingdom - The Phantom Empire
United States - The Phantom Empire
United States - Radio Ranch
West Germany - Phantom-Reiter
Acteurs :
Gene Autry
Frankie Baxter
Betsy Baxter
Queen Tika
Lord Argo
Professor Beetson (as Frank Glendon)
Oscar (as Lester 'Smiley' Burnett)
Pete (as William Moore)
Doctor Cooper (as Edward Piel Sr)
Deputy (uncredited)
Radio Ranch Band (uncredited)
Fiddle Player - Radio Ranch Band (uncredited)
Gaspar - Television Operator (uncredited)
Radio Technician (uncredited)
Muranian Citizen (uncredited)
Muranian Priest (uncredited)
Deputy [Ch 3] (uncredited)
Muranian Guard [Ch 6] (uncredited)
Muranian (uncredited)
Thunder Rider (uncredited)
Guitar Player - Radio Ranch Band (uncredited)
Guard Leader [Ch 8] (uncredited)
High Priest (uncredited)
Mandolin Player - Radio Ranch Band (uncredited)
Musician /Deputy [Ch 3] (uncredited)
Muranian [Chs 1,8,10-11] (uncredited)
Tom Baxter [Ch 1-2] (uncredited)
Lt Paul [Ch 5] (uncredited)
Musician (uncredited)
Muranian Guard (uncredited)
Junior Thunder Rider (uncredited)
Bass Player - Radio Ranch Band (uncredited)
Guitar Player - Radio Ranch Band (uncredited)
Sheriff [Chs 2-4, 12] (uncredited)
Thunder Guard (uncredited)
Thunder Rider Captain (uncredited)
Muranian Soldier (uncredited)
Thunder Guard (uncredited)

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