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The Neon Demon 


Une jeune fille débarque à Los Angeles. Son rêve est de devenir mannequin. Son ascension fulgurante et sa pureté suscitent jalousies et convoitises. Certaines filles s’inclinent devant elle, d'autres sont prêtes à tout pour lui voler sa beauté.

Titre original : THE NEON DEMON
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 57 minAnnée : 2016Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2016-06-08Sortie US : 2016-06-24
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Neon Demon
Australia - The Neon Demon
Austria - The Neon Demon
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Neonski Demon(Croatian)
Brazil - Demônio de Neon
Bulgaria - Неоновият демон(Bulgarian)

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Canada - The Neon Demon
Canada - Le démon de néon
Chile - El demonio de neón
Croatia - Neonski demon
Ecuador - The Neon Demon
Egypt - The Neon Demon
France - The Neon Demon
Germany - The Neon Demon
Greece - The Neon Demon
Hong Kong - The Neon Demon
Hungary - Neon démon
India - The Neon Demon
India - The Neon Demon
Indonesia - The Neon Demon
Israel - The Neon Demon
Italy - The Neon Demon
Japan - ネオン・デーモン
Latvia - Neona dēmons
Lithuania - Neoninis demonas
Mexico - El demonio neón
Netherlands - The Neon Demon
Philippines - The Neon Demon
Poland - Neon Demon
Portugal - The Neon Demon - O Demónio de Néon
Romania - Demonul de Neon
Romania - Demonul din lumina reflectoarelor
Russia - Неоновый демон
Serbia - Neonski demon
Singapore - The Neon Demon
Slovenia - Neonski demon
South Africa - The Neon Demon
South Korea - The Neon Demon
Spain - The Neon Demon
Sweden - The Neon Demon
Taiwan - 霓虹惡魔
Thailand - The Neon Demon
Turkey - Neon Şeytan
Ukraine - Неоновий демон
United Kingdom - The Neon Demon
United States - The Neon Demon
United States - El demonio neón
Venezuela - El demonio neón
World-wide - The Neon Demon
Acteurs :
Roberta Hoffmann
Casting Director
Casting Assistant
Roberto Sarno's Assistant
Flirty Model #1
Pool Photo Shoot Hairstylist
Carrie (as Rachel Dik)
Roberta Hoffmann's Assistant (as Jodie Smith)
Hopeful Model #1
Hopeful Model #2
Hopeful Model #3
Embalmed Female Corpse (as Cody Cameron)
Model Joy
Young Model
Model #1
Model #2
Model #3
Model #4 (as Tea Jovanovic Raza)
Model #5
Model #6 (as Olga Chaplinskaya)
Model #7
Model #8
Model #9
Model #10
Model #11
Model #12 (as Lauren Adams)
Model #13 (as Bridgham Leigh)
Model #14
Model #15
Model #16
Model #17 (as Keira Smith)
Model #18 (as Lavina Postolache)
Costume Supervisor
Male Model (uncredited)
Uncomfortable Restaurant Guest (uncredited)
Male Model (uncredited)
Model (uncredited)
Girl (uncredited)
Model (uncredited)
Model (uncredited)
Model (uncredited)
Young Girl (uncredited)
Nick (uncredited)
Roberto Sarno (uncredited)
Older Female Corpse in Morgue (uncredited)
The Neon Demon 

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