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The Amazing Spider-Man


Abandonné par ses parents lorsqu’il était enfant, Peter Parker a été élevé par son oncle Ben et sa tante May. Il est aujourd’hui au lycée, mais il a du mal à s’intégrer. Comme la plupart des adolescents de son âge, Peter essaie de comprendre qui il est et d’accepter son parcours. Amoureux pour la première fois, lui et Gwen Stacy découvrent les sentiments, l’engagement et les secrets. En retrouvant une mystérieuse mallette ayant appartenu à son père, Peter entame une quête pour élucider la disparition de ses parents, ce qui le conduit rapidement à Oscorp et au laboratoire du docteur Curt Connors, l’ancien associé de son père. Spider-Man va bientôt se retrouver face au Lézard, l’alter ego de Connors. En décidant d’utiliser ses pouvoirs, il va choisir son destin…

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Sci-Fi
Durée : 2 hs 16 minAnnée : 2012Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2012-07-04Sortie US : 2012-07-03
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Amazing Spider-Man
Argentina - El Sorprendente Hombre Araña
Australia - The Amazing Spider-Man
Austria - The Amazing Spider-Man
Azerbaijan - Yeni Hörümçək-adam
Brazil - O Espetacular Homem-Aranha
50 more

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Bulgaria - Невероятният Спайдър-мен
Canada - The Amazing Spider-Man
Canada - L'extraordinaire Spider-Man
Chile - El sorprendente hombre araña
Colombia - El sorprendente hombre araña
Croatia - Čudesni Spider-Man
Czech Republic - Amazing Spider-Man
Denmark - The Amazing Spider-Man
Ecuador - El Sorprendente Hombre Araña
Egypt - The Amazing Spider-Man
Estonia - Imeline Ämblikmees
Finland - The Amazing Spider-Man
France - The Amazing Spider-Man
Germany - The Amazing Spider-Man
Greece - The Amazing Spider-Man
Hong Kong - The Amazing Spider-Man
Hungary - A csodálatos Pókember
India - The Amazing Spider-Man
India - द अमेज़िंग स्पाइडर-मैन
Indonesia - The Amazing Spider-Man
Ireland - The Amazing Spider-Man
Israel - Spiderman ha'moufla
Italy - The Amazing Spider-Man
Japan - Ameijingu Supaidâ Man
Japan - アメイジング・スパイダーマン
Kazakhstan - Жаңа Өрмекші-адам
Kazakhstan - Новый Человек-паук
Latvia - Apbrīnojamais Zirnekļcilvēks
Lithuania - Nepaprastas žmogus-voras
Mexico - El Sorprendente Hombre-Araña
Netherlands - The Amazing Spider-Man 3D
New Zealand - The Amazing Spider-Man
Peru - El Sorprendente Hombre-Araña
Philippines - The Amazing Spider-Man
Poland - Niesamowity Spider-Man
Portugal - O Fantástico Homem-Aranha
Romania - Uimitorul Om-Paianjen
Russia - Новый Человек-паук
Serbia - Neverovatni Spajdermen
Serbia - Чудесни Спајдермен
Singapore - The Amazing Spider-Man
Slovakia - Amazing Spider-Man
Slovenia - Neverjetni Spider-man
South Africa - The Amazing Spider-Man
South Korea - The Amazing Spider-Man
Spain - The Amazing Spider-Man
Spain - The amazing Spider-Man
Sweden - The Amazing Spider-Man
Taiwan - 蜘蛛人:驚奇再起
Thailand - The Amazing Spider-Man
Acteurs :
Spider-Man /Peter Parker
Gwen Stacy
The Lizard /Dr Curt Connors
Captain Stacy
Uncle Ben
Aunt May
Rajit Ratha
Richard Parker
Mary Parker
Flash Thompson
Peter Parker (Age 4)
Jack's Father
Jack (as Jake Ryan Keiffer)
Helen Stacy
Store Clerk
Cash Register Thief
Missy Kallenback
Hot Girl (as Kelsey Chow)
Mr Cramer
Physics Nerd
Physics Nerd
Miss Ritter
School Librarian
Nicky's Girlfriend
Car Thief
Car Thief Cop
OsCorp Intern
Rodrigo Guevara (as Milton Gonzalez)
Howard Stacy
Phillip Stacy
Simon Stacy
Construction Worker
Taxi Driver
Police Officer with Sketch
Police Officer
Officer (SWAT)
Sheila (Subway)
Subway Guy
Newscaster (News Chopper)
Second Girl (Subway)
Man in the Shadows
Ariel (as Amber Stevens)
Goth Guy (uncredited)
Parent (uncredited)
Doorman (uncredited)
Businessman (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Swat on Gurney (uncredited)
Screaming Teenager (uncredited)
Scientist (uncredited)
Science Student (uncredited)
Swat #1 (uncredited)
High School Student - Kissing Couple (uncredited)
Customs House Pedestrian (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Lab Technician (uncredited)
Science Teacher (uncredited)
Businessperson (uncredited)
Graffiti Kid (uncredited)
Angelo Fincelli (uncredited)
Gossip Girl (uncredited)
Tansy (uncredited)
Running Pedestrian (uncredited)
Scientist (uncredited)
Billy Connors (uncredited)
Running Pedestrian (uncredited)
Lab Technician (uncredited)
Tough Guy #4 - Subway (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Intern (uncredited)
Scientist Core Group (uncredited)
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Mom of Little Boy (uncredited)
Oscorp Intern (uncredited)
Goth Girl (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Protective Boyfriend (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Police Officer (uncredited)
Tina (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Football Player #50 (uncredited)
Alfie (uncredited)
NYPD EMT (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
High-Powered Attorney (uncredited)
Oscorp Intern (uncredited)
Oscorp Security 1 (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Football Player (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Doorman (uncredited)
TV Newscaster (uncredited)
Lab Tech #2 (uncredited)
Sharisse (uncredited)
Tech Worker (uncredited)
Additional Voices (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
FBI Special Agent (uncredited)
News Reporter (uncredited)
Running Pedestrian (uncredited)
Cheerleader (uncredited)
Stacy Family Limo Driver (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
The Amazing Spider-Man

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Dan-Al - 09/01/2012 à 16:20
# 1

Pourquoi ? Pourquoi commencer un nouveau Spiderman alors qu-il y en a deja un qui roule vraiment bien depuis quelques annees deja _ Pourquoi _ Je ne comprends vraiment pas, serait/ce une nouvelle strategie des studios de fraire competion aux films blockbusters avec de nouvelles series... Je c rois avoir lut quelque part que la meme chose se produirait avec Batman... Vraiment bizzare cette histoire...

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