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Tempête du Siècle, La


Une tempête se prépare non loin d'une petite île du Maine. Les habitants retrouvent le corps d'une vieille femme complètement mutilé. Le coupable est rapidement appréhendé et emprisonné, mais cela ne suffit pas. Ce dernier veut à tout prix obtenir "ce qu'il te demande" en échange de quoi il laissera les habitants de cette petite ville tranquille...

Titre original : STORM OF THE CENTURY
Réalisateur(s) : (3 episodes, 1999)
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Fantasy,Horror
Durée : 1 h 26 minLangue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 1.33 : 1Sortie France : 1999-02-14Sortie US : 1999-02-14
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Storm of the Century
Argentina - La tormenta del siglo
Australia - Storm of the Century
Brazil - A Tempestade do Século
Bulgaria - Бурята на века(Bulgarian)
Canada - Storm of the Century

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Canada - La tempête du siècle
Croatia - Oluja stoljeća
Czech Republic - Bouře století
Czech Republic - Bouře století Stephena Kinga
Ecuador - Storm of the Century
Egypt - Storm of the Century
Finland - Stephen Kingin Storm of the Century - Myrskyn silmässä
Finland - Storm of the century - myrskyn silmässä
France - La tempête du siècle
Germany - Stephen Kings Sturm des Jahrhunderts
Greece - Ektos eleghou
Greece - I kataigida tou aiona
Greece - Η καταιγίδα του αιώνα
Hungary - Az évszázad vihara
India - Storm of the Century
Indonesia - Storm of the Century
Israel - Storm of the Century
Italy - La tempesta del secolo
Japan - ストーム・オブ・ザ・センチュリー
Mexico - La tormenta del siglo
Netherlands - Storm of the Century
Norway - Storm of the Century
Philippines - Storm of the Century
Poland - Sztorm stulecia
Portugal - Tempestade do Século
Romania - Furtuna secolului
Russia - Буря столетия
Serbia - Oluja veka
Singapore - Storm of the Century
Slovakia - Búrka storočia
South Africa - Storm of the Century
South Korea - Storm of the Century
Spain - La tormenta del siglo
Sweden - Storm of the Century
Taiwan - Storm of the Century
Thailand - Storm of the Century
Turkey - Storm of the Century
Ukraine - Буря століття
United Arab Emirates - Storm of the Century
United Kingdom - Storm of the Century
United States - Storm of the Century
United States - Stephen King's Storm of the Century
Uruguay - La tormenta del siglo
Acteurs :
 Constable Mike Anderson / 3 episodes, 1999

 Andre Linoge / 3 episodes, 1999

 Molly Anderson3 episodes, 1999

 Town Manager Robbie Beals3 episodes, 1999

 Katrina Withers3 episodes, 1999

 Ursula Godsoe3 episodes, 1999

 Donny Beals3 episodes, 1999

 Sandra Beals3 episodes, 1999

 Joanna Stanhope3 episodes, 1999

 Jack Carver3 episodes, 1999

 Davey Hopewell3 episodes, 1999

 Ferd Andrews3 episodes, 1999

 Angela Carver3 episodes, 1999

 Kirk Freeman3 episodes, 1999

 Sonny Brautigan3 episodes, 1999

 Alton Hatcher / 3 episodes, 1999

 Ralph Emerick 'Ralphie' Anderson3 episodes, 1999

 Pippa Hatcher3 episodes, 1999

 Jonas Stanhope3 episodes, 1999

 Jenna Freeman3 episodes, 1999

 Reverend Riggins3 episodes, 1999

 Buster Carver3 episodes, 1999

 Melinda Hatcher3 episodes, 1999

 Roberta Coign3 episodes, 1999

 Della Bissonette3 episodes, 1999

 Jill Robichaux3 episodes, 1999

3 episodes, 1999

 Octavia Godsoe3 episodes, 1999

 Johnny Harriman3 episodes, 1999

 Tess Merchant3 episodes, 1999

 Andy Robichaux3 episodes, 1999

 Linda St Pierre3 episodes, 1999

 Henry Bright3 episodes, 1999

 Betty Soames3 episodes, 1999

 Burt Soames3 episodes, 1999

 Harry Robichaux3 episodes, 1999

 Heidi St Pierre3 episodes, 1999

 Frank Bright3 episodes, 1999

 Annie Huston3 episodes, 1999

 Mary Hopewell3 episodes, 1999

 Sally Godsoe3 episodes, 1999

 Cora Stanhope2 episodes, 1999

 Billy Soames2 episodes, 1999

 Peter Godsoe2 episodes, 1999

 Lucien Fournier2 episodes, 1999

 Jane Kingsbury2 episodes, 1999

 Orville Boucher2 episodes, 1999

 Lloyd Wishman2 episodes, 1999

 Cal Freese2 episodes, 1999

 Stan Hopewell2 episodes, 1999

 George Kirby2 episodes, 1999

 Robbie's Mother2 episodes, 1999

 William (Bill) Timmons2 episodes, 1999

 Alex Haber2 episodes, 1999

 Counselor1 episode, 1999

 Upton Bell1 episode, 1999

 Carla Bright1 episode, 1999

 Ralphie - Age 141 episode, 1999

 Martha Clarendon1 episode, 1999

 Lawyer in Ad / (uncredited)unknown episodes
Tempête du Siècle La

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