ROCK (1996)
Excédé par l'injustice de son gouvernement, le Général Hummel se rend maître de l'île d'Alcatraz et menace de lancer un gaz mortel sur San Francisco. Deux hommes sont chargés de le contrer : un expert en armes chimiques, Stanley Goodspeed, et John Patrick Mason, l'unique prisonnier à s'être évadé d'Alcatraz... Ils se rendent ensemble sur l'île afin de stopper les projets destructeurs du Général.
Titre original : THE ROCK
Réalisateur(s) : Michael Bay
Scénariste(s) : David Weisberg (story) &, Douglas Cook (story) (as Douglas S Cook), , David Weisberg (screenplay) &, Douglas Cook (screenplay) (as Douglas S Cook) and, Mark Rosner (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Thriller
Durée : 2 hs 16 minAnnée : 1996Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 1996-07-31Sortie US : 1996-06-07Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Rock
Argentina - La roca
Australia - The Rock
Austria - The Rock - Fels der Entscheidung
Azerbaijan - Qaya
Brazil - A Rocha
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Bulgaria - Скалата
Canada - The Rock
Canada - Le rocher
China - 勇闯夺命岛
Croatia - Hrid
Czech Republic - Skála
Denmark - The Rock
Ecuador - The Rock
Egypt - The Rock
Estonia - Kaljukindlus
Finland - The Rock - Paluu helvettiin
France - Rock
Germany - The Rock - Entscheidung auf Alcatraz
Germany - The Rock: Fels der Entscheidung
Greece - O vrahos
Greece - Ο βράχος
Hong Kong - The Rock
Hungary - A szikla
India - The Rock
India - The Rock
Indonesia - The Rock
Iran - Sakhre
Israel - The Rock
Italy - The Rock
Japan - ザ・ロック
Kazakhstan - Jartas
Kazakhstan - Жартас
Kazakhstan - Скала
Lithuania - Uola
Mexico - La Roca
Netherlands - The Rock
Norway - The Rock
Peru - La Roca
Philippines - The Rock
Poland - Twierdza
Portugal - O Rochedo
Romania - Fortareata
Russia - Скала
Serbia - Стена
Singapore - The Rock
Slovakia - Skala
Slovenia - Alcatraz
South Africa - The Rock
South Korea - 더 록
Spain - La Roca
Sweden - The Rock
Taiwan - 絕地任務
Thailand - The Rock
Turkey - Kaya
Ukraine - Скеля
(original title) - The Rock
Argentina - La roca
Australia - The Rock
Austria - The Rock - Fels der Entscheidung
Azerbaijan - Qaya
Brazil - A Rocha
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Скалата
Canada - The Rock
Canada - Le rocher
China - 勇闯夺命岛
Croatia - Hrid
Czech Republic - Skála
Denmark - The Rock
Ecuador - The Rock
Egypt - The Rock
Estonia - Kaljukindlus
Finland - The Rock - Paluu helvettiin
France - Rock
Germany - The Rock - Entscheidung auf Alcatraz
Germany - The Rock: Fels der Entscheidung
Greece - O vrahos
Greece - Ο βράχος
Hong Kong - The Rock
Hungary - A szikla
India - The Rock
India - The Rock
Indonesia - The Rock
Iran - Sakhre
Israel - The Rock
Italy - The Rock
Japan - ザ・ロック
Kazakhstan - Jartas
Kazakhstan - Жартас
Kazakhstan - Скала
Lithuania - Uola
Mexico - La Roca
Netherlands - The Rock
Norway - The Rock
Peru - La Roca
Philippines - The Rock
Poland - Twierdza
Portugal - O Rochedo
Romania - Fortareata
Russia - Скала
Serbia - Стена
Singapore - The Rock
Slovakia - Skala
Slovenia - Alcatraz
South Africa - The Rock
South Korea - 더 록
Spain - La Roca
Sweden - The Rock
Taiwan - 絕地任務
Thailand - The Rock
Turkey - Kaya
Ukraine - Скеля
Acteurs :
Sean Connery John Patrick Mason
Nicolas Cage Stanley Goodspeed
Ed Harris General Francis X Hummel
John Spencer FBI Director Womack
David Morse Major Tom Baxter
William Forsythe Ernest Paxton
Michael Biehn Commander Anderson
Vanessa Marcil Carla Pestalozzi
John C McGinley Marine Captain Hendrix (as John C Mc Ginley)
Gregory Sporleder Captain Frye
Tony Todd Captain Darrow
Bokeem Woodbine Sergeant Crisp
Jim Maniaci Private Scarpetti
Greg Collins Private Gamble
Brendan Kelly Private Cox
Steve Harris Private McCoy
Danny Nucci Lieutenant Shepard
Claire Forlani Jade Angelou
Celeste Weaver Stacy Richards
Todd Louiso Marvin Isherwood
David Bowe Dr Ling
Raquel Krelle Agent Margie Wood
Dennis Chalker Seal Boyer
Marshall R Teague Seal Reigert (as Marshall Teague)
Duffy Gaver Seal Dando
Steve Decker Navy Seal
Joseph Hawes Navy Seal
Mike Mahrer Navy Seal
Carlos Sandoval Navy Seal
Rick Toms Navy Seal
Billy Devlin Navy Seal
Jack Yates Hummel Marine 'A'
Juan A Riojas Hummel Marine 'B'
Joseph Patrick Kelly Hummel Marine 'C'
Ingo Neuhaus Marine That Dies
John Laughlin General Peterson
Harry Humphries Navy Admiral
Howard Platt Louis Lindstrom
Willie Garson Francis Reynolds
John Nathan FBI Radar Technician
Robert M Anselmo FBI Radar Technician
Jack Ford Military Official
Thomas J Hageboeck FBI Agent Cord (as T J Hageboeck)
Dwight Hicks FBI Agent Star
Ralph Peduto FBI Agent Hunt
Anthony Clark Paul the Hotel Barber
Andy Ryan Lab Technician
Hans Georg Struhar Valet
Robert C Besgrove FBI Agent
Sean Skelton Kid on Motorcycle
Raymond O'Connor Park Ranger Bob
Jane Sanguinetti Female Tourist
Luenell Female Tourist
John W Love Jr Male Tourist
Sam Whipple Larry Henderson
Tom Towles Alcatraz Park Ranger
Ronald Simmons Alcatraz Park Ranger
Robert Ben Rajab Alcatraz Park Ranger
Leonard McMahan Cable Car Conductor (as Leonard Mc Mahan)
Anthony Guidera Lead F-18 Pilot
Jim Caviezel Rear F-18 Pilot (as James Caviezel)
John Enos III Sea Stallion Pilot
Ken Kells Spotter
Fred Salvallon Chef
Buck Kartalian Reverend
Stanley Anderson The President (uncredited)
Xander Berkeley Lonner (uncredited)
Richard Conti Detective (uncredited)
Raymond Cruz Sergeant Rojas (uncredited)
Leah Diamond II Woman (uncredited)
Ric Drasin Supporting (uncredited)
David Marshall Grant Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair (uncredited)
Matt Gulbranson US Marine (uncredited)
Philip Baker Hall Chief Justice (uncredited)
Jenny Inge Tourist (uncredited)
Michael Rose FBI Agent (uncredited)
Michael Satterfield FBI Technician (uncredited)
Pat Skipper Navy Lt Commander (uncredited)
Anthony Snow Apache Load Master (uncredited)
Theodore Carl Soderberg Police Officer (uncredited)
Jeronimo Spinx FBI Radar Technician (uncredited)
Ezra J Stanley Tourist (uncredited)
Erick Vinther Prisoner (uncredited)
Kevin Weisman Tourist (uncredited)
Stuart Wilson General Al Kramer (uncredited)
Sean Connery John Patrick Mason
Nicolas Cage Stanley Goodspeed
Ed Harris General Francis X Hummel
John Spencer FBI Director Womack
David Morse Major Tom Baxter
William Forsythe Ernest Paxton
Michael Biehn Commander Anderson
Vanessa Marcil Carla Pestalozzi
John C McGinley Marine Captain Hendrix (as John C Mc Ginley)
Gregory Sporleder Captain Frye
Tony Todd Captain Darrow
Bokeem Woodbine Sergeant Crisp
Jim Maniaci Private Scarpetti
Greg Collins Private Gamble
Brendan Kelly Private Cox
Steve Harris Private McCoy
Danny Nucci Lieutenant Shepard
Claire Forlani Jade Angelou
Celeste Weaver Stacy Richards
Todd Louiso Marvin Isherwood
David Bowe Dr Ling
Raquel Krelle Agent Margie Wood
Dennis Chalker Seal Boyer
Marshall R Teague Seal Reigert (as Marshall Teague)
Duffy Gaver Seal Dando
Steve Decker Navy Seal
Joseph Hawes Navy Seal
Mike Mahrer Navy Seal
Carlos Sandoval Navy Seal
Rick Toms Navy Seal
Billy Devlin Navy Seal
Jack Yates Hummel Marine 'A'
Juan A Riojas Hummel Marine 'B'
Joseph Patrick Kelly Hummel Marine 'C'
Ingo Neuhaus Marine That Dies
John Laughlin General Peterson
Harry Humphries Navy Admiral
Howard Platt Louis Lindstrom
Willie Garson Francis Reynolds
John Nathan FBI Radar Technician
Robert M Anselmo FBI Radar Technician
Jack Ford Military Official
Thomas J Hageboeck FBI Agent Cord (as T J Hageboeck)
Dwight Hicks FBI Agent Star
Ralph Peduto FBI Agent Hunt
Anthony Clark Paul the Hotel Barber
Andy Ryan Lab Technician
Hans Georg Struhar Valet
Robert C Besgrove FBI Agent
Sean Skelton Kid on Motorcycle
Raymond O'Connor Park Ranger Bob
Jane Sanguinetti Female Tourist
Luenell Female Tourist
John W Love Jr Male Tourist
Sam Whipple Larry Henderson
Tom Towles Alcatraz Park Ranger
Ronald Simmons Alcatraz Park Ranger
Robert Ben Rajab Alcatraz Park Ranger
Leonard McMahan Cable Car Conductor (as Leonard Mc Mahan)
Anthony Guidera Lead F-18 Pilot
Jim Caviezel Rear F-18 Pilot (as James Caviezel)
John Enos III Sea Stallion Pilot
Ken Kells Spotter
Fred Salvallon Chef
Buck Kartalian Reverend
Stanley Anderson The President (uncredited)
Xander Berkeley Lonner (uncredited)
Richard Conti Detective (uncredited)
Raymond Cruz Sergeant Rojas (uncredited)
Leah Diamond II Woman (uncredited)
Ric Drasin Supporting (uncredited)
David Marshall Grant Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair (uncredited)
Matt Gulbranson US Marine (uncredited)
Philip Baker Hall Chief Justice (uncredited)
Jenny Inge Tourist (uncredited)
Michael Rose FBI Agent (uncredited)
Michael Satterfield FBI Technician (uncredited)
Pat Skipper Navy Lt Commander (uncredited)
Anthony Snow Apache Load Master (uncredited)
Theodore Carl Soderberg Police Officer (uncredited)
Jeronimo Spinx FBI Radar Technician (uncredited)
Ezra J Stanley Tourist (uncredited)
Erick Vinther Prisoner (uncredited)
Kevin Weisman Tourist (uncredited)
Stuart Wilson General Al Kramer (uncredited)
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# 1
Un bon gros blockbuster qui ne fait pas dans la dentelle (ni dans l'originalité), filmé à 100 à l'heure par un Michael Bay à l'aise dans ce registre. Explosion à gogo, gunfights, bastons à mains nues... on retrouve tous les ingrédients de ce type de film avec un casting de têtes connues (Connery, Cage, Harris, Morse...). Si l'on met son cerveau sur "off", on prend son pied. Sinon, on passe son chemin...
Sa note: 7/10Laissez votre commentaire
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