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Filmographie de Richard Caldicot

Filmographie de : Richard Caldicot

Actrice / Acteur :

THE WEEKEND MURDERS (Concerto per pistola solista), de Michele Lupo, 1970
A large English family meet at the family estate for the reading of their father's will. Each expects to be the recipient of a tidy sum. But apart from the local constable (Gaston Moschin, GODFATHER 2 ) and a few other small awards to the help, the entire estate goes to the favorite daughter (Anna Moffo). No sooner than the will is read, murder is done. First the butler, then several members of the family! The local constable is joined by a...

CRIMES AU MUSéE DES HORREURS (Horrors of the Black Museum), de Arthur Crabtree, 1959
À Londres, un assassin sévit en utilisant des armes inédites. Un auteur et journaliste criminologue nargue Scotland Yard. Mais qui mieux que lui, avec son musée des horreurs, pouvait fabriquer un parfait criminel en la personne de son assistant dévoué ?!...