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Revanche de la créature, La


La creature est ramenee d'Amazonie jusqu'en Floride ou les scientifiques qui l'etudient essaient de la domestiquer.

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 22 minAnnée : 1955Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : Black and WhiteSortie France : 1956-08-31Sortie US : 1955-05-13
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Revenge of the Creature
Argentina - El regreso del monstruo
Australia - Revenge of the Creature
Belgium - De wraak van het monster(Flemish)
Belgium - La revanche du monstre
Brazil - A Revanche do Monstro

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Canada - Revenge of the Creature
Canada - La Revanche de la Créature
Czech Republic - Pomsta netvora
Denmark - Uhyrets hævn
Ecuador - Revenge of the Creature
Finland - Hirviön kosto
Finland - Odjurets hämnd
France - La Revanche de la créature
Germany - Die Rache des Ungeheuers
Iran - Enteghame Hayoola
Italy - La vendetta del mostro
Japan - 半魚人の逆襲
Mexico - El regreso del monstruo
Netherlands - De wraak van het monster
Poland - Zemsta potwora
Portugal - A Vingança do Monstro
Romania - Creatura din Laguna Neagra se intoarce
Romania - Răzbunarea creaturii
Serbia - Osveta stvorenja iz Crne lagune
Soviet Union - Месть твари
Spain - La venganza del hombre monstruo
Sweden - Monstret tar hämnd
Turkey - Kara gölün canavarının intikamı
Ukraine - Помста Істоти
United Kingdom - Revenge of the Creature
United States - Revenge of the Creature
United States - Return of the Creature
United States - Return of the Creature from the Black Lagoon
Uruguay - El regreso del monstruo
Venezuela - La venganza del monstruo de la Laguna Negra
West Germany - Die Rache des Ungeheuers
Acteurs :
Prof Clete Ferguson
Helen Dobson
Joe Hayes
Captain Lucas
Jackson Foster
Lou Gibson
George Johnson
Captain of Police (as Charles R Cane)
Woman on Boat (uncredited)
Patrol Boat Dispatcher (voice) (uncredited)
Photographer (uncredited)
The Gill Man (In Water) /Lab Technician (uncredited)
Miss Abbott (uncredited)
Cop (uncredited)
Jennings (uncredited)
Skipper (uncredited)
Cop (uncredited)
Pete (uncredited)
Mac - Spotlight Party Leader (uncredited)
The Gill Man (On Land) /Marineland Diver (uncredited)
Diver (uncredited)
Charlie (uncredited)
Newscaster (uncredited)
Police Announcer (uncredited)
Dr McCuller (uncredited)
Girl in Convertible (uncredited)
Search Party Member (uncredited)
Policeman (uncredited)
Joe (uncredited)
Man at Tank (uncredited)
Revanche de la créature La

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