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Resident Evil: Chapitre Final


Alice, seule survivante de la bataille de Washington contre les zombies, doit retourner à l’endroit où le cauchemar a débuté : le Hive à Raccoon City. C’est là, qu’Umbrella Corporation a regroupé ses forces pour mener un assaut final contre les survivants de l’apocalypse.

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Horror,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 47 minAnnée : 2016Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 1.78 : 1Sortie France : 2017-01-25Sortie US : 2017-01-27
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Resident Evil: Insurgence(Working Title)
Argentina - Resident Evil: Capítulo final
Australia - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Azerbaijan - Şərin iqamətgahı: Sonuncu qisas
Brazil - Resident Evil 6(Working Title)
50 more

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Brazil - Resident Evil 6: O Capítulo Final
Bulgaria - Заразно зло: Финалът
Canada - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Canada - Resident Evil: L'ultime chapitre
Chile - Resident Evil: Capítulo Final
Croatia - Resident Evil: Konačno Poglavlje
Czech Republic - Resident Evil: Poslední kapitola
Egypt - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Estonia - Resident Evil: Viimane peatükk
France - Resident Evil : Chapitre final
Germany - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Greece - Resident Evil: Το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο
Hungary - A Kaptár: Utolsó fejezet
India - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
India - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Indonesia - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Israel - Ha'o'yev she'bifnim: Perek ha'siyoum
Italy - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Jamaica - Biohazard: The Final
Japan - Biohazard: The Final
Japan - バイオハザード:ザ・ファイナル
Kazakhstan - Зұлымдық мекені: Соңғы тарау
Kazakhstan - Обитель зла: Последняя глава
Latvia - Nezūdošais ļaunums: Pēdējā nodaļa
Lithuania - Absoliutus blogis: Pabaiga
Mexico - Resident Evil: capítulo final
Netherlands - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Peru - Resident Evil: Capítulo final
Philippines - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Poland - Resident Evil: Ostatni rozdział
Portugal - Resident Evil: Capítulo Final
Romania - Resident Evil: Capitolul final
Russia - Обитель зла: Последняя глава
Serbia - Притајено зло: Последње поглавље
Singapore - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Slovakia - Resident Evil: Posledná kapitola
Slovenia - Nevidno zlo: zadnje poglavje
South Africa - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
South Korea - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Spain - Resident Evil: Capítulo final
Spain - Resident Evil: El capítulo final
Sweden - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Taiwan - 惡靈古堡:最終章
Thailand - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Turkey - Ölümcül Deney 6: Son Bölüm
Ukraine - Оселя зла: Фінальна битва
United Arab Emirates - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
United Kingdom - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
United States - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Uruguay - Resident Evil: Capítulo final
Acteurs :
Alice /Alicia Marcus
Dr Isaacs
Claire Redfield
Young Alicia /Red Queen
James Marcus
Thin Man
Emaciated Woman
Commander Chu (as Lee Joon Gi)
One Ear
Commander Crunch
Male Teacher
School Girl
School Boy
School Child
School Child
School Child
School Child
School Child
School Child
Female Teacher
Commander #27
One (archive footage)
Kaplan (archive footage)
Spence (archive footage)
Matt (archive footage)
JD (archive footage)
Ms Black (archive footage)
Mr White (archive footage)
Dr Green (archive footage)
Dr Blue (archive footage)
Dr Brown (archive footage)
Lisa (archive footage)
Red Queen (archive footage)
Clarence (archive footage)
Medic (archive footage)
Commando 1 (archive footage)
Commado 2 (archive footage)
Carlos Olivera (archive footage)
Dr Ashford (archive footage)
Nemesis (archive footage)
Network Anchor #1 (archive footage)
Undead on Street (archive footage)
Umbrella Trooper (archive footage)
Umbrella Trooper (archive footage)
Umbrella Trooper (archive footage)
Betty (archive footage)
Rancid (archive footage)
Chase (archive footage)
Zombie Steve (archive footage)
J Pop Girl (archive footage)
Axe Man (archive footage) (as Ray Olubowale)
Luther West (archive footage)
Leon (archive footage)
Barry Burton (archive footage)
Becky (archive footage)
Sergei (archive footage)
Tony (archive footage)
Ada Wong (archive footage) (as Li Bing Bing)
Umbrella Trooper (archive footage) (as Ernest Jackson)
Umbrella Trooper /Human Lab Experiment (archive footage)
Umbrella Trooper (archive footage) (as Alain Chanoine)
Human Lab Experiment (archive footage)
Human Lab Experiment (archive footage)
Arcadia Trooper (archive footage)
Human Lab Experiment (archive footage)
Human Lab Experiment (archive footage)
Undead Russian (archive footage) (as Doug Chapman)
Undead Nurse (archive footage)
Undead Shibuya (archive footage)
Undead Shibuya (archive footage)
Zombie (uncredited)
Zombie (uncredited)
Transport Trooper (uncredited)
Gardiner (uncredited)
Zombie (uncredited)
Burnt Trooper /Hero Zombie (uncredited)
Zombie (uncredited)
Resident Evil Chapitre Final

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