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Psycho (1998)

PSYCHO (1998) (1998)

Titre original : PSYCHO
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 45 minAnnée : 1998Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 1999-01-27Sortie US : 1998-12-04
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Psycho
Argentina - Psicosis
Australia - Psycho
Brazil - Psicose
Bulgaria - Психо(Bulgarian)
Canada - Psycho

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Canada - Psychose
Croatia - Psiho
Denmark - Psycho
Ecuador - Psycho
Estonia - Psühho
Finland - Psycho
Finland - Psyko 1999
France - Psycho
Germany - Psycho
Greece - Psyho
Greece - Ψυχώ
India - Psycho
India - साइको
Italy - Psycho
Japan - サイコ
Lithuania - Psichopatas
Mexico - Psicosis
Peru - Psicosis
Poland - Psychol
Portugal - Psico
Romania - Psycho
Russia - Психо
Serbia - Psiho
Spain - Psycho (Psicosis)
Sweden - Psycho
Taiwan - 1999驚魂記
Thailand - Psycho
Turkey - Sapık
Ukraine - Психо
United Arab Emirates - Psycho
United Kingdom - Psycho
United States - Psycho
Uruguay - Psicosis
Venezuela - Psicosis
Acteurs :
Norman Bates
Marion Crane
Lila Crane
Sam Loomis
Milton Arbogast
Dr Simon
Sheriff Chambers
Mrs Chambers
Tom Cassidy
Mr Lowery
Car Dealer (as James LeGros)
Police Guard
Bob Summerfield
Woman Customer
Chief of Police
District Attorney
Man in Cowboy Hat outside Realty Office (uncredited)
Norma Bates (voice) (uncredited)
Man Talking to Man in Cowboy Hat (uncredited)
Psycho 1998

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