Cette aventure magique raconte le récit frissonnant de Lewis, 10 ans, lorsqu’il part vivre chez son oncle dans une vieille demeure dont les murs résonnent d’un mystérieux tic-tac. Mais lorsque Lewis réveille les morts accidentellement dans cette ville, en apparence tranquille, c’est tout un monde secret de mages et de sorcières qui vient la secouer.
Réalisateur(s) : Eli Roth
Scénariste(s) : John Bellairs (based on the novel by), , Eric Kripke (screenplay by)
Genre(s) : Comedy,Family,Fantasy
Durée : 1 h 45 minAnnée : 2018Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2018-09-26Sortie US : 2018-09-21Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Argentina - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Argentina - La casa del reloj en la pared(DVD Title)
Australia - The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Austria - Das Haus der geheimnisvollen Uhren
Brazil - O Mistério do Relógio na Parede
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Мистерията на къщата с часовника
Canada - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Canada - La pendule d'Halloween
Chile - La Casa con un Reloj en sus Paredes
Colombia - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Czech Republic - Carodejovy hodiny
Czech Republic - Čarodějovy hodiny
Egypt - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Estonia - Müstilise kellaga maja
Finland - Talo jossa kello tikittää
France - La prophétie de l'horloge
France - La Prophétie de l'horloge
Germany - Das Haus der geheimnisvollen Uhren
Greece - Το σπίτι με το ρολόι στον τοίχο
Hong Kong - 魔鐘奇幻屋
Hong Kong - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Hungary - A végzet órája
India - The House with a Clock in its Wall
India - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Ireland - The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Israel - Ha'ba'yit im ha'sha'on ha'mistori
Italy - Il mistero della casa del tempo
Japan - ルイスと不思議の時計
Kazakhstan - Тайна дома с часами
Latvia - Māja ar pulksteni sienās
Lithuania - Namo su laikrodžiais paslaptis
Mexico - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Netherlands - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
New Zealand - The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Peru - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Philippines - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Poland - Zegar czarnoksiężnika
Portugal - O Mistério da Casa do Relógio
Romania - Misterul ceasului din perete
Russia - Тайна дома с часами
Serbia - Kuća sa satom u zidovima
Singapore - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Slovakia - Tajomstvo domu s hodinami
Slovenia - Hiša čarobne ure
South Africa - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Spain - La casa del reloj en la pared
Spain - La casa del rellotge dins de la paret
Sweden - Huset med den mystiska klockan
Taiwan - 滴答屋
Thailand - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Turkey - Eski Evdeki Büyülü Saat
Ukraine - Будинок з годинником у стінах
United Arab Emirates - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
United Kingdom - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
United States - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
(original title) - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Argentina - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Argentina - La casa del reloj en la pared(DVD Title)
Australia - The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Austria - Das Haus der geheimnisvollen Uhren
Brazil - O Mistério do Relógio na Parede
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if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Мистерията на къщата с часовника
Canada - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Canada - La pendule d'Halloween
Chile - La Casa con un Reloj en sus Paredes
Colombia - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Czech Republic - Carodejovy hodiny
Czech Republic - Čarodějovy hodiny
Egypt - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Estonia - Müstilise kellaga maja
Finland - Talo jossa kello tikittää
France - La prophétie de l'horloge
France - La Prophétie de l'horloge
Germany - Das Haus der geheimnisvollen Uhren
Greece - Το σπίτι με το ρολόι στον τοίχο
Hong Kong - 魔鐘奇幻屋
Hong Kong - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Hungary - A végzet órája
India - The House with a Clock in its Wall
India - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Ireland - The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Israel - Ha'ba'yit im ha'sha'on ha'mistori
Italy - Il mistero della casa del tempo
Japan - ルイスと不思議の時計
Kazakhstan - Тайна дома с часами
Latvia - Māja ar pulksteni sienās
Lithuania - Namo su laikrodžiais paslaptis
Mexico - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Netherlands - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
New Zealand - The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Peru - La casa con un reloj en sus paredes
Philippines - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Poland - Zegar czarnoksiężnika
Portugal - O Mistério da Casa do Relógio
Romania - Misterul ceasului din perete
Russia - Тайна дома с часами
Serbia - Kuća sa satom u zidovima
Singapore - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Slovakia - Tajomstvo domu s hodinami
Slovenia - Hiša čarobne ure
South Africa - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Spain - La casa del reloj en la pared
Spain - La casa del rellotge dins de la paret
Sweden - Huset med den mystiska klockan
Taiwan - 滴答屋
Thailand - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Turkey - Eski Evdeki Büyülü Saat
Ukraine - Будинок з годинником у стінах
United Arab Emirates - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
United Kingdom - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
United States - The House with a Clock in Its Walls
Acteurs :
Jack Black Jonathan Barnavelt
Cate Blanchett Florence Zimmerman
Owen Vaccaro Lewis Barnavelt
Kyle MacLachlan Isaac Izard
Renée Elise Goldsberry Selena Izard
Colleen Camp Mrs Hanchett
Sunny Suljic Tarby Corrigan
Lorenza Izzo Mother
Braxton Bjerken Woody Mingo
Vanessa Anne Williams Rose Rita Pottinger
Ricky Muse Bus Driver (as Ricky Lynn Muse)
Charles Green Soda Jerk
De'Jon Watts Clark (as DJ Watts)
Aaron Beelner Clown Automaton
Joshua Phillips Clown Automaton
Christian Calloway Azazel
Iyasu Dusé Sweet Shop Employee (as Caleb Lawrence)
Dylan Gage Sweet Shop Boy (as Dylan Gage Moore)
Jalyn Hall Devin
Jackson T Giles IV Student
Eli Roth Comrade Ivan
Alli Beckman Magician's Assistant (as Alli Paige Beckham)
Maiya Frederick student (uncredited)
Jaydyn Gay Classroom Student (uncredited)
Travis Geiger Monster (uncredited)
Sandy Givelber Kate (uncredited)
Harrison Goytia Basketball Player (uncredited)
Precious Hayes Sweetheart (uncredited)
Sophia Annabella Kim School Yard Kid (uncredited)
Demetri Landell Teenage Pedestrian /Solar Eclipse Attendee (uncredited)
Josephine Lundy Student (uncredited)
Van Marten Towns Person (uncredited)
Perla Middleton Parent /Teacher (uncredited)
Garrett Strobl Bus Sleeping Man (uncredited)
Jack Black Jonathan Barnavelt
Cate Blanchett Florence Zimmerman
Owen Vaccaro Lewis Barnavelt
Kyle MacLachlan Isaac Izard
Renée Elise Goldsberry Selena Izard
Colleen Camp Mrs Hanchett
Sunny Suljic Tarby Corrigan
Lorenza Izzo Mother
Braxton Bjerken Woody Mingo
Vanessa Anne Williams Rose Rita Pottinger
Ricky Muse Bus Driver (as Ricky Lynn Muse)
Charles Green Soda Jerk
De'Jon Watts Clark (as DJ Watts)
Aaron Beelner Clown Automaton
Joshua Phillips Clown Automaton
Christian Calloway Azazel
Iyasu Dusé Sweet Shop Employee (as Caleb Lawrence)
Dylan Gage Sweet Shop Boy (as Dylan Gage Moore)
Jalyn Hall Devin
Jackson T Giles IV Student
Eli Roth Comrade Ivan
Alli Beckman Magician's Assistant (as Alli Paige Beckham)
Maiya Frederick student (uncredited)
Jaydyn Gay Classroom Student (uncredited)
Travis Geiger Monster (uncredited)
Sandy Givelber Kate (uncredited)
Harrison Goytia Basketball Player (uncredited)
Precious Hayes Sweetheart (uncredited)
Sophia Annabella Kim School Yard Kid (uncredited)
Demetri Landell Teenage Pedestrian /Solar Eclipse Attendee (uncredited)
Josephine Lundy Student (uncredited)
Van Marten Towns Person (uncredited)
Perla Middleton Parent /Teacher (uncredited)
Garrett Strobl Bus Sleeping Man (uncredited)
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