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Pour sa dernière mission d’Agent Temporel, ce voyageur dans le temps doit capturer le seul criminel qui lui a toujours échappé.

Titre original : PREDESTINATION
Réalisateur(s) : (as The Spierig Brothers), (as The Spierig Brothers)
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Drama,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 37 minAnnée : 2014Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2014-12-01Sortie US : 2015-01-09
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Predestination
Australia - Predestination
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Preodredište(Croatian)
Brazil - O Predestinado
Bulgaria - Патрул във времето(Bulgarian, TV Title)

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Bulgaria - Предопределен
Canada - Predestination
Canada - Prédestination
Chile - Predestinación
China - 前目的地
Croatia - Preodredište
Czech Republic - Predestination: Paradox času
Ecuador - Predestination
Egypt - Predestination
Estonia - Ettemääratus
France - Prédestination
Georgia - Bedistsera
Germany - Predestination
Greece - Ταξιδιώτης στον χρόνο
Hong Kong - Predestination
Hungary - Időhurok
India - Predestination
India - Predestination
Indonesia - Predestination
Israel - Predestination
Italy - Predestination
Japan - プリデスティネーション
Lithuania - Lemtis
Mexico - Predestinación
Netherlands - Predestination
New Zealand - Predestination
Philippines - Predestination
Poland - Przeznaczenie
Portugal - Predestinado
Russia - Патруль времени
Serbia - Предодређење
Singapore - Predestination
Slovakia - Predestination: Paradox času
Slovenia - Časovni agent
South Africa - Predestination
South Korea - Predestination
Spain - Predestination
Sweden - Predestination
Taiwan - 超時空攔截
Thailand - Predestination
Turkey - Zamanın Ötesinde
Ukraine - Призначення
United Arab Emirates - Predestination
United Kingdom - Predestination
United States - Predestination
United States - Predestinación
Uruguay - Predestination
Venezuela - Predestinación
Vietnam - Tiền Định
Acteurs :
The Barkeep
The Unmarried Mother
Mr Miles
Mr Miller
Dr Fujimoto
Lab Technician
Boxing Commentator 1
Boxing Commentator 2 /News Report Announcer
Dirty Hippy
Female Reporter
Mayor Davidson
Baby Jane 1
Baby Jane 1
Dr Clarke
Baby Jane 2
Baby Jane 2
Jane 5yo
Ice Cream Daughter
Ice Cream Mother
Ice Cream Vendor
Jane 10yo
Older Fighting Girl
Fighting Boy
Orphanage Administrator 1
Orphanage Administrator 2
Mrs Rosenblum
Blonde Classmate
Mr Robertson
Space Corp Receptionist
Recruit 1
Recruit 2 (as Eliza D'Souza)
Recruit 3
Recruit 4
Recruit 5
Dumb Girl Recruit
Hooker Girl Recruit
Lazy Girl Recruit
The Interviewer
Nauseous Girl (as Arielle O'Neill)
Physical Fitness Trainer
Trainer's Assistant
Mrs Stapleton
Mr Jones
Dr Baldwin
Suburban Daughter
Suburban Father
Suburban Mother
Suburban Son
Mrs Garner
Dr Heinlein
Older Nurse
Dr Belfort
Dr Davis
Busker (uncredited)
Orderly (uncredited)
Guy on Date (uncredited)
Charm Girl (uncredited)
Office Worker (uncredited)
Orphan Girl (uncredited)
Darrin Stephens in Bewitched (archive footage) (uncredited)

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