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Un "Poltergeist", esprit refusant la mort, seme la terreur dans la maison d'un couple californien.

Titre original : POLTERGEIST
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 54 minAnnée : 1982Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 1982-10-20Sortie US : 2019-10-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Poltergeist
Argentina - Poltergeist
Australia - Poltergeist
Azerbaijan - Poltergeist
Brazil - Poltergeist: O Fenômeno
Bulgaria - Полтъргайст(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Poltergeist
Canada - La vengeance des fantômes
Czech Republic - Hlučný duch
Denmark - Poltergeist
Ecuador - Poltergeist
Egypt - Poltergeist
Finland - Poltergeist
France - Poltergeist
Germany - Poltergeist
Greece - To pnevma tou kakou
Greece - Το πνεύμα του κακού
Hong Kong - 鬼驅人
Hungary - Poltergeist - Kopogó szellem
India - Poltergeist
India - Poltergeist
India - मौत का घर
Indonesia - Poltergeist
Iran - Rooh-e Khabis
Ireland - Poltergeist
Israel - Poltergeist
Italy - Poltergeist - Demoniache presenze
Japan - Porutagaisuto
Japan - Poltergeist
Japan - ポルターガイスト(1982)
Kazakhstan - Полтергеист
Lithuania - Poltergeistas
Mexico - Poltergeist
Mexico - Poltergeist: Juegos Diabólicos
Netherlands - Poltergeist
Peru - Poltergeist. Juegos diabólicos
Philippines - Poltergeist
Poland - Duch
Portugal - Poltergeist, o Fenómeno
Romania - Poltergeist
Russia - Полтергейст
Serbia - Кућни дух
Singapore - Poltergeist
Slovakia - Hlučný duch
South Africa - Poltergeist
South Korea - Poltergeist
Soviet Union - Полтергейст
Spain - Poltergeist
Spain - Poltergeist (Fenómenos extraños)
Spain - Poltergeist
Sweden - Poltergeist
Taiwan - 鬼哭神號
Thailand - Poltergeist
Turkey - Kötü Ruh
Ukraine - Полтергейст
United Arab Emirates - Poltergeist
Acteurs :
Steve Freeling
Diane Freeling (as Jobeth Williams)
Dr Lesh
Dana Freeling
Robbie Freeling
Carol Anne Freeling
Ben Tuthill
Mrs Tuthill
Mr Teague
Pugsley (as Lou Perry)
Bulldozer Driver (as Clair Leucart)
Jeff Shaw
Neighbor (as Joseph R Walsh)
Woman Buyer
Pool Worker #1
Pool Worker #2
Implosion Man
Implosion Man
Implosion Man
Football Announcer (voice) (as Phil Stone - NBC Sports)
Special Child
Special Child
Neighbor (uncredited)
Neighbor (uncredited)
Mover (uncredited)
Panicked Neighbor (uncredited)
Ghost (uncredited)
Mover (uncredited)
Screaming Soldier on TV (archive sound) (uncredited)

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