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Planète des singes, La


Egaré dans l'espace-temps, un engin spatial américain s'écrase en 3978 sur une planète inconnue. Les astronautes Taylor, Landon et Dodge découvrent que les hommes primitifs de cette planète mystérieuse sont placés sous le joug de singes très évolués...

Titre original : PLANET OF THE APES
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 52 minAnnée : 1968Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2020-10-11Sortie US : 1968-04-03
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Planet of the Apes
Monkey Planet
Argentina - El planeta de los simios
Australia - Planet of the Apes
Azerbaijan - Meymunlar planeti
Brazil - O Planeta dos Macacos
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Bulgaria - Планетата на маймуните
Canada - Planet of the Apes
Canada - La planète des singes
China - 人猿星球
Croatia - Planet majmuna
Czech Republic - Planeta Opic
Czech Republic - Planeta opic
Czechoslovakia - Planeta Opic
Czechoslovakia - Planéta Opíc
Denmark - Abernes planet
Ecuador - El planeta de los simios
Estonia - Ahvide planeet
Finland - Apinoiden planeetta
Finland - Apornas planet
France - La planète des singes
Germany - Planet der Affen
Greece - O anthropos pou ilthe apo to mellon
Greece - O planitis ton pithikon
Greece - Ο πλανήτης των πιθήκων
Hungary - A majmok bolygója
India - Planet of the Apes
India - प्लॅनेट ऑफ़ एप्स
India - वानर के ग्रह
Indonesia - Planet of the Apes
Iran - Sayarey-e meymoonha
Israel - Planet of the Apes
Italy - Il pianeta delle scimmie
Japan - Saru no wakusei
Japan - 猿の惑星
Kazakhstan - Маймылдар планетасы
Kazakhstan - Планета обезьян
Lithuania - Beždžionių planeta
Mexico - El planeta de los simios
Netherlands - Apenplaneet
Norway - Apeplaneten
Peru - El planeta de los simios
Philippines - Planet of the Apes
Poland - Planeta Małp
Portugal - O Homem Que Veio do Futuro
Romania - Planeta maimuţelor
Russia - Планета обезьян
Serbia - Планета мајмуна
Singapore - Planet of the Apes
Slovakia - Planéta Opíc
Slovenia - Planet opic
South Africa - Planet of the Apes
Soviet Union - Планета обезьян
Spain - El planeta de los simios
Spain - El planeta dels simis
Sweden - Apornas planet
Acteurs :
George Taylor
Dr Zaius
President of the Assembly
Hunt Leader
Dr Galen
Human in Cage (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Ape (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Human #1 (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Child Ape (uncredited)
Child Ape (uncredited)
Child Ape (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Gorilla Photographer (uncredited)
Child Ape (uncredited)
Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Child Ape (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Human (uncredited)
Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Frightened human (uncredited)
Child Gorilla (uncredited)
Child Ape (uncredited)
Astronaut Stewart (uncredited)
Gorilla (uncredited)
Planète des singes La

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dagico - 04/10/2009 à 15:26
# 1

Grand film des années 60, maquillage epoustoufflant pour l'époque.
etonnant, les 5 films, le dernier"la bataille de la planete des singes"
nous ramene au premier

Sa note: 10/10
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