Mais Will ignore qu'une malédiction frappe Barbossa et ses pirates. Lorsque la lune brille, ils se transforment en morts-vivants. Leur terrible sort ne prendra fin que le jour où le fabuleux trésor qu'ils ont amassé sera restitué...
(original title) - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Argentina - La maldición del Perla Negra
Australia - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Austria - Fluch der Karibik
Azerbaijan - Karib dənizinin quldurları: Qara mirvarinin lənəti
Brazil - Piratas do Caribe: A Maldição do Pérola Negra
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Bulgaria - Карибски пирати: Проклятието на Черната перла
Canada - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Canada - Pirates des Caraïbes : La malédiction de la Perle Noire
China - 加勒比海盗
Croatia - Pirati s Kariba: Prokletstvo Crnog bisera
Czech Republic - Piráti z Karibiku - Prokletí Černé perly
Denmark - Pirates of the Caribbean: Den sorte forbandelse
Ecuador - Piratas del Caribe: La maldición del Perla Negra
Egypt - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Estonia - Kariibi mere piraadid: Musta pärli needus
Finland - Pirates of the Caribbean - Mustan helmen kirous
France - Pirates des Caraïbes : La Malédiction du Black Pearl
Germany - Fluch der Karibik
Greece - Peirates tis Karaivikis: I katara tou mavrou margaritariou
Greece - Πειρατές της Καραϊβικής: Η κατάρα του Μαύρου Μαργαριταριού
Hong Kong - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Hungary - A Karib-tenger kalózai: A Fekete Gyöngy átka
Iceland - Sjóræningjar á Karíbahafi: Bölvun svörtu perlunnar
India - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
India - समुंदर के लुटेरे
India - समुंदर के लुटेरे: द कर्स ऑफ़ द ब्लैक पर्ल
Indonesia - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Iran - Dozdan-e daryai-ye karrieb: Nefrin-e morvarid siah
Israel - Shodeday Ha-Caribim: Klalat Ha-Pnina Ha-Sh'hora
Italy - La maledizione della prima luna
Italy - La maledizione della prima luna - Pirates of the Caribbean
Italy - Pirati dei Caraibi: La maledizione della prima luna
Japan - パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン 呪われた海賊たち
Kazakhstan - Кариб теңізінің қарақшылары: Қара маржанның қарғысы
Kazakhstan - Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины
Latvia - Karību jūras pirāti: Melnās pērles lāsts
Lithuania - Karibų piratai: Juodojo perlo prakeiksmas
Mexico - Piratas del Caribe: La maldición de la Perla Negra
Netherlands - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Norway - Pirates of the Caribbean
Panama - Piratas del Caribe: La maldición del Perla Negra
Philippines - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Poland - Piraci z Karaibów: Klątwa ''Czarnej Perły''
Portugal - Piratas das Caraíbas - A Maldição do Pérola Negra
Romania - Pirații din Caraibe: Blestemul Perlei Negre
Russia - Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины
Serbia - Пирати са Кариба: Проклетство Црног бисера
Singapore - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Slovakia - Piráti Karibiku: Kliatba Čiernej perly
Slovenia - Pirati s Karibov: prekletstvo črnega bisera
South Africa - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
South Korea - 캐리비안의 해적: 블랙펄의 저주
Spain - Piratas del Caribe: La maldición de la Perla Negra
Sweden - Pirates of the Caribbean: Svarta Pärlans förbannelse
Taiwan - 加勒比海盜 神鬼奇航:鬼盜船魔咒
Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow
Geoffrey Rush Barbossa
Orlando Bloom Will Turner
Keira Knightley Elizabeth Swann
Jack Davenport Norrington
Jonathan Pryce Governor Weatherby Swann
Lee Arenberg Pintel
Mackenzie Crook Ragetti
Damian O'Hare Lt Gillette
Giles New Murtogg
Angus Barnett Mullroy
David Bailie Cotton
Michael Berry Jr Twigg
Isaac C Singleton Jr Bo'sun
Kevin McNally Joshamee Gibbs (as Kevin R McNally)
Treva Etienne Koehler
Zoe Saldaña Anamaria
Guy Siner Harbormaster
Ralph P Martin Mr Brown
Paula J Newman Estrella (as Paula Jane Newman)
Paul Keith Butler
Dylan Smith Young Will
Lucinda Dryzek Young Elizabeth
Luke de Woolfson Frightened Sailor
Michael Sean Tighe Seedy Looking Prisoner
Greg Ellis Officer
Dustin Seavey Sentry
Christian Martin Steersman
Israel Oyelumade Crippled Man (as Israel Aduramo)
Trevor Goddard Grapple
Vince Lozano Jacoby
Ben Wilson Seedy Prisoner #2
Antonio Valentino Seedy Prisoner #3
Lauren Maher Scarlett
Matthew Bowyer Sailor /Edinburgh
Brye Cooper Mallot
Mike Babcock Seedy Prisoner #4
Owen Finnegan Town Clerk
Ian McIntyre Sailor
Vanessa Branch Giselle
Sam Roberts Crying Boy
Ben Roberts Crying Boy
Martin Klebba Marty
Félix Castro Moises: Jack's Crew
Mike Haberecht Kursar: Jack's Crew
Rudy McCollum Matelot: Jack's Crew (as Rudolph McCollum)
Gerard J Reyes Tearlach: Jack's Crew (as Gerard Reyes)
M Scott Shields Duncan: Jack's Crew
Christopher Sullivan Ladbroc: Jack's Crew (as Chris 'Sully' Sullivan)
Craig Thomson Crimp: Jack's Crew
Fred Toft Quartetto: Jack's Crew
DP FitzGerald Weatherby: Barbossa's Crew
Jerry Gauny Ketchum: Barbossa's Crew
Maxie Santillan Jr Maximo: Barbossa's Crew (as Maxie J Santillan Jr)
Michael Earl Lane Monk: Barbossa's Crew (as Michael Lane)
Tobias McKinney Dog Ear: Barbossa's Crew
David Patykewich Clubba: Barbossa's Crew
Tommy Schooler Scarus: Barbossa's Crew
Michael A Thompson Simbakka: Barbossa's Crew
Michael W Williams Hawksmoor: Barbossa's Crew
José Zelaya Katracho: Barbossa's Crew (as Jose Zelaya)
Finneus Egan Scratch: Barbossa's Crew
Don LaDaga Nipperkin: Barbossa's Crew
LeJon Lejon (as LeJon Stewart)
Christopher S Capp Parrot Voice (voice)
Gregory Alosio Pirate (uncredited)
Jordi Caballero Pirate (uncredited)
Tamara Castle Woman in bar (uncredited)
Paul Gagné Sailor (uncredited)
Joe Grisaffi Marine (uncredited)
James McAuley Barbossa's Crew (uncredited)

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Le revival du swashbuckler ! Depuis l'échec cuisant de L'ILE AUX PIRATES de Renny Harlin, le genre n'intéressait plus personne et refroidis les studios. Il en fallait visiblement plus à Jerry Bruckheimer qui lance une adaptation de l'attraction des parcs Walt Disney. Il fallait oser. Mais le résultat fut payant puisque le film a fait un carton. Il faut dire que le spectacle est au rendez-vous et que le film vaut le détour, rien que pour voir un Johnny Depp en roue libre dans le rôle du Capitaine Jack Sparrow. Si le film est un peu trop long et aurait gagné à être donc un peu raccourci, on peut toujours en profiter pour admirer le travail réalisé sur les décors, les SFX et la musique percutante de Klaus Badelt. Un bon divertissement pour toute la famille.
Sa note: 7/10Toutes les informations proviennent du site http://www.imdb.com
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