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Petite boutique des horreurs, La


Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Comedy,Horror
Durée : 1 h 13 minAnnée : 1960Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : Black and WhiteSortie France : 1970-07-01Sortie US : 1961-04-19
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Little Shop of Horrors
Argentina - La tiendita del horror
Australia - The Little Shop of Horrors
Brazil - A Loja dos Horrores
Brazil - A Pequena Loja dos Horrores(cable TV title)
Canada - The Little Shop of Horrors

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Canada - La petite boutique des horreurs
Chile - La tienda de los horrores
Denmark - Gys i blomsterbutikken
Ecuador - The Little Shop of Horrors
Finland - Pieni kauhukauppa
France - La Petite Boutique des horreurs
Germany - Kleiner Laden voller Schrecken
Greece - To katastima twn eglimatwn
Greece - To magazaki tou tromou
Greece - Το κατάστημα των εγκλημάτων
Hungary - Rémségek kicsiny boltja
Israel - The Little Shop of Horrors
Italy - La piccola bottega degli orrori
Japan - リトル・ショップ・オブ・ホラーズ(1960)
Lithuania - Mažoji siaubu parduotuvele
Mexico - La pequeña tienda de los horrores
Mexico - La tiendita de los horrores
Poland - Sklepik z horrorami
Portugal - A Loja dos Horrores
Romania - Micul magazin al ororilor
Serbia - Mala prodavnica strave
Soviet Union - Маленький магазинчик ужасов
Spain - La pequeña tienda de los horrores
Spain - La tienda de los horrores
Spain - La botiga dels horrors
Sweden - The Little Shop of Horrors
Ukraine - Маленька крамничка жахів
United Kingdom - The Little Shop of Horrors
United States - The Little Shop of Horrors
United States - The Passionate People Eater
West Germany - Kleiner Laden voller Schrecken
West Germany - Ein kleiner Laden voller Horror
Acteurs :
Seymour Krelborn
Audry Fulquard
Gravis Mushnik
Ferson Fouch
Winifred Krelborn
Shirley (as Tammy Windsor)
Shirley's Friend
Mrs Shiva
Mrs Hortense Feuchtwanger
Sgt Joe Fink /Narrator
Detective Frank Stoolie
Leonora Clyde (as Merri Welles)
Dr Phoebus Farb (as John Shaner)
Wilbur Force
Tramp (uncredited)
Drunk (uncredited)
Kloy Haddock - Hold-up Man /Screaming Patient /Audrey Junior (voice) (uncredited)
Man in Crowd Outside Shop (uncredited)
Petite boutique des horreurs La

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cendrillon is deadcendrillon is dead - 22/12/2007 à 02:50
# 1

Loin de dépasser son remake, le film reste plaisant. Il a un charme indéniable.

Sa note: 7/10
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