Un jeune homme découvre qu'il est le descendant d'un dieu grec et s'embarque, avec l'aide d'un satyre et de la fille d'Athena, dans une dangereuse aventure pour résoudre une guerre entre dieux. Sur sa route, il devra affronter une horde d'ennemis mythologiques bien décidés à le stopper.
Réalisateur(s) : Chris Columbus
Scénariste(s) : Craig Titley (screenplay), , Rick Riordan (novel)
Genre(s) : Adventure,Family,Fantasy
Durée : 1 h 58 minAnnée : 2010Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2010-02-10Sortie US : 2010-02-12Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Argentina - Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo
Australia - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Azerbaijan - Persi Cekson və İldırım oğrusu
Brazil - Percy Jackson e o Ladrão de Raios
Bulgaria - Пърси Джаксън и боговете на Олимп: Похитителят на мълнии(Bulgarian)
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Canada - Percy Jackson: Le voleur de foudre
Croatia - Percy Jackson i Olimpijci: Kradljivac gromova
Czech Republic - Percy Jackson: Zloděj blesku
Czech Republic - Zlodej blesku
Denmark - Percy Jackson & lyntyven
Ecuador - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Egypt - Percy Jackson
Estonia - Percy Jackson ja olümplased: Välguvaras
Finland - Percy Jackson salamavaras
Finland - Percy Jackson - kampen om åskviggen
France - Percy Jackson : Le Voleur de foudre
Germany - Percy Jackson: Diebe im Olymp
Greece - O Percy Jackson & oi Olympioi: I klopi tis astrapis
Greece - Ο Πέρσι Τζάκσον και οι Ολύμπιοι: Η κλοπή της αστραπής
Hong Kong - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Hungary - Percy Jackson és az olimposziak: A villámtolvaj
India - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
India - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Indonesia - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Israel - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Italy - Percy Jackson e gli dei dell'Olimpo - Il ladro di fulmini
Japan - Pâshî Jakuson to Orinposu no kamigami
Japan - パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々
Kazakhstan - Перси Джексон және Найзағай ұрысы
Kazakhstan - Перси Джексон и Похититель молний
Latvia - Pērsijs Džeksons un Olimpieši: Zibens nolaupītājs
Lithuania - Persis Džeksonas ir Olimpo dievai: žaibo vagis
Mexico - Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo: Ladrón del rayo
Netherlands - Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
Norway - Percy Jackson & Lyntyven
Peru - Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo
Philippines - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Poland - Percy Jackson i Bogowie Olimpijscy: Złodziej pioruna
Portugal - Percy Jackson e os Ladrões do Olimpo
Romania - Percy Jackson şi Olimpienii: Hoţul fulgerului
Russia - Перси Джексон и Похититель молний
Serbia - Перси Џексон и крадљивац муње
Singapore - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Slovakia - Percy Jackson: Zlodej blesku
Slovenia - Percy Jackson in olimpijci - kradljivec strele
South Africa - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
South Korea - Percy Jackson
Spain - Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo
Sweden - Percy Jackson och Kampen om åskviggen
Taiwan - 波西傑克森:神火之賊
Thailand - Percy Jackson
Turkey - Percy Jackson: Şimşek Hırsızı
Ukraine - Персі Джексон та Викрадач блискавок
United Kingdom - Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
(original title) - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Argentina - Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo
Australia - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Azerbaijan - Persi Cekson və İldırım oğrusu
Brazil - Percy Jackson e o Ladrão de Raios
Bulgaria - Пърси Джаксън и боговете на Олимп: Похитителят на мълнии(Bulgarian)
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Canada - Percy Jackson: Le voleur de foudre
Croatia - Percy Jackson i Olimpijci: Kradljivac gromova
Czech Republic - Percy Jackson: Zloděj blesku
Czech Republic - Zlodej blesku
Denmark - Percy Jackson & lyntyven
Ecuador - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Egypt - Percy Jackson
Estonia - Percy Jackson ja olümplased: Välguvaras
Finland - Percy Jackson salamavaras
Finland - Percy Jackson - kampen om åskviggen
France - Percy Jackson : Le Voleur de foudre
Germany - Percy Jackson: Diebe im Olymp
Greece - O Percy Jackson & oi Olympioi: I klopi tis astrapis
Greece - Ο Πέρσι Τζάκσον και οι Ολύμπιοι: Η κλοπή της αστραπής
Hong Kong - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Hungary - Percy Jackson és az olimposziak: A villámtolvaj
India - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
India - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Indonesia - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Israel - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Italy - Percy Jackson e gli dei dell'Olimpo - Il ladro di fulmini
Japan - Pâshî Jakuson to Orinposu no kamigami
Japan - パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々
Kazakhstan - Перси Джексон және Найзағай ұрысы
Kazakhstan - Перси Джексон и Похититель молний
Latvia - Pērsijs Džeksons un Olimpieši: Zibens nolaupītājs
Lithuania - Persis Džeksonas ir Olimpo dievai: žaibo vagis
Mexico - Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo: Ladrón del rayo
Netherlands - Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
Norway - Percy Jackson & Lyntyven
Peru - Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo
Philippines - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Poland - Percy Jackson i Bogowie Olimpijscy: Złodziej pioruna
Portugal - Percy Jackson e os Ladrões do Olimpo
Romania - Percy Jackson şi Olimpienii: Hoţul fulgerului
Russia - Перси Джексон и Похититель молний
Serbia - Перси Џексон и крадљивац муње
Singapore - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Slovakia - Percy Jackson: Zlodej blesku
Slovenia - Percy Jackson in olimpijci - kradljivec strele
South Africa - Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
South Korea - Percy Jackson
Spain - Percy Jackson y el ladrón del rayo
Sweden - Percy Jackson och Kampen om åskviggen
Taiwan - 波西傑克森:神火之賊
Thailand - Percy Jackson
Turkey - Percy Jackson: Şimşek Hırsızı
Ukraine - Персі Джексон та Викрадач блискавок
United Kingdom - Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
Acteurs :
Logan Lerman Percy Jackson
Brandon T Jackson Grover
Alexandra Daddario Annabeth
Jake Abel Luke
Sean Bean Zeus
Pierce Brosnan Mr Brunner /Chiron
Steve Coogan Hades
Rosario Dawson Persephone
Melina Kanakaredes Athena
Catherine Keener Sally Jackson
Kevin McKidd Poseidon
Joe Pantoliano Gabe Ugliano
Uma Thurman Medusa
Julian Richings Ferryman
Bonita Friedericy Hysterical Woman
Annie Ilonzeh Aphrodite Girl
Luisa d'Oliveira Aphrodite Girl
Elisa King Aphrodite Girl
Tania Saulnier Aphrodite Girl
Christie Laing Aphrodite Girl
Crystal Tisiga Aphrodite Girl
Marie Avgeropoulos Aphrodite Girl
Marielle Jaffe Aphrodite Girl
Alexis Knapp Aphrodite Girl
Charlie Gallant Lotus Land Bellhop
Chelan Simmons Lotus Land Waitress
Natassia Malthe Lotus Land Waitress
Andrea Brooks Lotus Land Waitress
Jocelyn Panton Lotus Land Waitress (as Jocelyn Ott)
Max Van Ville Seventies Kid - Casino
Serinda Swan Aphrodite
Dimitri Lekkos Apollo
Ona Grauer Artemis
Stefanie von Pfetten Demeter
Conrad Coates Hephaestus
Erica Cerra Hera
Dylan Neal Hermes
Luke Camilleri Dionysus
Holly Hougham Grover Girl
Yusleidis Oquendo Grover Girl
Ina Geraldine Guy Grover Girl (as Ina Geraldine)
Janine Edwards Grover Girl
Raquel Riskin Grover Girl
Valerie Tian Cute Girl
Violet Columbus Nymph Warrior (as Violet Irene Columbus)
Sarah Smyth Pretty Girl #1
Merritt Patterson Pretty Girl #2
Julie Luck WGHP News Anchor - Video
Andrea Day Field News Reporter
John Stewart Poker Buddy
Matthew Garlick Poker Buddy
Dee Jay Jackson Poker Buddy
Stan Carp Old Fisherman
Suzanne Ristic Maid at Motel (as Suzanna Ristic)
Richard Harmon Smart Ass Kid
Maria Olsen Mrs Dodds /Fury
Robin LeMon Museum Tour Guide
Doyle Devereux Museum Employee
Tom Pickett Parthenon Janitor
Keith Dallas Parthenon Janitor (as Keith Blackman Dallas)
VJ Delos-Reyes Parthenon Janitor (as VJ Delos-Reyes)
Spencer Atkinson Parthenon Janitor
Tim Aas Parthenon Janitor
Maya Washington Percy's Classmate
Victor Ayala Percy's Classmate
Zane Holtz 50's Tough
Eli Zagoudakis Son of Ares
Loyd Bateman Son of Ares
Matt Reimer Son of Ares
Shawn Beaton Son of Ares
Rob Hayter Son of Ares
Jarod Joseph College Buddy
Paul Cummings College Buddy
Reilly Dolman College Buddy
Julie Brar Cute Girlfriend
Dejan Loyola Boyfriend
Mario Casoria Cook
Dorla Bell Waitress
Carolyn Adair Waitress with Cleaver
Jade Pawluk Screaming Diner
G Patrick Currie Stuffy Croupier (as Patrick Currie)
Darian Arman Warrior
Mariela Zapata Warrior
David L Smith Poet
Hani Abaza Lotus Land Dancer
Denosh Bennett Lotus Land Dancer
Aura Benwick Lotus Land Dancer
Nicole Bowser Lotus Land Dancer
Jaime M Callica Lotus Land Dancer (as Jay Callica)
Bobby Dacones Lotus Land Dancer
Nicole De Lecia Lotus Land Dancer (as Nicole Delecia)
Daniela Dib Lotus Land Dancer
Sarah Francis Lotus Land Dancer
Eddie Garcia Lotus Land Dancer
Geneen Georgiev Lotus Land Dancer
Nathalie Heath Lotus Land Dancer
Cara Hrdlitschka Lotus Land Dancer
Nicole Johnstone Lotus Land Dancer
Stephanie Lavigne Lotus Land Dancer
Leah Bea Litwack Lotus Land Dancer
Mark Macabeo Lotus Land Dancer
Lauren Maynard Lotus Land Dancer
Kenny Mugisha Lotus Land Dancer
Onika Ndukwe Lotus Land Dancer
Jennifer Oleksiuk Lotus Land Dancer (as Jen Oleksiuk)
Richard O'Sullivan Lotus Land Dancer
Sara Park Lotus Land Dancer
Joanna Reid Lotus Land Dancer
Michael Rhodes Lotus Land Dancer
Michel Issa Rubio Lotus Land Dancer
Ryan Salzl Lotus Land Dancer
Juliana Semenova Lotus Land Dancer (as Yuliana Semenova)
Jessica Slonski Lotus Land Dancer
Izaak Smith Lotus Land Dancer
Jennifer Stewart Lotus Land Dancer
Joel Sturrock Lotus Land Dancer
Ariel Swan Lotus Land Dancer
Stephanie Sy Lotus Land Dancer
Morgan Tanner Lotus Land Dancer
Kyle Vincente Lotus Land Dancer (as Kyle Vicente)
Rachel Wainwright Lotus Land Dancer
Teya Wild Lotus Land Dancer
Jay Williams Lotus Land Dancer
Victoria Katongo Lotus Land Dancer
Hector David Jr Lotus Land Dancer (as Hector David Rivera Jr)
Kathryn Schellenberg Lotus Land Dancer
Jovanna Burke Lotus Land Pedicurist (uncredited)
Patty Chong Vegas Ethnic Tourist (uncredited)
Kyle Cornell Casino Gambler (uncredited)
Adam Drake Jogger (uncredited)
Rodger D Eldridge Bus Tourist (uncredited)
Devon Ferguson Lotus Land Bartender (uncredited)
Kenneth Garner Tour Guide (uncredited)
Robert Hayley Crusty Croupier (uncredited)
Brian Hopson Excited tourist (uncredited)
Laura Jacobs Aphrodite Girl (uncredited)
Khafre King Student (uncredited)
Anna Kuchma Neighborhood Girl (uncredited)
Terrence Lening Frisbee player in park (uncredited)
Kenny Santiago Marrero Bubble Man (uncredited)
Libby McDermott Tourist (uncredited)
Ryan Moran Football Player (uncredited)
Yusuf Njie Warrior (uncredited)
Christina Riegert Hot Las Vegas Girl (uncredited)
Joan Riegert Las Vegas Visitor (uncredited)
Shawn Roberts Camp Demigod (uncredited)
Patrick Sabongui Cop #1 (uncredited)
Heathcliffe Scaddan Casino Patron (uncredited)
Danielle Stott-Roy Lotus Land Patron (uncredited)
Uziman Pedestrian (uncredited)
Levina Valora Ethnic Tourist (uncredited)
Ben van Diepen Park Guest (uncredited)
Rhys Williams Server (uncredited)
Lee Wilson Biker (uncredited)
Ray Winstone Ares (uncredited)
Brendon Zub Father (uncredited)
Logan Lerman Percy Jackson
Brandon T Jackson Grover
Alexandra Daddario Annabeth
Jake Abel Luke
Sean Bean Zeus
Pierce Brosnan Mr Brunner /Chiron
Steve Coogan Hades
Rosario Dawson Persephone
Melina Kanakaredes Athena
Catherine Keener Sally Jackson
Kevin McKidd Poseidon
Joe Pantoliano Gabe Ugliano
Uma Thurman Medusa
Julian Richings Ferryman
Bonita Friedericy Hysterical Woman
Annie Ilonzeh Aphrodite Girl
Luisa d'Oliveira Aphrodite Girl
Elisa King Aphrodite Girl
Tania Saulnier Aphrodite Girl
Christie Laing Aphrodite Girl
Crystal Tisiga Aphrodite Girl
Marie Avgeropoulos Aphrodite Girl
Marielle Jaffe Aphrodite Girl
Alexis Knapp Aphrodite Girl
Charlie Gallant Lotus Land Bellhop
Chelan Simmons Lotus Land Waitress
Natassia Malthe Lotus Land Waitress
Andrea Brooks Lotus Land Waitress
Jocelyn Panton Lotus Land Waitress (as Jocelyn Ott)
Max Van Ville Seventies Kid - Casino
Serinda Swan Aphrodite
Dimitri Lekkos Apollo
Ona Grauer Artemis
Stefanie von Pfetten Demeter
Conrad Coates Hephaestus
Erica Cerra Hera
Dylan Neal Hermes
Luke Camilleri Dionysus
Holly Hougham Grover Girl
Yusleidis Oquendo Grover Girl
Ina Geraldine Guy Grover Girl (as Ina Geraldine)
Janine Edwards Grover Girl
Raquel Riskin Grover Girl
Valerie Tian Cute Girl
Violet Columbus Nymph Warrior (as Violet Irene Columbus)
Sarah Smyth Pretty Girl #1
Merritt Patterson Pretty Girl #2
Julie Luck WGHP News Anchor - Video
Andrea Day Field News Reporter
John Stewart Poker Buddy
Matthew Garlick Poker Buddy
Dee Jay Jackson Poker Buddy
Stan Carp Old Fisherman
Suzanne Ristic Maid at Motel (as Suzanna Ristic)
Richard Harmon Smart Ass Kid
Maria Olsen Mrs Dodds /Fury
Robin LeMon Museum Tour Guide
Doyle Devereux Museum Employee
Tom Pickett Parthenon Janitor
Keith Dallas Parthenon Janitor (as Keith Blackman Dallas)
VJ Delos-Reyes Parthenon Janitor (as VJ Delos-Reyes)
Spencer Atkinson Parthenon Janitor
Tim Aas Parthenon Janitor
Maya Washington Percy's Classmate
Victor Ayala Percy's Classmate
Zane Holtz 50's Tough
Eli Zagoudakis Son of Ares
Loyd Bateman Son of Ares
Matt Reimer Son of Ares
Shawn Beaton Son of Ares
Rob Hayter Son of Ares
Jarod Joseph College Buddy
Paul Cummings College Buddy
Reilly Dolman College Buddy
Julie Brar Cute Girlfriend
Dejan Loyola Boyfriend
Mario Casoria Cook
Dorla Bell Waitress
Carolyn Adair Waitress with Cleaver
Jade Pawluk Screaming Diner
G Patrick Currie Stuffy Croupier (as Patrick Currie)
Darian Arman Warrior
Mariela Zapata Warrior
David L Smith Poet
Hani Abaza Lotus Land Dancer
Denosh Bennett Lotus Land Dancer
Aura Benwick Lotus Land Dancer
Nicole Bowser Lotus Land Dancer
Jaime M Callica Lotus Land Dancer (as Jay Callica)
Bobby Dacones Lotus Land Dancer
Nicole De Lecia Lotus Land Dancer (as Nicole Delecia)
Daniela Dib Lotus Land Dancer
Sarah Francis Lotus Land Dancer
Eddie Garcia Lotus Land Dancer
Geneen Georgiev Lotus Land Dancer
Nathalie Heath Lotus Land Dancer
Cara Hrdlitschka Lotus Land Dancer
Nicole Johnstone Lotus Land Dancer
Stephanie Lavigne Lotus Land Dancer
Leah Bea Litwack Lotus Land Dancer
Mark Macabeo Lotus Land Dancer
Lauren Maynard Lotus Land Dancer
Kenny Mugisha Lotus Land Dancer
Onika Ndukwe Lotus Land Dancer
Jennifer Oleksiuk Lotus Land Dancer (as Jen Oleksiuk)
Richard O'Sullivan Lotus Land Dancer
Sara Park Lotus Land Dancer
Joanna Reid Lotus Land Dancer
Michael Rhodes Lotus Land Dancer
Michel Issa Rubio Lotus Land Dancer
Ryan Salzl Lotus Land Dancer
Juliana Semenova Lotus Land Dancer (as Yuliana Semenova)
Jessica Slonski Lotus Land Dancer
Izaak Smith Lotus Land Dancer
Jennifer Stewart Lotus Land Dancer
Joel Sturrock Lotus Land Dancer
Ariel Swan Lotus Land Dancer
Stephanie Sy Lotus Land Dancer
Morgan Tanner Lotus Land Dancer
Kyle Vincente Lotus Land Dancer (as Kyle Vicente)
Rachel Wainwright Lotus Land Dancer
Teya Wild Lotus Land Dancer
Jay Williams Lotus Land Dancer
Victoria Katongo Lotus Land Dancer
Hector David Jr Lotus Land Dancer (as Hector David Rivera Jr)
Kathryn Schellenberg Lotus Land Dancer
Jovanna Burke Lotus Land Pedicurist (uncredited)
Patty Chong Vegas Ethnic Tourist (uncredited)
Kyle Cornell Casino Gambler (uncredited)
Adam Drake Jogger (uncredited)
Rodger D Eldridge Bus Tourist (uncredited)
Devon Ferguson Lotus Land Bartender (uncredited)
Kenneth Garner Tour Guide (uncredited)
Robert Hayley Crusty Croupier (uncredited)
Brian Hopson Excited tourist (uncredited)
Laura Jacobs Aphrodite Girl (uncredited)
Khafre King Student (uncredited)
Anna Kuchma Neighborhood Girl (uncredited)
Terrence Lening Frisbee player in park (uncredited)
Kenny Santiago Marrero Bubble Man (uncredited)
Libby McDermott Tourist (uncredited)
Ryan Moran Football Player (uncredited)
Yusuf Njie Warrior (uncredited)
Christina Riegert Hot Las Vegas Girl (uncredited)
Joan Riegert Las Vegas Visitor (uncredited)
Shawn Roberts Camp Demigod (uncredited)
Patrick Sabongui Cop #1 (uncredited)
Heathcliffe Scaddan Casino Patron (uncredited)
Danielle Stott-Roy Lotus Land Patron (uncredited)
Uziman Pedestrian (uncredited)
Levina Valora Ethnic Tourist (uncredited)
Ben van Diepen Park Guest (uncredited)
Rhys Williams Server (uncredited)
Lee Wilson Biker (uncredited)
Ray Winstone Ares (uncredited)
Brendon Zub Father (uncredited)
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