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Parrain, 2ème partie, Le


Titre original : THE GODFATHER PART II
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Crime,Drama
Durée : 3 hs 22 minAnnée : 1974Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 2013-09-18Sortie US : 2012-04-19
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Godfather Part II
Albania - Kumbari: Pjesa II
Argentina - El padrino II
Argentina - El padrino (parte II)(Alternative Title)
Argentina - El padrino (2.ª parte)(alternative spelling)
Argentina - El padrino (segunda parte)(Alternative Title)
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Australia - The Godfather: Part II
Austria - Der Pate 2
Azerbaijan - Xaç atası 2
Brazil - O Poderoso Chefão: Parte 2
Brazil - O Poderoso Chefão: Parte II
Bulgaria - Кръстникът II
Canada - The Godfather Part II
Canada - Le parrain II
Chile - El padrino II
China - 教父2
Colombia - El padrino (parte II)
Croatia - Kum 2
Czech Republic - Kmotr II
Czechoslovakia - Kmotr II
Czechoslovakia - Krstný Otec II
Denmark - The Godfather 2. del
Ecuador - El padrino II
Egypt - Al abb Alrohy: aljoz' II
Egypt - Al-arraab 2
Estonia - Ristiisa 2
Estonia - Ristiisa: II osa
Finland - Kummisetä II
Finland - Kummisetä II
Finland - Kummisetä osa II
Finland - Kummisetä Osa II
France - Le Parrain, 2ᵉ partie
France - Le Parrain, 2ème partie
Germany - Der Pate 2
Greece - O nonos 2
Greece - O nonos, meros 2o
Greece - Ο νονός, μέρος 2ο
Hong Kong - 教父續集
Hungary - A keresztapa II
Iceland - Guðfaðirinn: Hluti 2
India - The Godfather: Part II
India - The Godfather: Part II
Indonesia - The Godfather: Part II
Iran - Pedar khandeh 2
Israel - The Godfather Part II
Italy - Il padrino - Parte II
Japan - Godfather Part II
Japan - ゴッドファーザーPARTII
Kazakhstan - Өкіл әке 2
Latvia - Krusttēvs 2
Lithuania - Krikštatėvis II
Mexico - El padrino II
Mexico - El padrino (parte II)
Mexico - El padrino 2
Netherlands - De peetvader: Deel II
Norway - Gudfaren - del II
Acteurs :
Tom Hagen
Vito Corleone
Fredo Corleone
Connie Corleone
Hyman Roth
Frankie Pentangeli
Senator Pat Geary
Al Neri
Fanucci (as Gaston Moschin)
Rocco Lampone
Young Clemenza (as B Kirby Jr)
Young Mama Corleone (as Francesca de Sapio)
Mama Corleone
Deanna Corleone (as Mariana Hill)
Signor Roberto
Johnny Ola
Michael's Bodyguard
Merle Johnson
Young Tessio
Willi Cicci
Theresa Hagen
Vito's Mother
Vito Andolini - as a Boy
Don Francesco
Don Tommasino
Anthony Corleone
Mrs Marcia Roth
FBI Man #1
FBI Man #2 (as David Baker)
Carmine Rosato
Tony Rosato
Father Carmelo (as Father Joseph Medeglia)
Senate Committee Chairman
Michael's Buttonman #1 (as Joe Della Sorte)
Michael's Buttonman #2
Michael's Buttonman #3
Tenor in 'Senza Mamma'
Girl in 'Senza Mamma' (as Kathy Beller)
Signora Colombo
Cuban President
Cuban Translator
Pentangeli's Wife
Pentangeli's Brother
Signor Abbandando
Street Vendor
Fred Corngold
Senator Ream
Senator #1
Senator #2
Yolanda (as Yvonne Coll)
Attendant at Brothel (as JD Nicols)
Ellis Island Doctor
Ellis Island Nurse (as Gabria Belloni)
Custom Official
Cuban Nurse
Midwife (as Theresa Tirelli)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Mama Corleone's Body (uncredited)
Sonny Corleone - as a Boy (uncredited)
Child on Ship (uncredited)
Cuban Guerilla with Grenade (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Extra (uncredited)
Sandra Corleone (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Vito's Uncle (uncredited)
Victor Rizzi (Connie's Son) (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senator with Mustache (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Gianna Hagen (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Waiter #1 (uncredited)
Passerby in Coat with Cap Pulled Down (uncredited)
Photographer in Court (uncredited)
Military Officer (uncredited)
Klingman - Casino Owner (uncredited)
Guest (uncredited)
Young Michael (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senator #3 (uncredited)
Young Hyman Roth (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Extra (uncredited)
Street Vendor (uncredited)
Crowd (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Cuban Lieutenant Colonel (uncredited)
Vaudeville Dancer (uncredited)
Man Who Greets Vito (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Extra in Little Italy (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Man on Stairs (uncredited)
Sam Roth (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)
Senate Hearing Spectator (uncredited)

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