Dans ce quatrième épisode, on retrouve Katie, cinq ans plus tard. Elle vient d’emménager avec son neveu Hunter dans une nouvelle ville. Mais Alice, une adolescente, voit d’un mauvais oeil l’arrivée de ces nouveaux voisins. Il se passe, en effet, des choses étranges depuis qu’ils sont là. Elle entend des bruits et les lumières s’allument toutes seules la nuit. Terrifiée par l’attitude du petit garçon, Alice se confie à sa mère, qui ne la prend pas au sérieux…
Titre original : PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4
Réalisateur(s) : Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
Scénariste(s) : Christopher Landon (screenplay), , Chad Feehan (story), , Oren Peli (film 'Paranormal Activity')
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery
Durée : 1 h 28 minAnnée : 2012Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 2012-10-28Sortie US : 2012-10-19Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Paranormal Activity 4
Argentina - Actividad paranormal 4
Australia - Paranormal Activity 4
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nadprirodna aktivnost 4(Croatian)
Brazil - Atividade Paranormal 4
Bulgaria - Паранормална активност 4(Bulgarian)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Paranormal Activity 4
Canada - Activité paranormale 4
Chile - Actividad paranormal 4
Colombia - Actividad paranormal 4
Croatia - Paranormalno 4
Estonia - Paranormaalne aktiivsus 4
France - Paranormal Activity 4
Germany - Paranormal Activity 4
Greece - Μεταφυσική δραστηριότητα 4
Hungary - Parajelenségek 4
India - Paranormal Activity 4
India - पैरानॉर्मल एक्टिविटी 4
Iran - Faaliate Gheyretabiei 4
Israel - Peilut al-tivit 4
Italy - Paranormal Activity 4
Japan - パラノーマル・アクティビティ4
Lithuania - Paranormalus reiskiniai 4
Mexico - Actividad paranormal 4
Portugal - Atividade Paranormal 4
Romania - Activitate paranormală 4
Russia - Паранормальное явление 4
Serbia - Паранормална активност 4
Serbia - Paranormalna aktivnost 4
South Africa - Paranormal Activity 4
Spain - Paranormal Activity 4
Sweden - Paranormal Activity 4
Taiwan - 鬼入鏡4
Turkey - Paranormal Aktivite 4
Ukraine - Паранормальне явище 4
United Kingdom - Paranormal Activity 4
United States - Paranormal Activity 4
United States - Paranormal Activity 4: Unrated Edition
Vietnam - Hiện Tượng Siêu Nhiên 4
(original title) - Paranormal Activity 4
Argentina - Actividad paranormal 4
Australia - Paranormal Activity 4
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nadprirodna aktivnost 4(Croatian)
Brazil - Atividade Paranormal 4
Bulgaria - Паранормална активност 4(Bulgarian)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Paranormal Activity 4
Canada - Activité paranormale 4
Chile - Actividad paranormal 4
Colombia - Actividad paranormal 4
Croatia - Paranormalno 4
Estonia - Paranormaalne aktiivsus 4
France - Paranormal Activity 4
Germany - Paranormal Activity 4
Greece - Μεταφυσική δραστηριότητα 4
Hungary - Parajelenségek 4
India - Paranormal Activity 4
India - पैरानॉर्मल एक्टिविटी 4
Iran - Faaliate Gheyretabiei 4
Israel - Peilut al-tivit 4
Italy - Paranormal Activity 4
Japan - パラノーマル・アクティビティ4
Lithuania - Paranormalus reiskiniai 4
Mexico - Actividad paranormal 4
Portugal - Atividade Paranormal 4
Romania - Activitate paranormală 4
Russia - Паранормальное явление 4
Serbia - Паранормална активност 4
Serbia - Paranormalna aktivnost 4
South Africa - Paranormal Activity 4
Spain - Paranormal Activity 4
Sweden - Paranormal Activity 4
Taiwan - 鬼入鏡4
Turkey - Paranormal Aktivite 4
Ukraine - Паранормальне явище 4
United Kingdom - Paranormal Activity 4
United States - Paranormal Activity 4
United States - Paranormal Activity 4: Unrated Edition
Vietnam - Hiện Tượng Siêu Nhiên 4
Acteurs :
Katie Featherston Katie
Kathryn Newton Alex
Matt Shively Ben
Aiden Lovekamp Wyatt
Brady Allen Robbie
Stephen Dunham Doug
Alexondra Lee Holly
Georgica Pettus Sarah
Alisha Boe Tara
Brendon Eggertsen Derek
Constance Esposito Robbie's Mom's Friend
Ty Dawson Shadow Boy
Jonah Pasco Shadow Boy
Rightor Doyle Referee
Tamara Bersane Wyatt's Soccer Coach
Jennifer Hale (voice)
Robert Clotworthy (voice)
Esther Austin (voice)
Mary Payne Moran (voice)
Taj Agnes the Cat
John Duerler Mr Kramer
Jake Plotkin Jake Skywalker
Brian Boland Daniel (archive footage) (uncredited)
Jorga Caye Witch (uncredited)
Jamieson Deacy Soccer Kid (uncredited)
Sprague Grayden Kristi (archive footage) (uncredited)
Sara Mornell Debbie (uncredited)
William Juan Prieto Hunter (uncredited)
Katie Featherston Katie
Kathryn Newton Alex
Matt Shively Ben
Aiden Lovekamp Wyatt
Brady Allen Robbie
Stephen Dunham Doug
Alexondra Lee Holly
Georgica Pettus Sarah
Alisha Boe Tara
Brendon Eggertsen Derek
Constance Esposito Robbie's Mom's Friend
Ty Dawson Shadow Boy
Jonah Pasco Shadow Boy
Rightor Doyle Referee
Tamara Bersane Wyatt's Soccer Coach
Jennifer Hale (voice)
Robert Clotworthy (voice)
Esther Austin (voice)
Mary Payne Moran (voice)
Taj Agnes the Cat
John Duerler Mr Kramer
Jake Plotkin Jake Skywalker
Brian Boland Daniel (archive footage) (uncredited)
Jorga Caye Witch (uncredited)
Jamieson Deacy Soccer Kid (uncredited)
Sprague Grayden Kristi (archive footage) (uncredited)
Sara Mornell Debbie (uncredited)
William Juan Prieto Hunter (uncredited)
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