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Ombre du Mal, L'

OMBRE DU MAL, L' (2012)

Les cinq derniers jours de la vie d'Edgar Allan Poe, lancé sur la piste d'un serial-killer qui s'inspire des romans de l'auteur pour commettre ses crimes...

Titre original : THE RAVEN
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Crime,Mystery,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 50 minAnnée : 2012Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2012-06-20Sortie US : 2012-04-27
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Raven
Argentina - El cuervo
Australia - The Raven
Brazil - O Corvo
Bulgaria - Гарванът(Bulgarian)
Canada - The Raven

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Canada - Le corbeau
Chile - El cuervo
China - 乌鸦
Croatia - Gavran - Smrt iz priče
Czech Republic - Havran
Egypt - The Raven
Finland - Korppi
France - L'ombre du mal
Georgia - Khorani
Germany - The Raven - Prophet des Teufels
Greece - Το κοράκι
Hungary - A holló
India - The Raven
India - The Raven
Italy - The Raven
Japan - 推理作家ポー 最期の5日間
Latvia - Krauklis
Lithuania - Varnas
Mexico - El cuervo: Guía para un asesino
Netherlands - The Raven
Peru - El cuervo
Philippines - The Raven
Poland - Kruk: Zagadka zbrodni
Portugal - O Corvo
Romania - Corbul
Russia - Ворон
Serbia - Gavran
Slovakia - Havran
Slovenia - Krokar
South Africa - The Raven
Spain - El enigma del cuervo
Sweden - The Raven
Taiwan - 神探愛倫坡:黑鴉疑雲
Turkey - Kuzgun
Ukraine - Ворон
United Kingdom - The Raven
United States - The Raven
Vietnam - Kẻ Săn Mồi
Acteurs :
Edgar Allan Poe
Detective Fields
Emily Hamilton
Capt Charles Hamilton
Maddux (as Kevin R McNally)
John Cantrell
Captain Eldridge
Mrs Bradley
Doc Clements
Stage Manager
Old Gentleman
Dr Morgan
Field's Maid
Fire Marshall
Older Tenement Woman (Dead)
Young Tenement Woman (Dead)
Wretching Student (as Kristóf Farkas)
Small Boy
Sherry Merchant (as József Tálas)
Hamilton's Security Guard
Salty Sailor
Porter - Paris
Party Reveler
Officer at Precinct
Lady Macbeth
Doctor in 'Macbeth'
Gentlewoman in 'Macbeth'
Headline Man 1
Headline Man 2
French Officer
Doc Clements' Maid
Crew Member (as Jason M Ryan)
Breathless Tenement Man
Barfly 1 (as Mark Phelan)
Barfly 2
Actress (as Annamária Ördög)
Church Secretary
Maurice Robichaux
Uniformed Guard (as Mate Haumann)
Young Man Skeleton (as Peter Fancsikai)
Ombre du Mal L

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