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No Escape

NO ESCAPE (2015)

L'histoire d'une famille américaine qui déménage dans le Sud Est de l'Asie et se retrouve au milieu d'un violent coup d'état...

Titre original : NO ESCAPE
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 43 minAnnée : 2015Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 2015-09-02Sortie US : 2015-08-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - No Escape
Argentina - Sin escape
Australia - No Escape
Brazil - Horas de Desespero
Bulgaria - Превратът(Bulgarian)
Canada - No Escape
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Canada - Sans issue
Chile - Sin escape
China - 无处可逃
Colombia - Sin escape
Croatia - Bez izlaza
Czech Republic - Převrat
Ecuador - No Escape
Egypt - No Escape
Estonia - Pääsu pole
Finland - No Escape - Ei pakotietä
France - No Escape
Germany - No Escape
Greece - Χωρίς διέξοδο
Hungary - Kiút nélkül
India - No Escape
India - No Escape
Indonesia - No Escape
Ireland - No Escape
Israel - Ein le'an livro'akh
Italy - No Escape - Colpo di stato
Japan - Kûdetâ
Japan - Coup
Japan - クーデター
Latvia - Glābiņa nav
Mexico - Sin escape
Netherlands - No Escape
New Zealand - No Escape
Peru - Sin escape
Philippines - No Escape
Poland - No Escape
Portugal - Sem Saída
Russia - Выхода нет
Singapore - No Escape
Slovakia - Na úteku
Slovenia - Ujeti
South Africa - No Escape
South Korea - No Escape
Spain - Golpe de estado
Spain - Cop d'estat
Sweden - No Escape
Taiwan - 無處可逃
Thailand - No Escape
Turkey - Kaçış Yok
Ukraine - Виходу немає
United Arab Emirates - No Escape
United Kingdom - No Escape
United States - No Escape
United States - The Coup
United States - Sin escape
Uruguay - Sin escape
Acteurs :
Jack Dwyer
Annie Dwyer
Lucy Dwyer
Beeze Dwyer
Samnang (as Thanawut Kasro)
Kenny Rogers
Jerry (as Jonathan Goldney)
Old Man
Travel Agent
François (as Barthelemy Son)
Mother /Woman Next Door
Hotel Guest #1
Hotel Guest #2
Hotel Guest #3
Taxi Driver
Recruiter (scenes deleted)
Terrified American Man
Prime Minister
Cardiff Executive
Young Rebel
Kosal (as Somchai Santitharangkul)
Boatman (as Danai Thiengtham)
Late Night Reveler
Japanese Businessman
Grounds Keeper
Woman #1
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Tourist (uncredited)
Voice actor (uncredited)
Prime Minister (uncredited)
Voice actor (uncredited)
Michael (uncredited)
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Khmer (voice) (uncredited)
Voice Actor (uncredited)
Voice Actor (uncredited)
Sandra (uncredited)
No Escape

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