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Monstre, Le

MONSTRE, LE (1955)

Une fusée fait un atterrissage plutôt chaotique en rase campagne. Les militaires arrivent bientôt sur place, suivis par le fameux physicien Bernard Quatermass et ses assistants, et une femme qui se trouve être l'épouse de l'un des passagers de l'engin spatial...

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 22 minAnnée : 1955Pays : United KingdomLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : Black and WhiteRatio : 1.37 : 1Sortie France : 1957-04-12Sortie US : 1956-04-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Quatermass Xperiment
Argentina - Pánico mortal
Australia - The Creeping Unknown
Belgium - Het monster(Flemish)
Belgium - Le monstre
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Brazil - Projeto Quatermass
Brazil - Terror que Mata
Canada - The Creeping Unknown
Canada - The Quatermass Xperiment
Canada - Le monstre
Denmark - Xperiment Q
Finland - Quatermass
France - Le Monstre
Germany - Schock - The Quatermass Xperiment
Greece - To peirama tou Quatermass
Greece - Το πείραμα του Quatermass
Hungary - A Quatermass kísérlet
Italy - L'astronave atomica del dott. Quatermass
Japan - 原子人間
Mexico - Pánico mortal
Netherlands - Het monster van Dr. Quatermass
Poland - Zemsta kosmosu
Portugal - O Monstro do Espaço
Romania - Xperimentul Quatermass
Soviet Union - Эксперимент Куотермасса
Spain - El experimento del Dr. Quatermass
Spain - L'experiment del Dr. Quatermass
Sweden - Xperiment Q
Ukraine - Експеримент Квотермаса
United Kingdom - The Quatermass Xperiment
United Kingdom - X the Experiment
United States - The Creeping Unknown
United States - The Quatermass Xperiment
United States - The Quatermass Experiment
West Germany - Schock
Acteurs :
Prof Bernard Quatermass
Inspector Lomax
Victor Carroon
Mrs Judith Carroon
Rosemary 'Rosie' Elizabeth Wrigley
BBC TV producer
Dr Gordon Briscoe
Police Sergeant Questioning Rosie
Mrs Lomax (uncredited)
Maggie (uncredited)
Little Girl (uncredited)
Night Porter (uncredited)
Police Driver (uncredited)
Maggie's Boyfriend (uncredited)
Station Policeman (uncredited)
Charles Green (uncredited)
Police Constable Escorting Rosie (uncredited)
Sir Lionel Dean (uncredited)
Sound Engineer (uncredited)
Bystander (uncredited)
Mother at Zoo (uncredited)
Crash Site Fireman (uncredited)
TV Announcer (uncredited)
TV Floor Director (uncredited)
Crash Site Fire Chief (uncredited)
Police Officer (uncredited)
Central Clinic Nurse (uncredited)
Technician Controlling Power Supply (uncredited)
Inspector (uncredited)
Marsh (uncredited)
Film Lab Technician (uncredited)
George - Maggie's Father (uncredited)
Sgt Bromley (uncredited)
Tucker - Night Nurse (uncredited)
Zoo Superintendent (uncredited)
PC Evans (uncredited)
Zookeeper (uncredited)
Policeman (uncredited)
BBC Announcer (uncredited)
Bystander (uncredited)
Policeman (uncredited)
Local Policeman (uncredited)
Army officer (uncredited)
Major at Crash Site (uncredited)
Central Clinic Nurse (uncredited)
Reporter (uncredited)
The Chemist (uncredited)
Dr Ludwig Reichenheim (uncredited)
Det Sgt Best (uncredited)
Monstre Le

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