A Washington, en 2054, la société du futur a éradiqué le meurtre en se dotant du système de prévention / détection / répression le plus sophistiqué du monde. Dissimulés au coeur du Ministère de la Justice, trois extra-lucides captent les signes précurseurs des violences homicides et en adressent les images à leur contrôleur, John Anderton, le chef de la "Précrime" devenu justicier après la disparition tragique de son fils. Celui-ci n'a alors plus qu'à lancer son escouade aux trousses du "coupable"...
Mais un jour se produit l'impensable : l'ordinateur lui renvoie sa propre image. D'ici 36 heures, Anderton aura assassiné un parfait étranger. Devenu la cible de ses propres troupes, Anderton prend la fuite. Son seul espoir pour déjouer le complot : dénicher sa future victime ; sa seule arme : les visions parcellaires, énigmatiques, de la plus fragile des Pré-Cogs : Agatha.
Mais un jour se produit l'impensable : l'ordinateur lui renvoie sa propre image. D'ici 36 heures, Anderton aura assassiné un parfait étranger. Devenu la cible de ses propres troupes, Anderton prend la fuite. Son seul espoir pour déjouer le complot : dénicher sa future victime ; sa seule arme : les visions parcellaires, énigmatiques, de la plus fragile des Pré-Cogs : Agatha.
Titre original : MINORITY REPORT
Réalisateur(s) : Steven Spielberg
Scénariste(s) : Scott Frank (screenplay by) and, Jon Cohen (screenplay by), , Philip K Dick (based upon a short story by)
Genre(s) : Action,Crime,Mystery
Durée : 2 hs 25 minAnnée : 2002Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2002-10-02Sortie US : 2002-06-21Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Minority Report
Argentina - Minority Report: Sentencia previa
Australia - Minority Report
Austria - Minority Report
Brazil - Minority Report: A Nova Lei
Bulgaria - Специален доклад(Bulgarian)
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if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Minority Report
Canada - Rapport minoritaire
China - 少数派报告
Colombia - Sentencia previa
Croatia - Specijalni izvještaj
Czech Republic - Minority Report
Ecuador - Sentencia previa
Egypt - Minority Report
Estonia - Minority Report - kolmas otsus
Finland - Minority Report
France - Minority Report
Germany - Minority Report
Greece - Minority Report
Hong Kong - 未來報告
Hungary - Különvélemény
India - Minority Report
India - Minority Report
India - माइनॉरिटी रिपोर्ट
Israel - Minority Report
Italy - Minority Report
Japan - マイノリティ・リポート
Latvia - Īpašais zinojums
Lithuania - Įspėjantis pranešimas
Mexico - Minority report: Sentencia previa
Netherlands - Minority Report
Philippines - Minority Report
Poland - Raport mniejszości
Portugal - Relatório Minoritário
Romania - Raport special
Russia - Особое мнение
Serbia - Сувишни извештај
Singapore - Minority Report
Slovakia - Minority Report
Slovenia - Posebno poročilo
South Africa - Minority Report
South Korea - Minority Report
Spain - Minority Report
Sweden - Minority Report
Taiwan - 關鍵報告
Thailand - Minority Report
Turkey - Azınlık Raporu
Ukraine - Особлива думка
United Arab Emirates - Minority Report
United Kingdom - Minority Report
United States - Minority Report
United States - Second Sight
United States - Total Recall 2
United States - Minority report: Sentencia previa
Uruguay - Minority Report: Sentencia previa
Venezuela - Sentencia previa
(original title) - Minority Report
Argentina - Minority Report: Sentencia previa
Australia - Minority Report
Austria - Minority Report
Brazil - Minority Report: A Nova Lei
Bulgaria - Специален доклад(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Minority Report
Canada - Rapport minoritaire
China - 少数派报告
Colombia - Sentencia previa
Croatia - Specijalni izvještaj
Czech Republic - Minority Report
Ecuador - Sentencia previa
Egypt - Minority Report
Estonia - Minority Report - kolmas otsus
Finland - Minority Report
France - Minority Report
Germany - Minority Report
Greece - Minority Report
Hong Kong - 未來報告
Hungary - Különvélemény
India - Minority Report
India - Minority Report
India - माइनॉरिटी रिपोर्ट
Israel - Minority Report
Italy - Minority Report
Japan - マイノリティ・リポート
Latvia - Īpašais zinojums
Lithuania - Įspėjantis pranešimas
Mexico - Minority report: Sentencia previa
Netherlands - Minority Report
Philippines - Minority Report
Poland - Raport mniejszości
Portugal - Relatório Minoritário
Romania - Raport special
Russia - Особое мнение
Serbia - Сувишни извештај
Singapore - Minority Report
Slovakia - Minority Report
Slovenia - Posebno poročilo
South Africa - Minority Report
South Korea - Minority Report
Spain - Minority Report
Sweden - Minority Report
Taiwan - 關鍵報告
Thailand - Minority Report
Turkey - Azınlık Raporu
Ukraine - Особлива думка
United Arab Emirates - Minority Report
United Kingdom - Minority Report
United States - Minority Report
United States - Second Sight
United States - Total Recall 2
United States - Minority report: Sentencia previa
Uruguay - Minority Report: Sentencia previa
Venezuela - Sentencia previa
Acteurs :
Tom Cruise Chief John Anderton
Max von Sydow Director Lamar Burgess
Steve Harris Jad
Neal McDonough Fletcher
Patrick Kilpatrick Knott
Jessica Capshaw Evanna
Richard Coca Pre-Crime Cop
Keith Campbell Pre-Crime Cop
Kirk BR Woller Pre-Crime Cop
Klea Scott Pre-Crime Cop
Frank Grillo Pre-Crime Cop
Anna Maria Horsford Casey
Sarah Simmons Lamar Burgess' Secretary
Eugene Osment Jad's Technician
James Henderson Office Worker
Vene L Arcoraci Office Worker (as Vene Arcoraci)
Erica Ford Employee
Keith Flippen Tour Guide
Nathan Taylor Kid Tourist
Radmar Agana Jao Technician
Karina Logue Technician
Elizabeth Anne Smith Technician
Victoria Kelleher Technician
Jim Rash Technician
Colin Farrell Danny Witwer
Stephen Ramsey Jucket - Agent #1
Tom Choi Paymen - Agent #2
Tom Whitenight Price - Agent #3
William Morts Foley - Agent #4 (as Billy Morts)
Samantha Morton Agatha
Daniel London Wally the Caretaker
Michael Dickman Arthur
Matthew Dickman Dashiell
Lois Smith Dr Iris Hineman
Tim Blake Nelson Gideon
George D Wallace Chief Justice Pollard
Ann Ryerson Dr Katherine James
Kathryn Morris Lara Clarke
Tyler Patrick Jones Older Sean
Dominic Scott Kay Younger Sean
Arye Gross Howard Marks
Ashley Crow Sarah Marks
Mike Binder Leo Crow
Joel Gretsch Donald Doobin
Jessica Harper Anne Lively
Bertell Lawrence John Doe
Jason Antoon Rufus Riley at Cyber Parlor
William Mesnik Cyber Parlor Customer
Scott Frank Conceited Customer
Severin Wunderman Skiing Customer
Max Trumpower Homeless Person
Allie Raye Hamburger Mom
Rocael Leiva Hamburger Dad (as Rocael Rueda Sr)
Nicholas Edwin Barb Homework Boy
Catfish Bates Tenement Snitch
Peter Stormare Dr Solomon Eddie
Caroline Lagerfelt Greta van Eyck
Danny Parker-Lopes Man (as Danny Lopes)
Vanessa Cedotal Woman
Katy Boyer Mother
Adrianna Kamosa Child
Kari Gordon Child
Elizabeth Kamosa Child
Raquel Gordon Child
Laurel Kamosa Child
Fiona Hale Old Woman
Pamela Roberts Violent Wife
Clement Blake Husband (as Clement E Blake)
Jerry Perchesky Grandfather
Victor Raider-Wexler Attorney General Nash
Nancy Linehan Charles Celeste Burgess
Nadia Axakowsky Reporter
Dude Walker Reporter
Tony Hill Reporter
Drakeel Burns Reporter
William Mapother Hotel Clerk
Morgan Hasson Paperboy
Andrew Sandler Marks' Son
Bonnie Morgan Contortionist
Kathi Copeland Murder Bystander
Ana Maria Quintana Murder Bystander
Lucille M Oliver Murder Bystander
Gene Wheeler Murder Bystander
Tonya Ivey Gap Girl
David Stifel Lycon - Seller of Black Inhalers
Kurt Sinclair Adulation #1
Rebecca Ritz Adulation #2
Beverly Morgan Adulation #3
John Bennett Adulation #4
Maureen Dunn Adulation #5
Ron Ulstad Adulation #6
Blake Bashoff Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
David Doty Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Gina Gallego Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
David Hornsby Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Anne Judson-Yager Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Meredith Monroe Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Benita Krista Nall Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Shannon O'Hurley Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Jorge-Luis Pallo Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Elizabeth Payne Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer (as Elizabeth Penn Payne)
Ethan Sherman Revo Sunglass Model
Jarah Mariano AMEX Polynesian Woman (as Jarah)
Miles Dinsmoor Guinness Man
Vanessa Asbert Bulgari Model
Michael Ahl Agent (uncredited)
Markus Alexander Captain of Industry (uncredited)
Paul Thomas Anderson Passenger on Train (uncredited)
Don Austin Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Seth Bailey Balloon Vendor (uncredited)
Spencer A Beckett II Man on Bicycle (uncredited)
Greg Bronson Upscale Party Guest (uncredited)
Robert Randolph Caton Dignitary (uncredited)
Derek Chandler Pre-Crime Cop (uncredited)
Cameron Crowe Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Tom Cutler Banquet Guest (uncredited)
Cameron Diaz Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Patricia DiZebba Ballroom Guest (uncredited)
Pamela Donnelly Woman with Stroller (uncredited)
Jumbe Fletcher Prisoner (uncredited)
Bourke Floyd Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Kimiko Gelman Mother on Metro (uncredited)
Steven Hack PSA #10 (uncredited)
Daniel D Harris Inner-City Group Leader (uncredited)
Rebecca Hirschfeld Subway Patron (uncredited)
Tristan Jackson Pre-Crime Cop (uncredited)
Baron Jay Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Nina Kaczorowski Virtual Girl (uncredited)
Rick Kain Metro Cop (uncredited)
George Kardulias Wealthy Patron (uncredited)
Spencer Kayden Ballroom Guest /Card Player (uncredited)
Payman Kayvanfar Card Player (uncredited)
Charles M Kerper Pre-Crime Employee (uncredited)
Shannon Livingston Office Worker (uncredited)
Sunny Malick Pre-Crime Employee (uncredited)
Kelli Mandruk Virtual Reality Girl (uncredited)
Johnny Martin Virtual Reality Boy (uncredited)
Miguel Mas Passenger on Train (uncredited)
Sumalee Montano Talking Billboard (uncredited)
Rana Morrison Lady at Party (uncredited)
Peechee Neric Tourist (uncredited)
Vito Pietanza Traditionalist (uncredited)
Marilyn Rising Contortionist (uncredited)
Diane Robin Victim (uncredited)
Ian Salmon Pre-Crime Cop (uncredited)
Riley Schmidt Pre-Crime Employee (uncredited)
Robert Shepherd Wealthy Patron (uncredited)
Jay Shindell Man in Car (uncredited)
Paul Sinacore Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Daniel Browning Smith Contortionist (uncredited)
Clara Soyoung Subway passenger (uncredited)
Dollar Tan PSA Crime Guy (uncredited)
Christian Taylor Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Marty Terry Pre-Crime PSA (uncredited)
Clyde Tull Party Guest (uncredited)
Paul Wesley Nathan with Bicycle (uncredited)
Tom Cruise Chief John Anderton
Max von Sydow Director Lamar Burgess
Steve Harris Jad
Neal McDonough Fletcher
Patrick Kilpatrick Knott
Jessica Capshaw Evanna
Richard Coca Pre-Crime Cop
Keith Campbell Pre-Crime Cop
Kirk BR Woller Pre-Crime Cop
Klea Scott Pre-Crime Cop
Frank Grillo Pre-Crime Cop
Anna Maria Horsford Casey
Sarah Simmons Lamar Burgess' Secretary
Eugene Osment Jad's Technician
James Henderson Office Worker
Vene L Arcoraci Office Worker (as Vene Arcoraci)
Erica Ford Employee
Keith Flippen Tour Guide
Nathan Taylor Kid Tourist
Radmar Agana Jao Technician
Karina Logue Technician
Elizabeth Anne Smith Technician
Victoria Kelleher Technician
Jim Rash Technician
Colin Farrell Danny Witwer
Stephen Ramsey Jucket - Agent #1
Tom Choi Paymen - Agent #2
Tom Whitenight Price - Agent #3
William Morts Foley - Agent #4 (as Billy Morts)
Samantha Morton Agatha
Daniel London Wally the Caretaker
Michael Dickman Arthur
Matthew Dickman Dashiell
Lois Smith Dr Iris Hineman
Tim Blake Nelson Gideon
George D Wallace Chief Justice Pollard
Ann Ryerson Dr Katherine James
Kathryn Morris Lara Clarke
Tyler Patrick Jones Older Sean
Dominic Scott Kay Younger Sean
Arye Gross Howard Marks
Ashley Crow Sarah Marks
Mike Binder Leo Crow
Joel Gretsch Donald Doobin
Jessica Harper Anne Lively
Bertell Lawrence John Doe
Jason Antoon Rufus Riley at Cyber Parlor
William Mesnik Cyber Parlor Customer
Scott Frank Conceited Customer
Severin Wunderman Skiing Customer
Max Trumpower Homeless Person
Allie Raye Hamburger Mom
Rocael Leiva Hamburger Dad (as Rocael Rueda Sr)
Nicholas Edwin Barb Homework Boy
Catfish Bates Tenement Snitch
Peter Stormare Dr Solomon Eddie
Caroline Lagerfelt Greta van Eyck
Danny Parker-Lopes Man (as Danny Lopes)
Vanessa Cedotal Woman
Katy Boyer Mother
Adrianna Kamosa Child
Kari Gordon Child
Elizabeth Kamosa Child
Raquel Gordon Child
Laurel Kamosa Child
Fiona Hale Old Woman
Pamela Roberts Violent Wife
Clement Blake Husband (as Clement E Blake)
Jerry Perchesky Grandfather
Victor Raider-Wexler Attorney General Nash
Nancy Linehan Charles Celeste Burgess
Nadia Axakowsky Reporter
Dude Walker Reporter
Tony Hill Reporter
Drakeel Burns Reporter
William Mapother Hotel Clerk
Morgan Hasson Paperboy
Andrew Sandler Marks' Son
Bonnie Morgan Contortionist
Kathi Copeland Murder Bystander
Ana Maria Quintana Murder Bystander
Lucille M Oliver Murder Bystander
Gene Wheeler Murder Bystander
Tonya Ivey Gap Girl
David Stifel Lycon - Seller of Black Inhalers
Kurt Sinclair Adulation #1
Rebecca Ritz Adulation #2
Beverly Morgan Adulation #3
John Bennett Adulation #4
Maureen Dunn Adulation #5
Ron Ulstad Adulation #6
Blake Bashoff Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
David Doty Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Gina Gallego Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
David Hornsby Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Anne Judson-Yager Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Meredith Monroe Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Benita Krista Nall Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Shannon O'Hurley Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Jorge-Luis Pallo Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer
Elizabeth Payne Pre-Crime Public Service Announcer (as Elizabeth Penn Payne)
Ethan Sherman Revo Sunglass Model
Jarah Mariano AMEX Polynesian Woman (as Jarah)
Miles Dinsmoor Guinness Man
Vanessa Asbert Bulgari Model
Michael Ahl Agent (uncredited)
Markus Alexander Captain of Industry (uncredited)
Paul Thomas Anderson Passenger on Train (uncredited)
Don Austin Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Seth Bailey Balloon Vendor (uncredited)
Spencer A Beckett II Man on Bicycle (uncredited)
Greg Bronson Upscale Party Guest (uncredited)
Robert Randolph Caton Dignitary (uncredited)
Derek Chandler Pre-Crime Cop (uncredited)
Cameron Crowe Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Tom Cutler Banquet Guest (uncredited)
Cameron Diaz Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Patricia DiZebba Ballroom Guest (uncredited)
Pamela Donnelly Woman with Stroller (uncredited)
Jumbe Fletcher Prisoner (uncredited)
Bourke Floyd Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Kimiko Gelman Mother on Metro (uncredited)
Steven Hack PSA #10 (uncredited)
Daniel D Harris Inner-City Group Leader (uncredited)
Rebecca Hirschfeld Subway Patron (uncredited)
Tristan Jackson Pre-Crime Cop (uncredited)
Baron Jay Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Nina Kaczorowski Virtual Girl (uncredited)
Rick Kain Metro Cop (uncredited)
George Kardulias Wealthy Patron (uncredited)
Spencer Kayden Ballroom Guest /Card Player (uncredited)
Payman Kayvanfar Card Player (uncredited)
Charles M Kerper Pre-Crime Employee (uncredited)
Shannon Livingston Office Worker (uncredited)
Sunny Malick Pre-Crime Employee (uncredited)
Kelli Mandruk Virtual Reality Girl (uncredited)
Johnny Martin Virtual Reality Boy (uncredited)
Miguel Mas Passenger on Train (uncredited)
Sumalee Montano Talking Billboard (uncredited)
Rana Morrison Lady at Party (uncredited)
Peechee Neric Tourist (uncredited)
Vito Pietanza Traditionalist (uncredited)
Marilyn Rising Contortionist (uncredited)
Diane Robin Victim (uncredited)
Ian Salmon Pre-Crime Cop (uncredited)
Riley Schmidt Pre-Crime Employee (uncredited)
Robert Shepherd Wealthy Patron (uncredited)
Jay Shindell Man in Car (uncredited)
Paul Sinacore Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Daniel Browning Smith Contortionist (uncredited)
Clara Soyoung Subway passenger (uncredited)
Dollar Tan PSA Crime Guy (uncredited)
Christian Taylor Pre-Crime Officer (uncredited)
Marty Terry Pre-Crime PSA (uncredited)
Clyde Tull Party Guest (uncredited)
Paul Wesley Nathan with Bicycle (uncredited)

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