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Jour Où La Terre S'Arrêta, Le


L'arrivée sur Terre de Klaatu, un extraterrestre d'apparence humaine, provoque de spectaculaires bouleversements. Tandis que les gouvernements et les scientifiques tentent désespérément de percer son mystère, une femme, le docteur Helen Benson, parvient à nouer un contact avec lui et à comprendre le sens de sa mission. Klaatu est là pour sauver la Terre... avec ou sans les humains.

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 44 minAnnée : 2008Langue(s) : English (United States)Ratio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2008-12-10
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Argentina - El día que la tierra se detuvo
Australia - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Azerbaijan - Yerin dayandığı gün
Brazil - O Dia em que a Terra Parou
Bulgaria - Денят, в който Земята спря(Bulgarian)
50 more

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Canada - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Canada - Le jour où la Terre s'arrêta
Colombia - El día que la tierra se detuvo
Croatia - Dan kad se Zemlja zaustavila
Czech Republic - Den, kdy se zastavila Země
Ecuador - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Estonia - Päev, kui maailm jäi seisma
Finland - Päivä jona maailma pysähtyi
France - Le Jour où la Terre s'arrêta
Germany - Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand
Greece - Otan i gi stamatisei
Greece - Όταν η Γη σταματήσει
Hong Kong - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Hungary - Amikor megállt a Föld
India - The Day the Earth Stood Still
India - The Day the Earth Stood Still
India - Poolaga Piralayam
Indonesia - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Israel - Keshe'ha'olam amad mi'lehet
Italy - Ultimatum alla Terra
Japan - Chikyû ga seishi suru hi
Japan - 地球が静止する日
Kazakhstan - Жердің тоқтаған күні
Kazakhstan - День, когда Земля остановилась
Latvia - Diena, kad apstājās Zeme
Lithuania - Diena, kai sustojo Žemė
Mexico - El día que la tierra se detuvo
Netherlands - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Peru - El día que la Tierra se detuvo
Philippines - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Poland - Dzień, w którym zatrzymała się Ziemia
Portugal - O Dia em que a Terra Parou
Romania - Ziua in care Pamantul se opri
Russia - День, когда Земля остановилась
Serbia - Dan kada je Zemlja stala
Singapore - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Slovakia - Deň, keď sa zastavila Zem
Slovenia - Dan, ko bo obstala zemlja
South Africa - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Spain - Ultimátum a la Tierra
Sweden - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Taiwan - 當地球停止轉動
Thailand - The Day the Earth Stood Still
Turkey - Dünyanın Durduğu Gün
Ukraine - День, коли Земля зупинилась
United Arab Emirates - ذا داي ذا إيرث ستود ستيل
United Kingdom - The Day the Earth Stood Still
United States - The Day the Earth Stood Still
United States - D.T.E.S.S.
United States - The Day the Earth Stood Still: The IMAX Experience
Acteurs :
Helen Benson
Regina Jackson
Jacob Benson
Professor Barnhardt
Michael Granier
John Driscoll
Mr Wu
Dr Myron
William Kwan
Laptop Woman (as Alisen Down)
Plainclothes Agent (as David Lewis)
Agent Driver
Yusef (as Mousa Kraish)
Civil Engineer
Helicopter Scientist #1
Helicopter Scientist #2
Helicopter Scientist #3
Scientist #1
Scientist #2
Army Sergeant
Soldier #1
Soldier #2
Soldier #3
Medic #1 (as Shaker Paleja)
Medic #2 (as Doug Chapman)
Medic #3
General Quinn
Regina's Aide
Dr Ikegawa
Grey Man
Grey Man
Military Policeman
Polygraph Operator
Little Boy
Train Passenger #1
Train Passenger #2
Arguing Evacuee
Transit Cop (as William 'Bigsleeps' Stewart)
Army Fighter Pilot #1
Army Fighter Pilot #2
Air Traffic Controller
Target Tech
Wu's Grandson (as Edward Fong)
Army Corps Engineer Captain (as Sandra Colton)
Flash Chamber Colonel
State Trooper
News Anchor
Flash Chamber Engineer
Flash Chamber Tech
Field Commander Communications Officer
Truck Driver
Pickup Truck Driver
Humvee Soldier
Army Staff Sergeant (uncredited)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Olivia (uncredited)
Coffee Cup Guy (uncredited)
Police Officer (uncredited)
Self - German Chancellor (archive footage) (uncredited)
Self - Russian Prime Minister (archive footage) (uncredited)
Soldier (uncredited)
Principal (uncredited)
Soldier (uncredited)
Jour Où La Terre SArrêta Le

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Gama08Gama08 - 18/12/2008 à 18:44
# 3

Un peu du même avis que Vincent, un beau film mais pas un bon film...

SebastienSebastien - 14/08/2008 à 13:50
# 2

jamais vu l'original; ça a l'air géant. Et j'espère que la fin ne sera pas en happy end?

LOOKERLOOKER - 22/07/2008 à 10:06
# 1

Houa le pied cette news!

Sa note: 8/10
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