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Filmographie de Joan Torres

Filmographie de : Joan Torres

Scénariste :

SCREAM BLACULA SCREAM, de Bob Kelljan, 1973
After a dying Voodoo queen chooses an adopted apprentice as her successor, her true heir is outraged. Seeking revenge, he buys the bones of Blacula the vampire off of a dealer, and uses voodoo to bring the vampire back to do his bidding. In turn, Blacula turns him into a vampire and makes him his slave. Meanwhile, a police officer with a large collection of African antiques and an interest in the occult investigates the murders caused by Blacula...

BLACULA, LE VAMPIRE NOIR (Blacula), de William Crain, 1972
En 1780, après avoir rendu visite au comte Dracula, Manuwalde, un prince africain, se transforme en vampire et vit enfermé dans un cercueil... En 1972, deux collectionneurs d'antiquités ramènent ce funeste objet à Los Angeles. Blacula se réveille alors et sème la terreur à LA....