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Housemaid, The


Euny est engagée comme aide-gouvernante dans une riche maison bourgeoise. Le mari, Hoon, la prend pour maîtresse. La vie de toute la maison va alors basculer.

Titre original : HANYEO
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 47 minAnnée : 2010Pays : South KoreaCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2010-09-15Sortie US : 2011-01-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Hanyeo
Australia - The Housemaid
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Služavka(Croatian)
Brazil - A Empregada
Canada - The Housemaid
Canada - The Housemaid

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China - 下女
Croatia - Služavka
Denmark - Hanyo - tjenestepigen
Ecuador - Hanyo
Egypt - The Housemaid
Estonia - Teenijanna
France - The Housemaid
Germany - Das Hausmädchen
India - Hanyo
India - The Housemaid
Indonesia - Hanyo
Israel - Ha'mesharetet
Italy - The Housemaid
Japan - ハウスメイド
Mexico - Una peligrosa criada
Norway - Hushjelpen
Philippines - The Housemaid
Poland - Pokojówka
Romania - Menajera
Russia - Служанка
Serbia - Služavka
Singapore - The Housemaid
South Africa - The Housemaid
South Korea - Hanyo
Spain - La criada
Sweden - The Housemaid
Taiwan - 下女
Thailand - The Housemaid
Turkey - Hanyo
Ukraine - Служниця
United Arab Emirates - The Housemaid
United Kingdom - The Housemaid
United States - The Housemaid
Vietnam - Người Hầu Gái
World-wide - The Housemaid
Acteurs :
Eun-yi Li (as Do-youn Jeon)
Hoon Goh
Byung-sik (as Yuh-jung Youn)
Hae-ra's Mother
Na-mi (as Seo-hyun Ahn)
Eun-yi's Friend
Doctor (as Jin-ah Kim)
Herbal Medicine Shop Doctor
Chief Secretary
Security 2
Yoga Instructor (as Hyun-kyung Lim)
Old Housemaid
Young Housemaid 1
Young Housemaid 2
Death Leap Girl
Nurse 1
Nurse 2
CT Doctor
Scrub Nurse
Housemaid The

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