Bien décidé à exterminer les descendants des parents qui l'avaient brulé dans le passé, l'épouvantable Freddy, à nouveau ressuscité, s'apprêtent à revêtir les tenues les plus perverses pour pénétrer dans les rêves de ses prochaines victimes. Mais c'était sans compter sur Alice, elle aussi capable de s'introduire dans les rêves de ses amis pour faire face au redoutable croquemitaine...
Réalisateur(s) : Renny Harlin
Scénariste(s) : Wes Craven (character), , William Kotzwinkle (story) and, Brian Helgeland (story), , Brian Helgeland (screenplay) and, Jim Wheat (screenplay) (as Scott Pierce) &, Ken Wheat (screenplay) (as Scott Pierce)
Genre(s) : Horror
Durée : 1 h 33 minAnnée : 1988Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie US : 1988-08-19Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Argentina - Pesadilla 4: El dueño del sueño
Australia - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Brazil - A Hora do Pesadelo 4: O Mestre dos Sonhos
Bulgaria - Кошмари на Елм стрийт 4: Господарят на сънищата(Bulgarian)
Canada - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapBy what name was Le Cauchemar de Freddy (1988) officially released in India in English?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Canada - Le cauchemar de Freddy 4
China - 半夜鬼上床4
China - 幽冥鬼手
China - 猛鬼街4
China - 猛鬼街4:梦幻主宰
China - 猛鬼街第四集
Croatia - Strava u Ulici brijestova 4: Gospodar snova
Czech Republic - Noční můra v Elm Street 4: Vládce snu
Denmark - Søvnløse nætter
Finland - Painajainen Elm Streetillä 4 - unien valtias
Finland - Painajainen Elm Streetillä 4: Unien valtias
Finland - Mardrömmen på Elm Street 4 - drömmarnas härsk
France - Le Cauchemar de Freddy
Germany - Nightmare on Elm Street 4
Greece - Εφιάλτης στον δρόμο με τις λεύκες Νο 4
Hungary - Rémálom az Elm utcában 4. - Az álmok ura
Iceland - Martröð á Elmarsstræti 4: Drauma Meistarinn
India - नाइटमेयर ऑन एल्म स्ट्रीट ४: ड्रीम सास्टर
Italy - Nightmare 4 - Il non risveglio
Japan - Elm Street Nightmare 4: The Dream Master Final Counterattack
Japan - エルム街の悪夢4 ザ・ドリームマスター 最後の反撃
Lithuania - Košmaras Guobų gatvėje. Sapnų valdovas
Mexico - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4
Mexico - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4: el sueño maestro
Norway - Terror på Elm Street 4 - Freddys mareritt
Poland - Koszmar z ulicy Wiązów 4: Władca snów
Portugal - Pesadelo em Elm Street 4
Romania - Coșmarul de pe Elm Street 4: Stăpânul visului
Russia - Кошмар на улице Вязов 4: Повелитель сна
Serbia - Strava u Ulici brestova 4: Gospodar snova
Slovakia - Nočná mora v Elm Street 4: Vládca snov
Soviet Union - Кошмар на улице Вязов 4: Повелитель сна
Spain - Pesadilla en Elm Street 4
Spain - Pesadilla en Elm Street 4
Spain - Pesadilla en Elm Street 4: El amo del sueño
Sweden - Terror på Elm Street 4
Sweden - Terror på Elm Street 4 - Freddys mardröm
Taiwan - 半夜鬼上床4
Turkey - Elm Sokağı Kabusu 4: Rüya Ustası
Ukraine - Жах на вулиці В'язів 4: Повелитель сну
United Kingdom - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
United Kingdom - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 - The Dream Master
United States - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
United States - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4
Uruguay - Pesadilla 4: El dueño del sueño
Venezuela - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4
Vietnam - Ác Mộng Phố Elm 4: Chúa Tể Của Những Giấc Mơ
West Germany - Nightmare on Elm Street 4
(original title) - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Argentina - Pesadilla 4: El dueño del sueño
Australia - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Brazil - A Hora do Pesadelo 4: O Mestre dos Sonhos
Bulgaria - Кошмари на Елм стрийт 4: Господарят на сънищата(Bulgarian)
Canada - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapBy what name was Le Cauchemar de Freddy (1988) officially released in India in English?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Canada - Le cauchemar de Freddy 4
China - 半夜鬼上床4
China - 幽冥鬼手
China - 猛鬼街4
China - 猛鬼街4:梦幻主宰
China - 猛鬼街第四集
Croatia - Strava u Ulici brijestova 4: Gospodar snova
Czech Republic - Noční můra v Elm Street 4: Vládce snu
Denmark - Søvnløse nætter
Finland - Painajainen Elm Streetillä 4 - unien valtias
Finland - Painajainen Elm Streetillä 4: Unien valtias
Finland - Mardrömmen på Elm Street 4 - drömmarnas härsk
France - Le Cauchemar de Freddy
Germany - Nightmare on Elm Street 4
Greece - Εφιάλτης στον δρόμο με τις λεύκες Νο 4
Hungary - Rémálom az Elm utcában 4. - Az álmok ura
Iceland - Martröð á Elmarsstræti 4: Drauma Meistarinn
India - नाइटमेयर ऑन एल्म स्ट्रीट ४: ड्रीम सास्टर
Italy - Nightmare 4 - Il non risveglio
Japan - Elm Street Nightmare 4: The Dream Master Final Counterattack
Japan - エルム街の悪夢4 ザ・ドリームマスター 最後の反撃
Lithuania - Košmaras Guobų gatvėje. Sapnų valdovas
Mexico - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4
Mexico - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4: el sueño maestro
Norway - Terror på Elm Street 4 - Freddys mareritt
Poland - Koszmar z ulicy Wiązów 4: Władca snów
Portugal - Pesadelo em Elm Street 4
Romania - Coșmarul de pe Elm Street 4: Stăpânul visului
Russia - Кошмар на улице Вязов 4: Повелитель сна
Serbia - Strava u Ulici brestova 4: Gospodar snova
Slovakia - Nočná mora v Elm Street 4: Vládca snov
Soviet Union - Кошмар на улице Вязов 4: Повелитель сна
Spain - Pesadilla en Elm Street 4
Spain - Pesadilla en Elm Street 4
Spain - Pesadilla en Elm Street 4: El amo del sueño
Sweden - Terror på Elm Street 4
Sweden - Terror på Elm Street 4 - Freddys mardröm
Taiwan - 半夜鬼上床4
Turkey - Elm Sokağı Kabusu 4: Rüya Ustası
Ukraine - Жах на вулиці В'язів 4: Повелитель сну
United Kingdom - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
United Kingdom - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 - The Dream Master
United States - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
United States - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4
Uruguay - Pesadilla 4: El dueño del sueño
Venezuela - Pesadilla en la calle del infierno 4
Vietnam - Ác Mộng Phố Elm 4: Chúa Tể Của Những Giấc Mơ
West Germany - Nightmare on Elm Street 4
Acteurs :
John Beckman Coach
Kisha Brackel Friend
Brooke Bundy Elaine
Wanda Bursey Friend in Mourning
Hope Marie Carlton Pin Up Girl
Kristen Clayton Little Girl
Duane Davis Jock
Rodney Eastman Joey
Robert Englund Freddy Krueger
Richard Garrison Doctor
Danny Hassel Dan
Andras Jones Rick
Tuesday Knight Kristen
Jeff Levine Paramedic
Joanna Lipari Nurse
Joie Magidow Physics Teacher
Jacquelyn Masche Joey's Mom
Nicholas Mele Johnson
Robert Shaye Lecturer (as LE Moko)
Jody Montana Buddy in Diner
Toy Newkirk Sheila
Pat O'Neal Student
Linnea Quigley Soul from Freddy's Chest
Cheryl Richardson Girl
Ken Sagoes Kincaid
Brooke Theiss Debbie
Lisa Wilcox Alice
Mickey Yablans Buddy in Locker Room
Jake The Dog
Chris Claridge Dan's buddy (uncredited)
Renny Harlin Student in Classroom (uncredited)
Colette Joel Student in classroom (uncredited)
Fred Moon Funeral Attendant (uncredited)
Darrell Philip Dead man (uncredited)
John Beckman Coach
Kisha Brackel Friend
Brooke Bundy Elaine
Wanda Bursey Friend in Mourning
Hope Marie Carlton Pin Up Girl
Kristen Clayton Little Girl
Duane Davis Jock
Rodney Eastman Joey
Robert Englund Freddy Krueger
Richard Garrison Doctor
Danny Hassel Dan
Andras Jones Rick
Tuesday Knight Kristen
Jeff Levine Paramedic
Joanna Lipari Nurse
Joie Magidow Physics Teacher
Jacquelyn Masche Joey's Mom
Nicholas Mele Johnson
Robert Shaye Lecturer (as LE Moko)
Jody Montana Buddy in Diner
Toy Newkirk Sheila
Pat O'Neal Student
Linnea Quigley Soul from Freddy's Chest
Cheryl Richardson Girl
Ken Sagoes Kincaid
Brooke Theiss Debbie
Lisa Wilcox Alice
Mickey Yablans Buddy in Locker Room
Jake The Dog
Chris Claridge Dan's buddy (uncredited)
Renny Harlin Student in Classroom (uncredited)
Colette Joel Student in classroom (uncredited)
Fred Moon Funeral Attendant (uncredited)
Darrell Philip Dead man (uncredited)
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