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A History of Violence


Tom Stall, un père de famille à la vie paisiblement tranquille, abat dans un réflexe de légitime défense son agresseur dans un restaurant. Il devient alors un personnage médiatique, dont l'existence est dorénavant connue du grand public...

Titre original : A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Crime,Drama
Durée : 1 h 36 minAnnée : 2005Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 2005-05-16Sortie US : 2005-09-23
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - A History of Violence
Argentina - Una historia violenta
Australia - A History of Violence
Brazil - Marcas da Violência
Bulgaria - Тъмно минало(Bulgarian)
Canada - A History of Violence
50 more

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Canada - Une histoire de violence
China - 暴力史
Croatia - Povijest nasilja
Czech Republic - Dejiny násilí
Ecuador - Una historia violenta
Egypt - A History of Violence
Estonia - Vägivaldne minevik
Finland - A History of Violence - Tarina väkivallasta
France - A History of Violence
Germany - A History of Violence
Greece - To telos tis vias
Greece - Το τέλος της βίας
Hong Kong - A History of Violence
Hungary - Erőszakos múlt
India - A History of Violence
India - A History of Violence
Indonesia - A History of Violence
Israel - Historia shel Alimoot
Italy - A History of Violence
Japan - History of Violence
Japan - ヒストリー・オブ・バイオレンス
Latvia - Vardarbības pēctecība
Lithuania - Smurto istorija
Mexico - Una historia violenta
Netherlands - A History of Violence
Peru - Una historia violenta
Philippines - A History of Violence
Poland - Historia przemocy
Portugal - Uma História de Violência
Romania - Umbrele trecutului
Russia - Opravdannaya zhestokost
Russia - Оправданная жестокость
Serbia - Istorija nasilja
Singapore - A History of Violence
Slovakia - História násilia
Slovenia - Senca preteklosti
South Africa - A History of Violence
South Korea - A History of Violence
Spain - Una historia de violencia
Spain - Una història de violència
Sweden - A History of Violence
Taiwan - 暴力效應
Turkey - Şiddetin Tarihçesi
Ukraine - Виправдана жорстокість
United Arab Emirates - A History of Violence
United Kingdom - A History of Violence
United States - A History of Violence
United States - Una historia violenta
Uruguay - Una historia violenta
Vietnam - Quá Khứ Tội Ác
Acteurs :
Tom Stall
Edie Stall
Carl Fogarty
Richie Cusack
Jack Stall
Sheriff Sam Carney
Judy Danvers
Sarah Stall
Charlie Roarke
Frank Mulligan
Jenny Wyeth
Bobby's Buddy
Shoe Saleswoman
Richie's Thug
Richie's Thug
Richie's Thug
Local TV Reporter
Local TV Reporter
Baseball Coach
TV Broadcaster
Motel Girl
Kid in Diner
Kid in Diner
Hospital Well-Wisher
Jared (uncredited)
Kid (uncredited)
Guy in Bar (uncredited)
'Hulk' Boy (uncredited)
Guy on the Street (uncredited)
A History of Violence

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