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Escape Game


Six personnes se retrouvent dans une situation incontrôlable ou seule leur intelligence leur permettra de survivre.

Titre original : ESCAPE ROOM
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Horror
Durée : 1 h 39 minAnnée : 2019Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie US : 2019-01-04
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Escape Room
Argentina - Escape Room: Sin salida
Australia - Escape Room
Austria - Escape Room
Brazil - Escape Room
Bulgaria - Escape Room: Играй или умри(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Escape Room
Canada - Jeu d'évasion
Chile - Escape Room: Sin salida
China - 密室逃生
China - 密室逃脱
China - 迷宫
China - 逃生室
Colombia - Escape Room: Sin salida
Croatia - Soba za bijeg
Czech Republic - Úniková hra
Egypt - Escape Room
Estonia - Põgenemistuba
France - Escape Game
France - The Maze
Germany - Escape Room
Greece - Escape Room
Greece - Δωμάτιο διαφυγής
Hong Kong - Escape Room
Hungary - Végtelen útvesztő
India - Escape Room
India - Escape Room
India - Escape Room: Maut Ka Khel
India - अभेद जेल शातिर कैदी
Indonesia - Escape Room
Ireland - Escape Room
Israel - Escape Room
Italy - Escape Room
Japan - エスケープ・ルーム
Kazakhstan - Клаустрофобы
Latvia - Izlaušanās spēle
Lithuania - Pabegimo kambarys
Mexico - Escape room: sin salida
Netherlands - Escape Room
New Zealand - Escape Room
Peru - Escape Room: Sin salida
Philippines - Escape Room
Poland - Escape Room
Portugal - Escape Room
Romania - Scapă, dacă poţi!
Russia - Клаустрофобы
Serbia - Escape Room
Singapore - Escape Room
Slovakia - Úniková hra
South Africa - Escape Room
South Korea - 이스케이프 룸
Spain - Escape Room
Sweden - Escape Room
Taiwan - 密弑遊戲
Thailand - Escape Room
Turkey - Ölümcül Labirent
Acteurs :
Zoey Davis
Ben Miller
Jason Walker
Mike Nolan
Amanda Harper
Danny Khan
Games Master WooTan Yu
College Professor
Charlie - Jason's Assistant
Gary - Ben's Boss
Allison - Zoey's Roommate
Hazmat One
Minos Security Guard /Hazmat Two
Detective Li
Nurse (as Caely Jo Levy)
Rosa /1st Flight Attendant
Business Passenger (as Jeremy Jess Boado)
2nd Flight Attendant
Minos Technician #1
Minos Technician #2
Fabricator (uncredited)
Ben's Teenage Friend (uncredited)
Football Player (uncredited)
Puzzle Maker (uncredited)
Gabe (uncredited)
Hazmat Joe (uncredited)
Coach (uncredited)
Detective (uncredited)
Escape Game

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