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Doctor Strange 


Doctor Strange suit l'histoire du Docteur Stephen Strange, talentueux neurochirurgien qui, après un tragique accident de voiture, doit mettre son égo de côté et apprendre les secrets d'un monde caché de mysticisme et de dimensions alternatives. Basé à New York, dans le quartier de Greenwich Village, Doctor Strange doit jouer les intermédiaires entre le monde réel et ce qui se trouve au-delà, en utlisant un vaste éventail d'aptitudes métaphysiques et d'artefacts pour protéger le Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Titre original : DOCTOR STRANGE
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Fantasy
Durée : 1 h 55 minAnnée : 2016Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorSortie France : 2016-10-26Sortie US : 2016-10-20
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Doctor Strange
Albania - Doktor Strejnxh
Argentina - Doctor Strange. Hechicero supremo
Australia - Doctor Strange
Azerbaijan - Doktor Strenc
Brazil - Doutor Estranho
50 more

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Bulgaria - Доктор Стрейндж
Canada - Doctor Strange
Canada - Docteur Strange
Chile - Doctor Strange. Hechicero supremo
Colombia - Doctor Strange. Hechicero supremo
Czech Republic - Doctor Strange
Ecuador - Doctor Strange: Hechicero Supremo
Egypt - Doctor Strange
Estonia - Doktor Strange
France - Doctor Strange
Georgia - Doqtor streinji
Germany - Doctor Strange
Greece - Doctor Strange
Hong Kong - Doctor Strange
Hong Kong - 奇異博士
Hungary - Doctor Strange
India - Doctor Strange
India - Doctor Strange
India - Doctor Strange: Samay Ka Khel
Indonesia - Doctor Strange
Israel - Doctor Strange
Italy - Doctor Strange
Japan - ドクター・ストレンジ
Kazakhstan - Доктор Стрэндж
Latvia - Doktors Streindžs
Lithuania - Daktaras Streindžas
Malaysia - Marvel's Doctor Strange
Mexico - Doctor Strange. Hechicero supremo
Netherlands - Doctor Strange
New Zealand - Doctor Strange
Philippines - Doctor Strange
Poland - Doktor Strange
Portugal - Doutor Estranho
Romania - Doctor Strange
Russia - Доктор Стрэндж
Serbia - Доктор Стрејнџ
Singapore - Doctor Strange
Slovakia - Doctor Strange
Slovenia - Doktor Strange
South Africa - Doctor Strange
South Korea - 닥터 스트레인지
Spain - Doctor Extraño
Spain - Doctor Strange. Doctor Extraño
Sweden - Doctor Strange
Taiwan - 奇異博士
Tajikistan - Доктор Стрэнҷ
Thailand - Doctor Strange
Turkey - Doktor Strange
Ukraine - Доктор Стрендж
United Arab Emirates - دكتور سترينج
Acteurs :
Dr Stephen Strange
Dr Christine Palmer
The Ancient One
Dr Nicodemus West
Jonathan Pangborn
Lucian /Strong Zealot
Brunette Zealot
Tall Zealot
Blonde Zealot
Sol Rama
Tina Minoru (as Linda Duan)
Daniel Drumm
Dr Patel
Dr Bruner
Nurse Billy
Dr Garrison
Dr Weiss
Physical Therapist
Concerned Doctor
Reluctant Surgeon
Bus Passenger
Kamar-Taj Librarian (as Ezra Khan)
Bullet Patient's Wife
Pat Kiernan
Junior Doctor (uncredited)
Alexis Scrub Nurse (uncredited)
Street Passerby (uncredited)
Orderly (uncredited)
Orderly (uncredited)
Physio Patient (uncredited)
New York businessman (uncredited)
New York Businesswoman (uncredited)
Hong Kong Woman (uncredited)
Hong Kong Daughter (uncredited)
Orderly (uncredited)
New York construction worker (uncredited)
Hong Kong Son #2 (uncredited)
Hong Kong Son #1 (uncredited)
Passerby (uncredited)
Hospital Visitor (uncredited)
Girl on the Bus (uncredited)
Claire Scrub Nurse (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Orderly (uncredited)
Thor (uncredited)
Nurse (uncredited)
New York Pedestrian (uncredited)
Assistant (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Merc Driver (uncredited)
Doctor (uncredited)
Girl in Nepal (uncredited)
Hong Kong Officer (uncredited)
Surgeon (uncredited)
Sadhu (uncredited)
Martial Artist /Waitress (uncredited)
Kamar Taj Apprentice (uncredited)
Man in Street (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Nervous Zelot (uncredited)
Apprentice (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Driver (uncredited)
New York Pedestrian /Bus Passenger (uncredited)
New York Tourist (uncredited)
NYC Pedestrian (uncredited)
Kamar-Taj Disciple (uncredited)
Disciple (uncredited)
Tea Lady (uncredited)
Doctor Strange 

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