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Dar l'invincible


Les aventures et les exploits de Dar, surnommé "l'invincible", parce qu'il possède le pouvoir de commander les bêtes et qu'il est accompagné dans sa quête par une panthère noire et un aigle qui le protège tous deux.

Titre original : THE BEASTMASTER
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Fantasy
Durée : 1 h 58 minAnnée : 1982Langue(s) : English (United States)Ratio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 1983-04-27Sortie US : 1982-08-20
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Beastmaster
Argentina - Invasión Junk
Australia - The Beastmaster
Brazil - O Príncipe Guerreiro
Brazil - Senhor das Feras(Video Title)
Bulgaria - Господарят на животните(Bulgarian)

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Canada - The Beastmaster
Canada - The Beastmaster
Chile - Invasión Junk
Czech Republic - Pán šelem
Ecuador - The Beastmaster
Egypt - The Beastmaster
Finland - Voittamaton kostaja
France - Dar l'invincible
Germany - Beastmaster - Der Befreier
Greece - Varvaros mahitis
Greece - Βάρβαρος μαχητής
Hungary - A vadak ura
India - The Beastmaster
India - The Beastmaster
India - वीर जांँबाज
Indonesia - The Beastmaster
Italy - Kaan principe guerriero
Japan - ミラクルマスター 7つの大冒険
Mexico - El señor de las bestias
Norway - Dar: den uovervinnelige
Peru - El bárbaro Guerrero
Poland - Władca zwierząt
Portugal - O Guerreiro Sagrado
Serbia - Господар звери
Slovakia - Pán šeliem
South Africa - The Beastmaster
Soviet Union - Повелитель зверей
Spain - El señor de las bestias
Sweden - Beastmaster
Turkey - Yenilmez Savasçi
Ukraine - Володар звірів
United Kingdom - The Beastmaster
United States - The Beastmaster
United States - El señor de las bestias
Venezuela - El señor de las bestias
West Germany - Beastmaster - Der Befreier
Yugoslavia - Gospodar zveri
Acteurs :
Tal (as Josh Milrad)
Young Dar's Father
Young Dar (as Billy Jacoby)
Witchwoman #1
Witchwoman #2 (as Chrissy Kellogg)
Witchwoman #3
Jun Leader
Zed's Wife
Sacco's Daughter
Winged Creature Leader
Hanging Priest
Hanging Priest
Zed's Guard (as Monty Simons)
Marauder (as Bruce Barbour)
Kiri's Friend
Man in Cage
Death Guard Priest
Death Guard Priest
Death Guard Rider
Guard on Parapet
Young Villager
Jun Priest
Jun Priest (as Hank Hooker)
Jun Priest
Jun Priest (as Tom Huff)
Jun Priest
Jun Priest
Jun Priest
Jun Priest
Jun Priest (as Eddie Donno)
Jun Priest
Jun Priest
Jun Priest (as Fess Reynolds)
Jun Priest
Infant Dar (uncredited)
Baby Dar (uncredited)
Peasant (uncredited)
Boatman (uncredited)
Dar linvincible

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