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Conjuring : Les Dossiers Warren


Avant Amityville, il y avait Harrisville...
The Conjuring raconte l'histoire horrible, mais vraie, d'Ed et Lorraine Warren, enquêteurs paranormaux réputés dans le monde entier, venus en aide à une famille terrorisée par une présence inquiétante dans leur ferme isolée… Contraints d'affronter une créature démoniaque d'une force redoutable, les Warren se retrouvent face à l'affaire la plus terrifiante de leur carrière…

Titre original : THE CONJURING
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 52 minAnnée : 2013Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2013-08-21Sortie US : 2013-07-19
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Conjuring
Argentina - El conjuro
Australia - The Conjuring
Bolivia - El conjuro
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Prizivanje(Croatian)
Brazil - Invocação do Mal
50 more

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Bulgaria - Заклинанието
Canada - The Conjuring
Canada - La conjuration
Chile - El conjuro
China - 招魂
Colombia - El conjuro
Croatia - Prizivanja
Czech Republic - V zajetí démonů
Denmark - Nattens dæmoner
Ecuador - El conjuro
Egypt - The Conjuring
Estonia - Kurja kutsumine
Finland - Kirottu
Finland - Besvärjelse
France - Conjuring : Les Dossiers Warren
Germany - Conjuring - Die Heimsuchung
Greece - To kalesma
Greece - Το κάλεσμα
Hong Kong - The Conjuring
Hungary - Démonok között
India - The Conjuring
India - द कॉन्जुरिंग
Indonesia - The Conjuring
Iran - The Conjuring
Ireland - The Conjuring
Israel - Le'za'men et ha'ro'a
Italy - L'evocazione - The Conjuring
Japan - Shiryô-kan
Japan - 死霊館
Latvia - Ļaunuma izsaukšana
Lithuania - Isvarymas
Mexico - El conjuro
Netherlands - The Conjuring
New Zealand - The Conjuring
Peru - El conjuro
Philippines - The Conjuring
Poland - Obecność
Portugal - The Conjuring - A Evocação
Romania - Trăind printre demoni
Russia - Заклятие
Serbia - Призивање зла
Singapore - The Conjuring
Slovakia - V zajatí démonov
Slovenia - Priklicano zlo
South Africa - The Conjuring
South Korea - The Conjuring
Spain - Expediente Warren: The Conjuring
Spain - L'expedient Warren
Sweden - The Conjuring
Taiwan - 厲陰宅
Acteurs :
Lorraine Warren
Ed Warren
Carolyn Perron
Roger Perron
Judy Warren
Student #1
Student #2
Female Student
David (as J Donovan Nelson)
Catholic Priest
Mrs Walker
Father Gordon
Suicide Maid
Sadie the Dog
Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Faculty (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
School Bus Rider (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Amanda (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
College Faculty (uncredited)
College Professor (uncredited)
Moving Man (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Extra (uncredited)
Jan Brady (archive footage) (uncredited)
Faculty (uncredited)
Rory (uncredited)
Faculty (uncredited)
Man in Audience (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Faculty (uncredited)
Woman in Audience (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Conjuring  Les Dossiers Warren

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Oh My GoreOh My Gore - 19/07/2013 à 20:13
# 2

Merci c'est corrigé !

13nrv - 18/07/2013 à 17:36
# 1

Dommage qu'aucune bande annonce ne corresponde.

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