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Cogan – La Mort en Douce


Lorsqu’une partie de poker illégale est braquée, c’est tout le monde des bas-fonds de la pègre qui est menacé. Les caïds de la Mafia font appel à Jackie Cogan pour trouver les coupables. Mais entre des commanditaires indécis, des escrocs à la petite semaine, des assassins fatigués et ceux qui ont fomenté le coup, Cogan va avoir du mal à garder le contrôle d’une situation qui dégénère…

Titre original : KILLING THEM SOFTLY
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Crime,Drama,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 37 minAnnée : 2012Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Sortie France : 2012-12-05Sortie US : 2012-11-30
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Killing Them Softly
Argentina - Mátalos suavemente
Australia - Killing Them Softly
Brazil - O Homem da Máfia
Bulgaria - Убивай ги нежно(Bulgarian)
Canada - Killing Them Softly

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Canada - Cogan - La mort en douce
Chile - Mátalos suavemente
Colombia - Mátalos suavemente
Croatia - Ubij ih nježno
Czech Republic - Zabít tiše
Ecuador - Mátalos suavemente
Egypt - Killing Them Softly
Estonia - Räpane amet
France - Cogan: Killing Them Softly
Georgia - Mokali nazad
Germany - Killing Them Softly
Greece - Σκότωσε τους γλυκά
Hungary - Ölni kíméletesen
India - Killing Them Softly
India - Killing Them Softly
Israel - Horeg otam be'rakut
Italy - Cogan - Killing Them Softly
Japan - Jackie Cogan
Japan - ジャッキー・コーガン
Latvia - Kazino aplaupīšana
Lithuania - Kazino apiplešimas
Mexico - Mátalos suavemente
Netherlands - Killing Them Softly
New Zealand - Killing Them Softly
Peru - Mátalos suavemente
Poland - Zabić, jak to łatwo powiedzieć
Portugal - Mata-os Suavemente
Russia - Ограбление казино
Serbia - Убиј их нежно
Singapore - Killing Them Softly
Slovakia - Tichý zabijak
Slovenia - Ubij jih nezno
South Africa - Killing Them Softly
South Korea - Killing Them Softly
Spain - Mátalos suavemente
Spain - Mata'ls suaument
Sweden - Killing Them Softly
Taiwan - 殺戮行動
Thailand - Killing Them Softly
Turkey - Kibarca Öldürmek
Ukraine - Пограбування казино
United Kingdom - Killing Them Softly
United States - Killing Them Softly
United States - Cogan's Trade
Uruguay - Mátalos suavemente
Vietnam - Trật Tự Giang Hồ
Acteurs :
Johnny Amato
Markie Trattman
Steve Caprio
Barry Caprio
Kenny Gill (as Slaine)
Poker Guy
Business Suit Agent
Cab Driver Agent
Security Force Agent
Bartender #1
Bartender #2
Bar Patron #1
Bar Patron #2
Bar Patron #3 (as Roger L Pfeiffer Jr)
Business Suit Agent
Maid (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Miss Annie (uncredited)
Prison Doctor (uncredited)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Eddie Mattie (uncredited)
Reveler (uncredited)
Sweet Melinda (uncredited)
Murderer (uncredited)
Poker Dealer #1 (uncredited)
Homeless Man (uncredited)
DEA Agent (uncredited)
Pink Pants (uncredited)
Traveler (uncredited)
Mafia Poker Player (uncredited)
Elderly Poker Player (uncredited)
AMTRAK /Greyhound Bus Patron (uncredited)
AMTRAK /Greyhound Bus Patron (uncredited)
Pablo (uncredited)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Naked Guy (uncredited)
Bus Station Construction Worker (uncredited)
Evicted Husband (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Asian Poker Player (uncredited)
Cogan – La Mort en Douce

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