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Cinquième élément, Le


Au XXIII siècle, dans un univers étrange et coloré, ou tout espoir de survie est impossible sans la découverte du cinquième élément, un héros affronte le mal pour sauver l'humanité.

Titre original : THE FIFTH ELEMENT
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Durée : 2 hs 6 minAnnée : 1997Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 1997-05-07Sortie US : 1997-05-09
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Fifth Element
Argentina - El quinto elemento
Australia - The Fifth Element
Austria - Das fünfte Element
Azerbaijan - Beşinci element
Belgium - Het vijfde element(Flemish, cable TV title)
50 more

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Bosnia and Herzegovina - Peti element
Brazil - O Quinto Elemento
Bulgaria - Петият елемент
Canada - The Fifth Element
Canada - Le Cinquième Élément
China - 第五元素
Croatia - Peti element
Czech Republic - Pátý element
Denmark - Det femte element
Ecuador - El quinto elemento
Egypt - The Fifth Element
Estonia - Viies element
Finland - Puuttuva tekijä
Finland - The Fifth Element - puuttuva tekijä
France - Le Cinquième Élément
Germany - Das fünfte Element
Greece - To pempto stoiheio
Greece - Το πέμπτο στοιχείο
Hong Kong - The Fifth Element
Hong Kong - 第5元素
Hungary - Az ötödik elem
India - The Fifth Element
India - The Fifth Element
India - पाँचवा तत्व
Indonesia - The Fifth Element
Israel - The Fifth Element
Italy - Il quinto elemento
Japan - フィフス・エレメント
Kazakhstan - Бесінші элемент
Kazakhstan - Пятый элемент
Latvia - Piektais elements
Lithuania - Penktasis elementas
Mexico - El quinto elemento
Netherlands - The Fifth Element
Norway - Det femte element
Peru - El quinto elemento
Philippines - The Fifth Element
Poland - Piąty element
Portugal - O Quinto Elemento
Portugal - O 5º Elemento
Romania - Al cincilea element
Russia - Пятый элемент
Serbia - Пети елемент
Singapore - The Fifth Element
Slovakia - Piaty element
Slovenia - Peti element
South Africa - The Fifth Element
South Korea - 제5원소
Spain - El quinto elemento
Spain - El cinquè element
Acteurs :
Korben Dallas
Ruby Rhod
General Munro
President Lindberg (as Tommy 'Tiny' Lister Jr)
David (as Charlie Creed Miles)
Right Arm
General Staedert
Professor Pacoli
Major Iceborg
General Tudor
Diva (as Maïwenn Le Besco)
Left Arm
President's Aide
Scientist's Aide
Munro's Captain
Head Scientist
Head of Military
Mondoshawan (as Jerome Blake)
Mondoshawan /Ground Crew
Mactilburgh's Assistant
Staedert's Captain
Mactilburgh's Technician
Chief NY Cop
NY Cop
Flying Cop
Flying Cop
Flying Cop /Military Technician
Flying Cop
Flying Cop
Flying Cop (as Jean Luc Caron)
Flying Cop
Flying Cop
VIP Stewardess (as Indra Ove)
VIP Stewardess
VIP Stewardess
Check-in Attendant
Warship Captain
Diva's Manager (as Peter Dunwell)
Ruby Rhod Assistant (as Stewart Harvey Wilson)
Ruby Rhod Assistant
Ruby Rhod Assistant
Diva's Assistant
Human Aknot
Mondoshawan /Mangalore Aknot /Airport Guard
Mangalore Akanit
Mangalore Kino
Airport Cop
Tawdry Girl
Shuttle Pilot
Shuttle Co-Pilot
Shuttle Mechanic
Ground Crew (as Vince Pellegrino)
Baby Ray
Emperor Kodar Japhet
Princess Achen
Roy von Bacon (as Eddie Ellwood)
Fhloston Hostess
Fhloston Hostess
Hefty Man
Police Chief
Fhloston Commander
Fhloston Captain
Hotel Manager
Zorg's Secretary
Military Technician
Military Technician
Military Technician
Lab Guard
Lab Guard
Staedert's Technician
Staedert's Technician
Staedert's Technician (as Omar Hibbert Williams)
Robot Barman
Warship Technician
TV Stewardess
Power Operator
Power Operator (as Keith Martin)
Zorg's Man
Zorg's Man
Zorg's Man
Zorg's Man (as Roy Garcia Singh)
Zorg's Man
Burger Assistant
Burger Assistant
Burger Assistant
Audience Member (uncredited)
Mondoshawan (uncredited)
Mondoshawan (uncredited)
Glamorous Alien Diva at Event (uncredited)
Mondoshawan #3 (uncredited)
Young Boy (uncredited)
Man (uncredited)
Japanese Hostess (uncredited)
Glamorous Japanese Girl (uncredited)
Diva's Singing Voice (uncredited)
Korben's Mother (voice) (uncredited)
Stewardess (uncredited)
VIP Lounge Worker (uncredited)
Bodyguard (uncredited)
Mangalor Alien (uncredited)
Emissary (uncredited)
Zorg's Henchmen Screams /Two Mangalore Screams (archive sound) (uncredited)
Afro Scott (uncredited)

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JulienJulien - 26/03/2008 à 21:30
# 1

Ce blockbuster m'a laissé de marbre. Très flashy, avare en action et beaucoup trop classique dans son intrigue, LE CINQUIEME ELEMENT ne vaut le coup d'oeil que pour ses décors, ses costumes et la prestation allumée de Gary Oldman. Le reste... pas de quoi fouetter un chat.

Sa note: 4/10
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