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Chute Libre


Sous le soleil brûlant de Los Angeles, un Américain transpire à grosses gouttes dans sa voiture, engluée au coeur d'un énorme embouteillage. C'est fini, il sera en retard pour l'anniversaire de sa fille. Il abandonne alors son véhicule, immatriculé "D-Fens", et sombre dans la folie. Tout à son obsession d'arriver à temps pour embrasser sa fille, il dévaste une épicerie, rosse des voyous, s'empare d'un arsenal, saccage un fast-food et tire au bazooka sur un chantier, un oeil hagard, l'autre rivé sur sa montre. L'officier de police Prendergast oublie qu'il fête le jour même son départ à la retraite et décide de prendre le dément en chasse...

Titre original : FALLING DOWN
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Crime,Drama,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 53 minAnnée : 1993Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 1993-05-22Sortie US : 1993-02-26
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Falling Down
Argentina - Un día de furia
Australia - Falling Down
Austria - Falling Down - Ein ganz normaler Tag
Azerbaijan - Düşmək
Brazil - Um Dia de Fúria

Bulgaria - Пропадане
Canada - Falling Down
Canada - L'enragé
China - 城市英雄
Croatia - Dan ludila
Czech Republic - Volný pád
Denmark - Falling Down
Ecuador - Falling Down
Egypt - Falling Down
Finland - Rankka päivä
France - Chute libre
Germany - Falling Down: Ein ganz normaler Tag
Greece - Mia xehoristi mera
Greece - Xehoristi mera
Greece - Ξεχωριστή μέρα
Hungary - Összeomlás
Iceland - Nóg komið
India - Falling Down
India - Falling Down
Israel - Falling Down
Italy - Un giorno di ordinaria follia
Japan - フォーリング・ダウン
Kazakhstan - Құлау
Kazakhstan - Менен жетер!
Kazakhstan - С меня хватит!
Lithuania - Nuopuolis
Mexico - Un día de furia
Netherlands - Falling Down
Peru - Un día de furia
Philippines - Falling Down
Poland - Upadek
Portugal - Um Dia de Raiva
Romania - Cadere
Romania - Cadere libera
Russia - С меня хватит!
Serbia - Pad
Singapore - Falling Down
Slovakia - Voľný pád
Slovenia - Prosti pad
South Africa - Falling Down
South Korea - Falling Down
Spain - Un día de furia
Spain - Un dia de fúria
Sweden - Falling Down
Taiwan - 城市英雄
Thailand - Falling Down
Turkey - Sonun Başlangıcı
Ukraine - З мене годі
Ukraine - З мене досить
Ukraine - Падіння
Acteurs :
Mrs Prendergast
Surplus Store Owner
D-Fens' Mother
Adele (Beth's Child) (as Joey Hope Singer)
Guy on Freeway
Mr Lee
Captain Yardley
Detective Lydecker
Detective Brian
Detective Jones
Detective Keene
Detective Graham
Detective Sanchez
Police Clerk
Officer at Station (as Mathew Saks)
Gang Member One
Gang Member Two
Gang Member Three
Gang Member Four (as Fabio Urena)
Angie's Mother
Uniformed Officer at Beth's
Uniformed Officer's Partner
Construction Sign Man by Bus Stop
Seedy Guy in Park
Rick (Whammyburger)
Sheila (Whammyburger)
Woman Who Throws Up (Whammyburger) (as Carol Androsky)
Lita the Waitress
Not Economically Viable Man
Annoying Man at Phone Booth
First Gay Man
Second Gay Man
Second Officer at Beth's (as Carole Ita White)
Second Officer's Partner
Guy Behind Woman Driver
Street Worker
Kid (with Missile Launcher)
Frank (Golfer)
Jim (Golfer)
Dad (Back Yard Party)
Mom (Back Yard Party)
Trina (Back Yard Party)
Suzie the Stripper (as Susie Singer)
Prendergast's Daughter
Bodybuilder (uncredited)
CHP Officer (uncredited)
Whammy Burger Customer (uncredited)
Whammyburger Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Hare Krishna (uncredited)
Hare Krishna (uncredited)
Hare Krishna (uncredited)
Hare Krishna (uncredited)
Motorist /Pedestrian (uncredited)
Indian vendor (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Whammyburger Customer (uncredited)
Paramedic (uncredited)
Man at Pier (uncredited)
Hare Krishna (uncredited)
Angry Motorist (uncredited)
Whammyburger Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Woman at Prendergast's Retirement Send Off (uncredited)
Man at Pier (uncredited)

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