Réalisateur(s) : Ethan Wiley
Scénariste(s) : Stephen King (short story 'Children of the Corn'), , Ethan Wiley (written by)
Genre(s) : Fantasy,Horror,Thriller
Durée : 1 h 23 minPays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorSortie US : 1998-06-21Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
Children of the Corn 5
Argentina - Cosecha negra V: Siente el terror
Brazil - Colheita Maldita 5: Campos do Terror
Bulgaria - Децата на царевицата V: Полето на писъците(Bulgarian)
Canada - Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Les Enfants de L'Horreur 5: La Secte des Damnés
Croatia - Djeca kukuruza: Polja terora
Czech Republic - Kukuřičné děti 5: Pole teroru
Finland - Maissilapset 5
Finland - Maissilapset 5 - kuoleman pellot
France - Les Démons du maïs 5 : La Secte des damnés
Germany - Kinder des Zorns 5 - Feld des Terrors
Greece - O dolofonos me to drepani: Ta horafia tou thanatou
Greece - Ο δολοφόνος με το δρεπάνι: Τα χωράφια του θανάτου
Hungary - A kukorica gyermekei 5: A sikolyok földje
Italy - Gli adoratori del male
Japan - チルドレン・オブ・ザ・コーン5:恐怖の畑
Mexico - Campo del terror
Mexico - Los niños del maíz 5: campos de terror
Mexico - Los niños del maíz V: campos de terror
Mexico - Los niños del maíz V: los campos del terror
Netherlands - Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror
Poland - Dzieci kukurydzy 5: Pola grozy
Portugal - Os Filhos da Terra V: Campos de Terror
Russia - Дети кукурузы 5: Поля страха
Serbia - Deca kukuruza 5: Polja terora
Spain - Los chicos del maíz 5: Campos de terror
Spain - Los chicos del maíz: Campos de terror
Sweden - Children of the Corn V: Dödens fält
Ukraine - Діти кукурудзи 5: Поля страху
United Kingdom - Children of The Corn V: Fields of Terror
United States - Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror
United States - Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
United States - Children of the Corn V: Field of Screams
(original title) - Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
Children of the Corn 5
Argentina - Cosecha negra V: Siente el terror
Brazil - Colheita Maldita 5: Campos do Terror
Bulgaria - Децата на царевицата V: Полето на писъците(Bulgarian)
Canada - Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Les Enfants de L'Horreur 5: La Secte des Damnés
Croatia - Djeca kukuruza: Polja terora
Czech Republic - Kukuřičné děti 5: Pole teroru
Finland - Maissilapset 5
Finland - Maissilapset 5 - kuoleman pellot
France - Les Démons du maïs 5 : La Secte des damnés
Germany - Kinder des Zorns 5 - Feld des Terrors
Greece - O dolofonos me to drepani: Ta horafia tou thanatou
Greece - Ο δολοφόνος με το δρεπάνι: Τα χωράφια του θανάτου
Hungary - A kukorica gyermekei 5: A sikolyok földje
Italy - Gli adoratori del male
Japan - チルドレン・オブ・ザ・コーン5:恐怖の畑
Mexico - Campo del terror
Mexico - Los niños del maíz 5: campos de terror
Mexico - Los niños del maíz V: campos de terror
Mexico - Los niños del maíz V: los campos del terror
Netherlands - Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror
Poland - Dzieci kukurydzy 5: Pola grozy
Portugal - Os Filhos da Terra V: Campos de Terror
Russia - Дети кукурузы 5: Поля страха
Serbia - Deca kukuruza 5: Polja terora
Spain - Los chicos del maíz 5: Campos de terror
Spain - Los chicos del maíz: Campos de terror
Sweden - Children of the Corn V: Dödens fält
Ukraine - Діти кукурудзи 5: Поля страху
United Kingdom - Children of The Corn V: Fields of Terror
United States - Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror
United States - Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
United States - Children of the Corn V: Field of Screams
Acteurs :
Stacy Galina Allison
Alexis Arquette Greg
Eva Mendes Kir (as Eva Mendez)
Greg Vaughan Tyrus
Angela Jones Charlotte
Ahmet Zappa Lazlo
Fred Williamson Sheriff Skaggs
Davino Buzzotta Jacob (as Dave Buzzotta)
Olivia Burnette Lily
Adam Wylie Ezeekial
David Carradine Luke
Aaron Jackson Zane
Matthew Tait Jared
Kane Hodder Bartender
Jennifer Badger Judith
Hiro Koda Caleb
Frank Lloyd Deputy Earl
Gary Bullock Farmer
Season Hubley Lilly's Mother
Edward Edwards Lilly's Father
Sicily Johnson Chloe (as Sicily)
Diva Zappa Drill Girl
Christopher Stinson Evil Corn Kid
Danny Goldring Mr O'Brien
Deborah Strang Mrs O'Brien
Stacy Galina Allison
Alexis Arquette Greg
Eva Mendes Kir (as Eva Mendez)
Greg Vaughan Tyrus
Angela Jones Charlotte
Ahmet Zappa Lazlo
Fred Williamson Sheriff Skaggs
Davino Buzzotta Jacob (as Dave Buzzotta)
Olivia Burnette Lily
Adam Wylie Ezeekial
David Carradine Luke
Aaron Jackson Zane
Matthew Tait Jared
Kane Hodder Bartender
Jennifer Badger Judith
Hiro Koda Caleb
Frank Lloyd Deputy Earl
Gary Bullock Farmer
Season Hubley Lilly's Mother
Edward Edwards Lilly's Father
Sicily Johnson Chloe (as Sicily)
Diva Zappa Drill Girl
Christopher Stinson Evil Corn Kid
Danny Goldring Mr O'Brien
Deborah Strang Mrs O'Brien

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