CELL (2016)
Un étrange signal circule de téléphone portable en téléphone portable à travers le monde, transformant les usagers en zombies assoiffés de sang. Des survivants de Nouvelle Angleterre s'organisent pour faire face au fléau.
Titre original : CELL
Réalisateur(s) : Tod Williams
Scénariste(s) : Stephen King (based on the novel by), , Stephen King (screenplay by) and, Adam Alleca (screenplay by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Horror
Durée : 1 h 38 minAnnée : 2016Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 2.39:1Sortie France : 2016-09-21Sortie US : 2016-07-08Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Cell
Argentina - El pulso
Australia - Cell
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Signal(Croatian)
Brazil - Celular
Brazil - Conexão Mortal(Alternative Title)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the Hindi language plot outline for Cell Phone (2016)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Клетка
Canada - Cell
Canada - Cellulaire
Chile - El Pulso
Chile - El Pulso: La llamada del apocalipsis
Colombia - Conexión Mortal
Croatia - Mobitel
France - Cell Phone
France - L'appel des zombies
Germany - Puls
Greece - Το κινητό
Hungary - Mobil
India - Cell
Indonesia - Cell
Israel - Celloulary
Italy - Cell
Japan - セル
Latvia - Mobilais
Mexico - Conexión mortal
Netherlands - Cell
Peru - La llamada del apocalipsis
Philippines - Cell
Poland - Komórka
Portugal - Cell: Chamada Para a Morte
Russia - Мобильник
Serbia - Signal
Singapore - Cell
Spain - Cell
Sweden - Cell
Taiwan - 科技浩劫
Turkey - Frekans
Ukraine - Мобільник
United Kingdom - Cell
United States - Cell
Vietnam - Tín Hiệu Diệt Vong
(original title) - Cell
Argentina - El pulso
Australia - Cell
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Signal(Croatian)
Brazil - Celular
Brazil - Conexão Mortal(Alternative Title)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the Hindi language plot outline for Cell Phone (2016)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Клетка
Canada - Cell
Canada - Cellulaire
Chile - El Pulso
Chile - El Pulso: La llamada del apocalipsis
Colombia - Conexión Mortal
Croatia - Mobitel
France - Cell Phone
France - L'appel des zombies
Germany - Puls
Greece - Το κινητό
Hungary - Mobil
India - Cell
Indonesia - Cell
Israel - Celloulary
Italy - Cell
Japan - セル
Latvia - Mobilais
Mexico - Conexión mortal
Netherlands - Cell
Peru - La llamada del apocalipsis
Philippines - Cell
Poland - Komórka
Portugal - Cell: Chamada Para a Morte
Russia - Мобильник
Serbia - Signal
Singapore - Cell
Spain - Cell
Sweden - Cell
Taiwan - 科技浩劫
Turkey - Frekans
Ukraine - Мобільник
United Kingdom - Cell
United States - Cell
Vietnam - Tín Hiệu Diệt Vong
Acteurs :
John Cusack Clay Riddell
Samuel L Jackson Tom McCourt
Isabelle Fuhrman Alice Waxman
Clark Sarullo Sharon Riddell
Ethan Andrew Casto Johnny Riddell
Owen Teague Jordan
Stacy Keach Charles Ardai
Joshua Mikel Raggedy
Anthony Reynolds Ray
Erin Elizabeth Burns Denise
Jeff Hallman Hog Tied Man (as Jeffrey Hallman)
Mark Ashworth Bartender
Wilbur Fitzgerald Geoff
Catherine Dyer Sally
E Roger Mitchell Roscoe
Alex ter Avest Chloe
Gaby Leyner Maddy
Rey Hernandez Cop (Rick)
Frederick C Johnson Jr Cop's Partner
Michael Beasley Construction Worker
Tom Key Older Man
Angela Davis Blood Stained Woman
Griffin Freeman Teenager /Mike
Lloyd Kaufman Bystander
Brian Boland Businessman
Mandi Christine Kerr Bluetooth Woman (as Mandi Kerr)
Alexis Humphrey Phoner Screamer
Karl McIntosh Cobos Phoner Screamer (as Karl Cobos)
Usher Lawrence Phoner Screamer
John Ross Bored Man
Cal Johnson Beer Belly /Airport Phoner
Guss Williams Jowly Chef
Tony McFarr Escalator Phoner
Philip Dido Escalator Phoner (as Phil Dido)
Ashley Rae Trisler Airport Phoner (as Ashley Trisler)
Clayton Thompson Airport Phoner
Todd Rogers Terry Airport Phoner (as Todd Terry)
Elizabeth Davidovich Airport Phoner /Tavern Phoner /Chaos Phoner (as Liz Davidovich)
Jessica Merideth Airport Phoner
Eric Benson Airport Phoner
Crystal Hooks Airport Phoner /Chaos Phoner
Jason Kehler Airport Phoner
Bayland Rippenkroeger Airport Phoner /Foot Chase Phoner
Mark Hicks Airport Phoner
Scott Dale Axe Man Phoner
Andy Rusk Tattoed Phoner
Jermaine Holt T-Station Phoner (as JT Holt)
Jay Pearson T-Station Phoner
Anderson Martin Tavern Phoner (as Andy Martin)
Johnny Cooper Tavern Phoner (as John Cooper)
Carl Kyle F Tavern Phoner (as Carl Kyle)
Bill Humphries Tavern Phoner
David Paul Lord Tavern Phoner
Jeff Milburn Motorcycle Rider
Taylor Towery Motorcycle Rider /Laptop Daughter
Troy Faruk Chaos Phoner
Alan D'Antoni Chaos Phoner
T Ryan Mooney Lead Phoner
Cody Robinson Foot Chase Phoner
Christopher Padilla Foot Chase Phoner (as Chris Padilla)
Reggie Jackson Foot Chase Phoner
Tristan Boswell Foot Chase Phoner
Shellita Boxie Foot Chase Phoner
Maya Santandrea Foot Chase Phoner
Marcelle Coletti Foot Chase Phoner
Danya Bateman Foot Chase Phoner
Becky Decker Foot Chase Phoner
Diane Towery Laptop Woman
Jennifer Badger Bored Woman
Jwaundace Candece Tackled Person (as Jwaundace Candace)
Dawson Towery Teen Phoner
Greg Tresan TSA Agent
Jaye Tyroff Broken Leg Phoner
Remington Steele Kashwak Phoner
Amy Lynn Tuttle Kashwak Phoner (as Amy Tuttle)
Stephen Conroy Kashwak Phoner
Tammie Baird Kashwak Phoner
Scott Loeser Kashwak Phoner
Damita Jane Howard Kashwak Phoner (as Danita Howard)
Jasmine Ahnie Phoner (uncredited)
Vincent Anthony Phoner (uncredited)
Christopher Bower Phoner Traveler (uncredited)
Winthorpe Burke (uncredited)
Charles Casey Phoner (uncredited)
Marshall Choka Airport patron (uncredited)
Joseph Cintron Phoner (uncredited)
Chuck Clark Air Traveler (uncredited)
Anthony Collins Crazy Police Officer (uncredited)
Elizabeth Cooper Airport Phoner (uncredited)
Alex Lee Corbit Phoner Veteran (uncredited)
George Dawe (uncredited)
Francis Dobrisky Airport Security (uncredited)
Kendall Dorman Veteran Phoner (uncredited)
Brent Duffey Paramedic (uncredited)
Abbey Ferrell Flight Attendant (uncredited)
Ta'Ron Glascoe Phoner (uncredited)
Rory Healy Raw Lemon /Ice Cream Truck Phoner (uncredited)
Quanteus Johnson Airport Phoner (uncredited)
Emily E Kelly (uncredited)
Noah Hudson Killingbeck Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Leslie Kimbell Disgruntled Passenger (uncredited)
King Phoner (uncredited)
Celeste Lezcano Phoner (uncredited)
Nicholas Martin Airport Attack Kid (uncredited)
Andrew S McMillan Phoner (uncredited)
Matt Metzger Arguile Phoner (uncredited)
Benjamin Meyers Parkour Phoner (uncredited)
Darone Okolie Phoner (uncredited)
Dustin Pitan Dead Body (uncredited)
Christopher L Plunkett Phoner (uncredited)
Brian A Prince Parkour Phoner (uncredited)
Antjuan Rhames Parkour Phoner (uncredited)
Shaker Sangam Indian (uncredited)
Brittany Savoie Crying Girl (uncredited)
Chris Smith Airport Phoner (uncredited)
Ivy Smith Phoner (uncredited)
Terrence V Walker Phoner /Endurance Runner (uncredited)
Kathy Walton (uncredited)
Steve Warren Airport Non-Phoner (uncredited)
Wenzell Washington Phoner (uncredited)
Amy Westmoreland Kashwak Phoner (uncredited)
Aja Wooldridge Rambunctious kid (uncredited)
John Cusack Clay Riddell
Samuel L Jackson Tom McCourt
Isabelle Fuhrman Alice Waxman
Clark Sarullo Sharon Riddell
Ethan Andrew Casto Johnny Riddell
Owen Teague Jordan
Stacy Keach Charles Ardai
Joshua Mikel Raggedy
Anthony Reynolds Ray
Erin Elizabeth Burns Denise
Jeff Hallman Hog Tied Man (as Jeffrey Hallman)
Mark Ashworth Bartender
Wilbur Fitzgerald Geoff
Catherine Dyer Sally
E Roger Mitchell Roscoe
Alex ter Avest Chloe
Gaby Leyner Maddy
Rey Hernandez Cop (Rick)
Frederick C Johnson Jr Cop's Partner
Michael Beasley Construction Worker
Tom Key Older Man
Angela Davis Blood Stained Woman
Griffin Freeman Teenager /Mike
Lloyd Kaufman Bystander
Brian Boland Businessman
Mandi Christine Kerr Bluetooth Woman (as Mandi Kerr)
Alexis Humphrey Phoner Screamer
Karl McIntosh Cobos Phoner Screamer (as Karl Cobos)
Usher Lawrence Phoner Screamer
John Ross Bored Man
Cal Johnson Beer Belly /Airport Phoner
Guss Williams Jowly Chef
Tony McFarr Escalator Phoner
Philip Dido Escalator Phoner (as Phil Dido)
Ashley Rae Trisler Airport Phoner (as Ashley Trisler)
Clayton Thompson Airport Phoner
Todd Rogers Terry Airport Phoner (as Todd Terry)
Elizabeth Davidovich Airport Phoner /Tavern Phoner /Chaos Phoner (as Liz Davidovich)
Jessica Merideth Airport Phoner
Eric Benson Airport Phoner
Crystal Hooks Airport Phoner /Chaos Phoner
Jason Kehler Airport Phoner
Bayland Rippenkroeger Airport Phoner /Foot Chase Phoner
Mark Hicks Airport Phoner
Scott Dale Axe Man Phoner
Andy Rusk Tattoed Phoner
Jermaine Holt T-Station Phoner (as JT Holt)
Jay Pearson T-Station Phoner
Anderson Martin Tavern Phoner (as Andy Martin)
Johnny Cooper Tavern Phoner (as John Cooper)
Carl Kyle F Tavern Phoner (as Carl Kyle)
Bill Humphries Tavern Phoner
David Paul Lord Tavern Phoner
Jeff Milburn Motorcycle Rider
Taylor Towery Motorcycle Rider /Laptop Daughter
Troy Faruk Chaos Phoner
Alan D'Antoni Chaos Phoner
T Ryan Mooney Lead Phoner
Cody Robinson Foot Chase Phoner
Christopher Padilla Foot Chase Phoner (as Chris Padilla)
Reggie Jackson Foot Chase Phoner
Tristan Boswell Foot Chase Phoner
Shellita Boxie Foot Chase Phoner
Maya Santandrea Foot Chase Phoner
Marcelle Coletti Foot Chase Phoner
Danya Bateman Foot Chase Phoner
Becky Decker Foot Chase Phoner
Diane Towery Laptop Woman
Jennifer Badger Bored Woman
Jwaundace Candece Tackled Person (as Jwaundace Candace)
Dawson Towery Teen Phoner
Greg Tresan TSA Agent
Jaye Tyroff Broken Leg Phoner
Remington Steele Kashwak Phoner
Amy Lynn Tuttle Kashwak Phoner (as Amy Tuttle)
Stephen Conroy Kashwak Phoner
Tammie Baird Kashwak Phoner
Scott Loeser Kashwak Phoner
Damita Jane Howard Kashwak Phoner (as Danita Howard)
Jasmine Ahnie Phoner (uncredited)
Vincent Anthony Phoner (uncredited)
Christopher Bower Phoner Traveler (uncredited)
Winthorpe Burke (uncredited)
Charles Casey Phoner (uncredited)
Marshall Choka Airport patron (uncredited)
Joseph Cintron Phoner (uncredited)
Chuck Clark Air Traveler (uncredited)
Anthony Collins Crazy Police Officer (uncredited)
Elizabeth Cooper Airport Phoner (uncredited)
Alex Lee Corbit Phoner Veteran (uncredited)
George Dawe (uncredited)
Francis Dobrisky Airport Security (uncredited)
Kendall Dorman Veteran Phoner (uncredited)
Brent Duffey Paramedic (uncredited)
Abbey Ferrell Flight Attendant (uncredited)
Ta'Ron Glascoe Phoner (uncredited)
Rory Healy Raw Lemon /Ice Cream Truck Phoner (uncredited)
Quanteus Johnson Airport Phoner (uncredited)
Emily E Kelly (uncredited)
Noah Hudson Killingbeck Airport Traveler (uncredited)
Leslie Kimbell Disgruntled Passenger (uncredited)
King Phoner (uncredited)
Celeste Lezcano Phoner (uncredited)
Nicholas Martin Airport Attack Kid (uncredited)
Andrew S McMillan Phoner (uncredited)
Matt Metzger Arguile Phoner (uncredited)
Benjamin Meyers Parkour Phoner (uncredited)
Darone Okolie Phoner (uncredited)
Dustin Pitan Dead Body (uncredited)
Christopher L Plunkett Phoner (uncredited)
Brian A Prince Parkour Phoner (uncredited)
Antjuan Rhames Parkour Phoner (uncredited)
Shaker Sangam Indian (uncredited)
Brittany Savoie Crying Girl (uncredited)
Chris Smith Airport Phoner (uncredited)
Ivy Smith Phoner (uncredited)
Terrence V Walker Phoner /Endurance Runner (uncredited)
Kathy Walton (uncredited)
Steve Warren Airport Non-Phoner (uncredited)
Wenzell Washington Phoner (uncredited)
Amy Westmoreland Kashwak Phoner (uncredited)
Aja Wooldridge Rambunctious kid (uncredited)

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