Dans des temps immémoriaux où la magie, les fées et les nains étaient monnaie courante, naquit un jour l’unique enfant d’un bon roi et de son épouse chérie : une fille aux lèvres rouge sang, à la chevelure noire comme l’ébène et à la peau blanche comme neige. Et voilà précisément où l’histoire que vous croyiez connaître prend fin et où la nouvelle adaptation épique et envoutante de ce célèbre conte des frères Grimm débute. Notre héroïne, dont la beauté vient entacher la suprématie de l’orgueilleuse Reine Ravenna et déclencher son courroux, n’a plus rien d’une damoiselle en détresse, et la cruelle marâtre en quête de jeunesse éternelle ignore que sa seule et unique rivale a été formée à l’art de la guerre par le chasseur qu’elle avait elle-même envoyé pour la capturer. Alliant leurs forces, Blanche-Neige et le chasseur vont fomenter une rébellion et lever une armée pour reconquérir le royaume de Tabor et libérer son peuple du joug de l’impitoyable Ravenna.
Réalisateur(s) : Rupert Sanders
Scénariste(s) : Evan Daugherty (screenplay) and, John Lee Hancock (screenplay) and, Hossein Amini (screenplay), , Evan Daugherty (screen story)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Drama
Durée : 2 hs 7 minAnnée : 2012Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie US : 2012-06-01Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Snow White and the Huntsman
Argentina - Blancanieves y el cazador
Australia - Snow White and the Huntsman
Brazil - Branca de Neve e o Caçador
Bulgaria - Снежанка и ловецът(Bulgarian)
Canada - Snow White and the Huntsman
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Canada - Blanche-Neige et le chasseur
Chile - Blancanieves y el cazador
China - 白雪公主与猎人
Colombia - Blancanieves y la leyenda del cazador
Croatia - Snjeguljica i lovac
Czech Republic - Snehurka a lovec
Egypt - Snow White and the Huntsman
Estonia - Lumivalgeke ja kütt
Finland - Lumikki ja metsästäjä
France - Blanche-Neige et le Chasseur
Germany - Snow White and the Huntsman
Greece - I Hionati kai o kynigos
Greece - Η Χιονάτη και ο κυνηγός
Hong Kong - Snow White and the Huntsman
Hungary - Hófehér és a vadász
India - Snow White and the Huntsman
India - Snow White and the Huntsman
Israel - Shilgiya ve'ha'tzayad
Italy - Biancaneve e il cacciatore
Japan - Snow White
Japan - スノーホワイト
Latvia - Sniegbaltīte un mednieks
Lithuania - Snieguole ir medžiotojas
Mexico - Blancanieves y el Cazador
Netherlands - Snow White and the Huntsman
Peru - Blancanieves y el cazador
Philippines - Snow White and the Huntsman
Poland - Królewna Śnieżka i Łowca
Portugal - A Branca de Neve e o Caçador
Romania - Alba ca Zapada si Razboinicul Vanator
Russia - Белоснежка и охотник
Serbia - Снежана и ловац
Singapore - Snow White and the Huntsman
Slovakia - Snehulienka a lovec
Slovenia - Sneguljčica in lovec
South Africa - Snow White and the Huntsman
Spain - Blancanieves y la leyenda del cazador
Spain - Blancaneu i la llegenda del caçador
Sweden - Snow White and the Huntsman
Taiwan - 公主與狩獵者
Thailand - Snow White and the Huntsman
Turkey - Pamuk Prenses ve Avcı
Ukraine - Білосніжка та Мисливець
United Kingdom - Snow White and the Huntsman
United States - Snow White and the Huntsman
United States - Snow White & the Huntsman
United States - Blancanieves y el Cazador
Uruguay - Blanca Nieves y el cazador
Vietnam - Bạch Tuyết Và Gã Thợ Săn
(original title) - Snow White and the Huntsman
Argentina - Blancanieves y el cazador
Australia - Snow White and the Huntsman
Brazil - Branca de Neve e o Caçador
Bulgaria - Снежанка и ловецът(Bulgarian)
Canada - Snow White and the Huntsman
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Blanche-Neige et le chasseur
Chile - Blancanieves y el cazador
China - 白雪公主与猎人
Colombia - Blancanieves y la leyenda del cazador
Croatia - Snjeguljica i lovac
Czech Republic - Snehurka a lovec
Egypt - Snow White and the Huntsman
Estonia - Lumivalgeke ja kütt
Finland - Lumikki ja metsästäjä
France - Blanche-Neige et le Chasseur
Germany - Snow White and the Huntsman
Greece - I Hionati kai o kynigos
Greece - Η Χιονάτη και ο κυνηγός
Hong Kong - Snow White and the Huntsman
Hungary - Hófehér és a vadász
India - Snow White and the Huntsman
India - Snow White and the Huntsman
Israel - Shilgiya ve'ha'tzayad
Italy - Biancaneve e il cacciatore
Japan - Snow White
Japan - スノーホワイト
Latvia - Sniegbaltīte un mednieks
Lithuania - Snieguole ir medžiotojas
Mexico - Blancanieves y el Cazador
Netherlands - Snow White and the Huntsman
Peru - Blancanieves y el cazador
Philippines - Snow White and the Huntsman
Poland - Królewna Śnieżka i Łowca
Portugal - A Branca de Neve e o Caçador
Romania - Alba ca Zapada si Razboinicul Vanator
Russia - Белоснежка и охотник
Serbia - Снежана и ловац
Singapore - Snow White and the Huntsman
Slovakia - Snehulienka a lovec
Slovenia - Sneguljčica in lovec
South Africa - Snow White and the Huntsman
Spain - Blancanieves y la leyenda del cazador
Spain - Blancaneu i la llegenda del caçador
Sweden - Snow White and the Huntsman
Taiwan - 公主與狩獵者
Thailand - Snow White and the Huntsman
Turkey - Pamuk Prenses ve Avcı
Ukraine - Білосніжка та Мисливець
United Kingdom - Snow White and the Huntsman
United States - Snow White and the Huntsman
United States - Snow White & the Huntsman
United States - Blancanieves y el Cazador
Uruguay - Blanca Nieves y el cazador
Vietnam - Bạch Tuyết Và Gã Thợ Săn
Acteurs :
Kristen Stewart Snow White
Chris Hemsworth The Huntsman
Charlize Theron Ravenna
Sam Claflin William
Sam Spruell Finn
Ian McShane Beith
Bob Hoskins Muir
Ray Winstone Gort
Nick Frost Nion
Eddie Marsan Duir
Toby Jones Coll
Johnny Harris Quert
Brian Gleeson Gus
Vincent Regan Duke Hammond
Liberty Ross Snow White's Mother
Noah Huntley King Magnus
Chris Obi Mirror Man
Lily Cole Greta
Rachael Stirling Anna
Hattie Gotobed Lily
Raffey Cassidy Young Snow White
Xavier Atkins Young William
Anastasia Hille Ravenna's Mother
Izzy Meikle-Small Young Ravenna
Elliot Reeve Young Finn
Mark Wingett Thomas
Jamie Blackley Iain
Dave Legeno Broch
Matt Berry Percy
Greg Hicks Black Knight General
Peter Ferdinando Black Knight
Andrew Hawley Guard on Duty
Joey Ansah Aldan
Gregor Truter Duke's Commander
Tom Mullion Soldier
Julian Seager Woodsman (uncredited)
Paul Warren Emaciated Peasant (uncredited)
Edd Osmond Gort Dwarf Double
Charlie Akin Archer (uncredited)
Sam Allen Extra (uncredited)
Karen Anderson Muir Dwarf Double (uncredited)
Oliver Andrews-Waller Choir Boy /Emaciated Child (uncredited)
Lasco Atkins Palace Worker (uncredited)
Lee Bennett Dark Army Warrior (uncredited)
Jason Bostridge Duke's Army Soldier (uncredited)
Kenneth W Caravan Nobelman (uncredited)
Duncan Casey Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Lucy Chappell Prisoner Girl (uncredited)
James Cook Choir Monk /Dark Army (uncredited)
James Currie Ravenna's Personal Guard (uncredited)
Guinevere Edwards Extra (uncredited)
Bryony Francis Gypsy Villager (uncredited)
Jake Francis Ravenna's Archer (uncredited)
Mick Fryer-Kelsey Village Carpenter (uncredited)
Neve Gachev Fendland Woman (uncredited)
Craig Garner Coll Dwarf Double (uncredited)
Dylan Goodall Fairy (mocap) (uncredited)
Roman Green Village Peasant Amputee (uncredited)
Mark Haldor Duke's Army Soldier /Nobleman (uncredited)
Shawn Paul Hastings Snow White Guard (uncredited)
Matthew Hobbs Shadow Soldier (uncredited)
Matt Hookings Magnus Guard (uncredited)
Nick Horwood Duke's General (uncredited)
Kevin Hudson Archer (uncredited)
Leo Hunter Dark Army Soldier (uncredited)
Craig Izzard Duke's Army (uncredited)
Lee Edward Jones Quert Dwarf Double (uncredited)
Darren Kent Emaciated Peasant (uncredited)
Cameron Leese Nobleman (uncredited)
Hain MacSheoinin Dark Guard (uncredited)
Duncan JC Mais The Shadow (uncredited)
Max Manganello Duke's Warrior (uncredited)
Oliver Mayo Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Brendan McCoy Duke's Army Soldier (uncredited)
Duncan Meadows Woodsman (uncredited)
Esme Molly Village Child (uncredited)
Alex Moore Duke's Knight (uncredited)
Peter Jonathan Moore Duke's Army Warrior (uncredited)
Martin Polak Ravenna's Servant (uncredited)
Paradox Pollack Bat Faerie (uncredited)
John Robinson Bishop (uncredited)
Jd Roth-round Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Andrew Scott-Marshall Dukes Knight (uncredited)
David Speed Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Ryan Stuart Mercenary #3 (uncredited)
Vince Taylor Gort (uncredited)
Peter Theobalds Duke's Army Swordsman /Noble (uncredited)
Dominika van Santen Fenland Woman (uncredited)
David Verne Shadow Soldier (uncredited)
Daniel Westwood Special Action Soldier (uncredited)
Mitch Witham Duke's Army Soldier (uncredited)
Christian Wolf-La'Moy Ravenna's Archer (uncredited)
Kristen Stewart Snow White
Chris Hemsworth The Huntsman
Charlize Theron Ravenna
Sam Claflin William
Sam Spruell Finn
Ian McShane Beith
Bob Hoskins Muir
Ray Winstone Gort
Nick Frost Nion
Eddie Marsan Duir
Toby Jones Coll
Johnny Harris Quert
Brian Gleeson Gus
Vincent Regan Duke Hammond
Liberty Ross Snow White's Mother
Noah Huntley King Magnus
Chris Obi Mirror Man
Lily Cole Greta
Rachael Stirling Anna
Hattie Gotobed Lily
Raffey Cassidy Young Snow White
Xavier Atkins Young William
Anastasia Hille Ravenna's Mother
Izzy Meikle-Small Young Ravenna
Elliot Reeve Young Finn
Mark Wingett Thomas
Jamie Blackley Iain
Dave Legeno Broch
Matt Berry Percy
Greg Hicks Black Knight General
Peter Ferdinando Black Knight
Andrew Hawley Guard on Duty
Joey Ansah Aldan
Gregor Truter Duke's Commander
Tom Mullion Soldier
Julian Seager Woodsman (uncredited)
Paul Warren Emaciated Peasant (uncredited)
Edd Osmond Gort Dwarf Double
Charlie Akin Archer (uncredited)
Sam Allen Extra (uncredited)
Karen Anderson Muir Dwarf Double (uncredited)
Oliver Andrews-Waller Choir Boy /Emaciated Child (uncredited)
Lasco Atkins Palace Worker (uncredited)
Lee Bennett Dark Army Warrior (uncredited)
Jason Bostridge Duke's Army Soldier (uncredited)
Kenneth W Caravan Nobelman (uncredited)
Duncan Casey Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Lucy Chappell Prisoner Girl (uncredited)
James Cook Choir Monk /Dark Army (uncredited)
James Currie Ravenna's Personal Guard (uncredited)
Guinevere Edwards Extra (uncredited)
Bryony Francis Gypsy Villager (uncredited)
Jake Francis Ravenna's Archer (uncredited)
Mick Fryer-Kelsey Village Carpenter (uncredited)
Neve Gachev Fendland Woman (uncredited)
Craig Garner Coll Dwarf Double (uncredited)
Dylan Goodall Fairy (mocap) (uncredited)
Roman Green Village Peasant Amputee (uncredited)
Mark Haldor Duke's Army Soldier /Nobleman (uncredited)
Shawn Paul Hastings Snow White Guard (uncredited)
Matthew Hobbs Shadow Soldier (uncredited)
Matt Hookings Magnus Guard (uncredited)
Nick Horwood Duke's General (uncredited)
Kevin Hudson Archer (uncredited)
Leo Hunter Dark Army Soldier (uncredited)
Craig Izzard Duke's Army (uncredited)
Lee Edward Jones Quert Dwarf Double (uncredited)
Darren Kent Emaciated Peasant (uncredited)
Cameron Leese Nobleman (uncredited)
Hain MacSheoinin Dark Guard (uncredited)
Duncan JC Mais The Shadow (uncredited)
Max Manganello Duke's Warrior (uncredited)
Oliver Mayo Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Brendan McCoy Duke's Army Soldier (uncredited)
Duncan Meadows Woodsman (uncredited)
Esme Molly Village Child (uncredited)
Alex Moore Duke's Knight (uncredited)
Peter Jonathan Moore Duke's Army Warrior (uncredited)
Martin Polak Ravenna's Servant (uncredited)
Paradox Pollack Bat Faerie (uncredited)
John Robinson Bishop (uncredited)
Jd Roth-round Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Andrew Scott-Marshall Dukes Knight (uncredited)
David Speed Ravenna Guard (uncredited)
Ryan Stuart Mercenary #3 (uncredited)
Vince Taylor Gort (uncredited)
Peter Theobalds Duke's Army Swordsman /Noble (uncredited)
Dominika van Santen Fenland Woman (uncredited)
David Verne Shadow Soldier (uncredited)
Daniel Westwood Special Action Soldier (uncredited)
Mitch Witham Duke's Army Soldier (uncredited)
Christian Wolf-La'Moy Ravenna's Archer (uncredited)
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