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Black Storm


En une journée, la petite ville de Silverton est dévastée par une multitude de tornades sans précédent. Les habitants sont désormais à la merci de ces cyclones ravageurs et meurtriers, alors même que les météorologues annoncent que le pire est à venir…
Tandis que la plupart des gens cherchent un abri, d’autres se risquent à se rapprocher de l’œil du cyclone pour tenter d’immortaliser en photos cet événement exceptionnel.

Titre original : INTO THE STORM
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Drama
Durée : 1 h 29 minAnnée : 2014Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.78 : 1Sortie France : 2014-08-13Sortie US : 2014-08-08
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Into the Storm
Argentina - En el tornado
Australia - Into the Storm
Azerbaijan - Firtinaya Dogru
Belgium - Into the Storm
Brazil - No Olho do Tornado

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Bulgaria - В окото на бурята
Canada - Into the Storm
Canada - Dans la tempête
Chile - En el tornado
Croatia - Oluja stoljeca
Czech Republic - V oku tornáda
Denmark - Into the Storm
Finland - Myrskyn silmässä
France - Black Storm
Germany - Storm Hunters
Greece - Μέσα στον κυκλώνα
Hungary - A vihar magja
India - Into the Storm
India - Into the Storm
India - इन्टू द स्टॉर्म: एक तूफ़ानी हादसा
Israel - Be'tokh ha'soufa
Italy - Into the Storm
Japan - イントゥ・ザ・ストーム
Latvia - Pretī vētrai
Lithuania - Audros sūkuryje
Mexico - En el Tornado
Netherlands - Into the Storm
Peru - En el tornado
Philippines - Into the Storm
Poland - Epicentrum
Portugal - Dentro da Tempestade
Romania - În mijlocul furtunii
Russia - Навстречу шторму
Serbia - У срцу олује
Singapore - Into the Storm
Slovenia - V osrcju viharja
South Africa - Into the Storm
Spain - En el ojo de la tormenta
Spain - A l'ull de la tempesta
Sweden - Into the Storm
Taiwan - 直闖暴風圈
Thailand - Khot-Pha-Yu-Ma-Ha-Wi-Bat-Kin-Mueang
Turkey - Fırtınanın İçinde
Ukraine - Шторму назустріч
United Kingdom - Into the Storm
United States - Into the Storm
United States - Black Sky
United States - Category 6
United States - Untitled Steve Quale Tornado Thriller
Vietnam - Cuồng Phong Thịnh Nộ
Acteurs :
Kaitlyn (as Alycia Debnam Carey)
Principal Thomas Walker
Todd White
Studious Male
Ms McGee
Road Worker
Teacher (Mrs Blasky)
Cheerleader (as London Elise Moore)
Volunteer Fireman
Gary England
Don Lemon
Weather Anchor
News Anchor
Crying Woman
David Brody
Fireman (as Taras Michael Los)
Sheila O'Neil (uncredited)
Tornado Survivor (uncredited)
Teacher (uncredited)
Friend /Family (uncredited)
Graduating High School Student (uncredited)
Nerd (uncredited)
Teacher (uncredited)
Towns Person (uncredited)
Road Worker (uncredited)
Cell Phone Guy (uncredited)
Tornado Survivor (uncredited)
Brother of Graduate (uncredited)
Tornado Survivor (uncredited)
Sister of Graduate (uncredited)
Graduation Parent (uncredited)
Parent /Rescued Townsperson (uncredited)
Family of Graduate (uncredited)
Teacher /Fire Chief (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Tornado Survivor (uncredited)
Graduating Student (uncredited)
Tornado Survivor 1 (uncredited)
Parent (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
Townspeople (uncredited)
Teacher (uncredited)
High school student (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Town Person /Videographer (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Graduating High School Student (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
Sister of Graduate (uncredited)
Parent of Graduate (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Rescued Townsperson /Graduation Attendee (uncredited)
Friend (uncredited)
Stunts (uncredited)
Parent (uncredited)
Graduation Attendant (uncredited)
Blown Away Boy (uncredited)
High School Student /Graduate (uncredited)
Parent of Graduate (uncredited)
Parent /Survivor (uncredited)
Teacher (uncredited)
Graduating Student (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
Graduation Student (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Graduation Attendee (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
Parent /Towns Person (uncredited)
Graduating Student (uncredited)
Graduation Goer (uncredited)
Towns Person (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
High School Teacher (uncredited)
Suburban Resident (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Graduate Friend (uncredited)
Tornado Survivor (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Townsperson (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Parent of Student (uncredited)
Injured Parent (uncredited)
High School Student (uncredited)
Parent of Graduate (uncredited)
Farmer (uncredited)
Black Storm

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