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Big Fish

BIG FISH (2003)

L'histoire à la fois drôle et poignante d'Edward Bloom, un père débordant d'imagination, et de son fils William. Ce dernier retourne au domicile familial après l'avoir quitté longtemps auparavant, pour être au chevet de son père, atteint d'un cancer. Il souhaite mieux le connaître et découvrir ses secrets avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. L'aventure débutera lorsque William tentera de discerner le vrai du faux dans les propos de son père mourant.

Titre original : BIG FISH
Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Drama,Fantasy
Durée : 2 hs 5 minAnnée : 2003Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorSortie France : 2004-03-03Sortie US : 2004-01-09
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Big Fish
Argentina - El gran pez
Australia - Big Fish
Brazil - Peixe Grande(Alternative Title)
Brazil - Peixe Grande e suas Histórias Maravilhosas
Bulgaria - Голяма риба(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Big Fish
Canada - Big Fish: La légende du gros poisson
China - 大鱼
Colombia - El gran pez
Croatia - Krupna riba
Czech Republic - Velká ryba
Ecuador - El gran pez
Egypt - Big Fish
Estonia - Suur kala
Finland - Big Fish
France - Big Fish
Germany - Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht
Greece - Απίθανες ιστορίες
Hong Kong - Big Fish
Hungary - Nagy hal
India - Big Fish
India - बिग फिश
India - Periya Min
Indonesia - Big Fish
Iran - Mahi-ye Bozorg
Israel - Big Fish
Italy - Big Fish - Le storie di una vita incredibile
Japan - ビッグ・フィッシュ
Latvia - Lielā zivs
Lithuania - Mano gyvenimo žuvis
Mexico - El gran pez
Netherlands - Big Fish
Peru - El gran pez
Philippines - Big Fish
Poland - Duża ryba
Portugal - O Grande Peixe
Romania - Peștele cel Mare
Russia - Крупная рыба
Serbia - Крупна риба
Singapore - Big Fish
Slovakia - Velká ryba
Slovenia - Velika riba
South Africa - Big Fish
South Korea - 빅 피쉬
Spain - Big Fish
Spain - Big fish
Sweden - Big Fish
Taiwan - 大智若魚
Thailand - Big Fish
Turkey - Büyük Balık
Ukraine - Велика риба
United Kingdom - Big Fish
United States - Big Fish
United States - El gran pez
Vietnam - Cá Lớn
Acteurs :
Ed Bloom (young)
Ed Bloom (senior)
Will Bloom
Sandra Bloom (senior)
Jenny (young & senior) & The Witch
Sandra Bloom (young)
Dr Bennett (senior)
Karl the Giant
Don Price (age 18-22)
Beamen (as Loudon Wainwright)
Norther Winslow
Amos Calloway
Mr Soggybottom
Ed Bloom (age 10)
Jenny (age 8)
Will Bloom (age 6-8)
Ed's Father
Ed's Mother
Zacky Price (age 10) (as Zachary Gardner)
Don Price (age 12)
Wilbur (age 10)
Ruthie (age 8) (as Destiny Cyrus)
Little Brave
Will's Date
Pretty Girl
Little Girl
Banjo Man
Shotgun Toter
Some Farmer
Jump Leader
Chinese Emcee
Teller Woman
Piano Student
Heavy Set Nurse
Will's Son
Dr Bennett - Young
Lobster Woman
Side Show Barker
Econ Professor
Asian Officer (as Vincent Ybiernas)
Chicken Plant Operator
Municipal Dump Owner
Pretty Man (as Alan Rawlins)
Old Zacky
River Woman
Secretary (voice) (uncredited)
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)
Parade Spectator (uncredited)
Army Paratrooper (uncredited)
Big Butt Clown (uncredited)
Spontaneous Dancer (uncredited)
Little Girl (uncredited)
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)
Spectre Dancer (uncredited)
Army Officer (uncredited)
Funeral Attendee (uncredited)
'50s Farmer (uncredited)
Spectre's Dancing Girl (uncredited)
County Fair Patron (uncredited)
Circus Announcer /Contortionist /Korean Fighter (voice) (uncredited)
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)
Circus Patron (uncredited)
Misshaped Shadow in Circus Crowd (uncredited)
Mourner (uncredited)
Circus Worker John (uncredited)
Fat Man in Circus (uncredited)
College Student (uncredited)
Spectre Citizen (uncredited)
'70s Carnival Worker (uncredited)
Paratrooper (uncredited)
Townsperson with Bat (uncredited)
Circus Strongman (uncredited)

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