Benoît Lestang n'est plus...

Fidèle amateur du genre horrifique, on lui doit les maquillages de nombreux films du fantastique mad in france comme "BABY BLOOD" d'Alain Robak ou encore "LA CITE DES ENFANTS PERDUS" de Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
Véritable touche à tout, en 30 ans de métier, il fût acteur pour son pote Robak, producteur exécutif ou encore réalisateur. Souvenez-vous du clip atmosphérique "QI" pour Mylène Farmer...
Sa dernière folie en date fût "MARTYRS" de Pascal Laugier.
Comme vous pourrez le découvrir dans les jours à venir, Benoît nous a livré une interview forte intéressante il y'a de ça quelques jours où nous retracions avec lui sa remarquable carrière.
Une pensée à tous ses proches et fidèles amis du cinéma.
Source : Oh My Gore!
Attention, vous laissez des commentaires sur le film et non sur la critique ou le site.
Tout commentaire injurieux, raciste ou déplacé sera supprimé par la rédaction.
Je m'excuse que j'ecriverai en anglais, mais c'est plus facile pour moi et je veut envoyrer mes regrets sur les novelles terribles....
I am an anglophone Montreal journalist and publicist - as well as a former film publicist - who visited the set of Martyrs last summer for Fangoria magazine. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Parisien members of the cast and crew and they were all delightful, Pascale and Benoit prime among them. Fangoria assigned me a feature article on the career of Benoit and we went out for a wonderful dim sum lunch the day before he returned home. On New Year's Eve, December 31, 2007, in the early hours of the morning, we exchanged a flurry of e-mails regarding questions I had before I gave my story in to my editor. I still have these e-mails, which I kept because Ben was SUCH a special human being, kind, generous, talented and funny as hell. I really bonded with him and felt I had made a friend forever.
So, it is with a deep sadness - indeed, a sense of sorrow that will not depart - that I keep reading over and over again that this vibrant, vital young man is gone. I cannot believe it... and what is worse is not knowing what demons he was fighting that caused him to take his own life. Truly, I have not bene in touch with him for seven months, but he had so much to look forward to, including directing his own film.
If anyone wishes to correspond with me about him, feel free to e-mail me at I would be happy to discuss Benoit, the film industry or horror in general, anytime. And if anyone has connections to Ben's friends or family, please pass on my deepest sympathies.
By the way, the photo of Ben and one of his technicians applying makeup to the woman on the set of Martyrs, the one on this site accompanying the news of his passing, was taken by me. I have a few good shots of him, including one of him eating his first bite of dim sum with choptsicks.
My best to you all and may Benoit's soul be in a much better place. Please pray for us, Ben!
With heartfelt thoughts,
Bram Eisenthal
Je m'excuse que j'ecriverai en anglais, mais c'est plus facile pour moi et je veut envoyrer mes regrets sur les novelles terribles....
I am an anglophone Montreal journalist and publicist - as well as a former film publicist - who visited the set of Martyrs last summer for Fangoria magazine. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Parisien members of the cast and crew and they were all delightful, Pascale and Benoit prime among them. Fangoria assigned me a feature article on the career of Benoit and we went out for a wonderful dim sum lunch the day before he returned home. On New Year's Eve, December 31, 2007, in the early hours of the morning, we exchanged a flurry of e-mails regarding questions I had before I gave my story in to my editor. I still have these e-mails, which I kept because Ben was SUCH a special human being, kind, generous, talented and funny as hell. I really bonded with him and felt I had made a friend forever.
So, it is with a deep sadness - indeed, a sense of sorrow that will not depart - that I keep reading over and over again that this vibrant, vital young man is gone. I cannot believe it... and what is worse is not knowing what demons he was fighting that caused him to take his own life. Truly, I have not bene in touch with him for seven months, but he had so much to look forward to, including directing his own film.
If anyone wishes to correspond with me about him, feel free to e-mail me at I would be happy to discuss Benoit, the film industry or horror in general, anytime. And if anyone has connections to Ben's friends or family, please pass on my deepest sympathies.
By the way, the photo of Ben and one of his technicians applying makeup to the woman on the set of Martyrs, the one on this site accompanying the news of his passing, was taken by me. I have a few good shots of him, including one of him eating his first bite of dim sum with choptsicks.
My best to you all and may Benoit's soul be in a much better place. Please pray for us, Ben!
With heartfelt thoughts,
Bram Eisenthal
je reste choquée par sa disparition, d'ailleurs j'ai du mal a y croire. il va vraiment me manquer, notre relation était très particulère, presque d'un père a sa fille (je n'ai meme pas 20ans). il était adorable, gentil, perfectioniste, il était joyeux aussi, il parlait d' ne comprends vraiment pas. je ne comprends pas non plus pourquoi on ne parle pas plus de lui, il méritait la reconnaissance de tous, parce qu'il travaillait beaucoup (d'ailleurs, un peu trop?). J'aurai aimé lui dire un dernier "aurevoir", mais je ne sais pas quand sont ses obsèques, si elles sont déjà passées ou non, si quelqu'un le sait, je laisse mon adresse mail...s'il vous plait.
Quoi qu'il en soit, je n'admettrai surement jamais sa disparition...
Je suis extrêmement triste et choqué par cette nouvelle. J'avais vu Benoît et dîné avec lui lors du tournage parisien du prochain film de notre copain commun, Gabe Bartalos, et il était si joyeux et pleins de projets (il écrivait son premier film, venait de terminer son second court) qu'il m'est difficile et pénible d'imaginer qu'il n'est plus là.
Il va me manquer.
Je suis également choqué de constater que sa disparition ne fasse l'objet d'aucune news sur la plupart des sites de films. C'est une cruelle injustice (ou un impardonnable manque de professionnalisme).
Une perte immense... Un tres grand modele pour les maquilleurs Sfx... Repose en paix ... Tu resteras dans nos coeurs l'artiste...
Pensées pour Benoît Lestang que j'ai découvert, à travers le clip "Sans Contrefaçon" de Mylène Farmer, réalisé par Laurent Boutonnat. Il est le créateur de la poupée qui prend vie grâce à l'actrice Zouc sous les traits de Mylène Farmer. Poupée qui aura l'honneur de réapparaître sur la pochette de l'album "Ainsi soit je..." (en 1988).
C'est une perte douloureuse pour le cinéma de genre français.

Vraiment triste... Le ciné français perd encore un grand talent...
R.I.P l'artiste.

Whoua... Je sais pas quoi dire là...
Reposez en paix mr Lestang.