
-> Les films d'horreur, fantastique, SF...

Messagepar Dylan Bank » 16 Août 2005, 20:47

Hello, sorry to do this in English, but my name is Dylan Bank, and I'm a 26 year old director from Brooklyn. I just finished my first horror movie, a psychosexual thriller called NIGHTMARE. I raised the money myself and shot it on HD, and we just posted the trailer at our website

I invite all of you to check it out, and please tell me what you think, good or bad.

I went into NIGHTMARE to make the most intense, insane and surprising horror movie of all time, and now it is up to you to decide how much of my ambition got onscreen. Thank you, and I hope you take a look. (please forgive my english)
-Dylan Bank
Dylan Bank
Messages: 1
Inscription: 16 Août 2005, 20:43

Messagepar darquos » 16 Août 2005, 22:56

Hello ! Thx for the thread ! Your site is very original, congratulation ! I really not appreciate the trailer because i have a 128 K/s connection and it stop every 3 seconds... But pictures look's beautiful.
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Inscription: 18 Juin 2004, 21:45
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Messagepar Oh My Gore » 17 Août 2005, 07:46

Hi Dylan !

Thanx for registrering on the Oh My Gore ! message board !

I'm preparing the questions for Morgan & you.
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Oh My Gore
Messages: 7041
Inscription: 31 Octobre 2003, 23:32
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Messagepar Maniak » 17 Août 2005, 09:40

oh my god!!! The trailer is great!!!!! I particulary love the music!

I WANT SEE THIS MOVIE!!!! :woot: :woot:

Dylan Bank = the new De Palma ? :)
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Katana Orgy
Messages: 4755
Inscription: 17 Juin 2004, 12:02
Localisation: Vosges

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