-> Le metal à sa place dans le cinéma Gore !

Messagepar The Trooper » 28 Mai 2004, 06:45

CITATION ("Outlaw Order"]Pour les amateurs !! :wink: Avec des clip de Mojica Marins @ [B)
Jose Moral [/b]et Alex Chandon + Paul Naschy

"Finishing touches are now being put on both Necrophagia DVD releases. "Nightmare Scenarios" which features videos with Coffin Joe, Paul Naschy, Jose Moral and Alex Chandon, among others, and "NecroTorture/Sickcess" (NecroTorture) is a live performance filmed in Valencia Spain and Sickcess is a gore filled road movie directed by Fred Vogel and Killjoy (Both of which are involved in Toe Tag Pictures)The DVDs will be released before years end on Red Stream, Inc. Frediablo's design company "DiMida" designed the cover for "NecroTorture/Sickess" (as well as the upcoming Gorelord/Wurdulak DVD "Drunk, Decayed, and Damned")"

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The Trooper
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Messagepar Oh My Gore » 28 Mai 2004, 08:49

yep ! ca le fait ca ! j'avais déjà fait une news y'a pas mal de temps dessus sur OMG, y'a même un sketch tourné par Demon ! (le fils de Killjoy)
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Oh My Gore
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Messagepar Remy » 28 Mai 2004, 14:17

d'enfer!!!!!!!!!!! B)
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Ego Ego sum Sacerdos Lucifer
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